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There comes on furlough

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    This Russian song is the very delight! It was written by a Russian poet Viktor Bokov in 1957 and set to music in 1961 by a young guy from a Ryazan region`s village Alexandre Averkin when he was a soldier of the elite Taman Division. Eventually, this song made a young singer Lyudmila Zykina who performed the Russian folk music (a Russian country style) the international superstar. It was a cornerstone, a touchstone, to be short, a starting point of her further great career.

    I`ve enclosed three original records, a music video of 1961 https://youtu.be/BC9CUB0-plw, a fragment of the 1962 New Year TV Show https://youtu.be/CXg5h_lzG_A, a studio, orchestrated performance https://youtu.be/b2yIX77j5Y0
    The fourth is the cover of the song by a rock singer Alexandre Sklyar https://youtu.be/7mPRmN8suNI and his friends, St. Petersburg`s actors and artists from the Mitkis association. They have this song in their repertory! Wow!(Alex Sklyar`s companion is a Rusian film star Alexandre Bashirov, a drama actor of a rare talent!)

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Picture `A young seaman on furlough at his home village` by Vasiliy Shulzhenko (Moscow). All girls are of his! He`s a king in the
castle! Lucky man!

Lyrics by Viktor Bokov
Music Alexandre Averkin
Why the girls in our village
Are excited, who can suss?
Who made them get up so early,
Who made them make all that fuss?

There comes on furlough
A young sailor brave,
With medals decorated,
There are anchors on his straps.

Past the river over hillside
The girls caught him in the toils,
`Hi`, they greeted him l`in chorus,
Our bluejacket, welcome home.
He shook hands with all them,
He looked in their eyes,
One of them, most winsome,
Kissed not to entice.

Little by little he keeps resting
At his parents` home
All the girls to one keep jesting
If he`s got them somehow wrong.
But it`s not a matter
Of a dress and style.
He set his choice on no one
Though they stand in line.

He keeps kidding, folks are welcomed,
He sincerely reveals:
`Since the time I come back here,
I`ve been hearing the sea.
In the Sun of South
There`s the wide expanse
Where I`m awaited
By my sweetheart, friends.

Стихи Виктор Боков
Музыка Александр Аверкин
От чего у нас в поселке
У девчат переполох?
Кто их поднял спозаранок,
Кто их так встревожить мог?

На побывку едет
Молодой моряк.
Грудь его в медалях,
Ленты в якорях.

За рекой над косогором
Встали девушки гурьбой.
"Здравствуй, - все сказали хором, -
Черноморский наш герой!"
Каждой руку жмет он
И глядит в глаза,
А одна. смеется:
"Целовать нельзя!"

Полегоньку отдыхает
У родителей в дому.
Хором девушки вздыхают:
"Мы не нравимся ему!"
Ни при чем наряды,
Ни при чем фасон -
Ни в одну девчонку
Не влюбился он!

Ходит, шутит он со всеми,
Откровенно говорит:
"Как проснусь, тотчас же море
У меня в ушах шумит.
Где под солнцем юга
Ширь безбрежная,
Ждет меня подруга

Source: Русские советские песни (1917-1977). Сост. Н. Крюков и Я. Шведов. М., "Худож. лит.", 1977
(The Russian Soviet songs (1917-1977). Compiled by N. Kryukov and Ya. Shvedov, Moscow, `Khudozhestvennaya
Literatura` Publishing House, 1977).


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Young Lyudmila Averkina* and Alexandre Averkin in early 60s. They`ve become famous for the song. He as a composer
and she as a singer! Their longstanding artistic careers are still ahead! They hardly thought of this then. A pair of the
ordinary Soviet citizens.
*Sorry, Zykina - it was a Freudian slip of mine!

Вспоминается анекдот! Бабушка внучке: "У каждой девушки в жизни должна быть одна, но большая любовь!"
Внучка: "Бабушка, а у тебя такая была?" "Да!" "А какая?" "Моряки"

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Boatswain, right? A good pictorial joke by Marat Samsonov

Песня славная, что и говорить. Ессно, народ её, как и всякую шедевральную вещицу, маленько и переиначивал
бывало шутя. Пели, к примеру, "ПИСЬКА в якорях" и "На побывку едет молодой МАНЬЯК ..."(Надеюсь, что
только сексуальный, а не тот что с лобзиком!). Значит, запала в душу. Говно ведь обыкновенно никто не переделывает,
мараться просто не охота.

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A nice Russian country girl

Lyudmila Zykina in her young years! A typical Russian country girl. She was loved by the Russian emigrants in Paris
and by the Japanese audience. They used to call her `a giant lady with a big heart` in Japan. She wasn`t happy in her
private life. Once she wrote, `I had four husbands, and I loved none of them. Love is an enigma for me. I think I never
experienced love in my love, at least that great that I could feel that skies moaned!` The older she was getting the more
she wasn`t able to bear the undersized and frail men.
My friend Dr. Fun (Freud) thinks they were her subconscious choice. "Бывают в жизни злые шутки!" - сказал верзила

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The Russian Country Song Czarine. Look at her look! She seems to have noticed a male dwarf.

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Viktor Bokov, an oustanding Russian poet and lyricist for the Russian country (folk) music.He asked an unknown but
brilliant musician, a soldier of the Soviet Army, to compose music for his poem, and only won! They all won, the then
40 years old poet, 18 year old composer and singer whom he so generously gave their chance!

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An` this is the Taman Division logo! Taman Div do toho!
An Alexandre Averkin family photo album. He`s in his military uniform ... on furlough!

When Lyudmila was for the first time in India the Hindu fortune-teller informed her that her first husband was cheating
on her. As a consoltaion which came later on true was said that he had seen a star on her forehead, and she would be a
child of fortune (enfant gate de la fortune) as a creative personality!

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