Звездочкин Артемий Александрович : другие произведения.

The vanity fire

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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  The vanity fire
   Can one count how many times the Earth has span around the Sun since this story took place? I guess a damn lot. May be some smart scientist can figure out. How many times the snows passed away and poured down again, who can tell? The janitor service should know for they have their accounts. And this story happened not much long after the fascist bandits had occupied our home sweet home. Bandits they were and all trees hated them for it.
   Once in those times the Soviet sergeant Ivan Korzun was sent off the frontline to scout about of Nazis" whereabouts. He took up his well disguised position and prepared his well trained body for military job necessary. Soon after that he noticed through the glasses the ugly shapeless crowd of fascist bastards. Being disgusting they seemed to face mental difficulties with getting in straight line. Finally they managed to form a kind of curve and opened their bandits" eyes wide to listen up to their fascist leader. Unbearable it was for Korzun to watch the beasts pace up the native land.
   - May the stooped jackals eat away your faces. Every straw in this forest wishes you be screwing dead..
   He kept on scouting. The bandit officer showed up before the line prepared to speak out. Through optics Ivan could see a birch tree leaf fall down his military cap.
   - I"d like to suck his eyes out of sculp. But I"m a scout. My job"s to witness. Hard one.
   Suddenly he felt the wave of wind press down the trees. Sergeant looks up and what is on? Behind the clouds he sees the three sparkling angels, their faces gloomy. Abiding in Sky they throw sever glances. The sergeant tries to close up with glasses, falls down blindfold.
   - Looks damn much a big problem. The sky residents appeared to bless those fascist beasts? I feel like I"m losing my fundaments. Should I lead them into the setup? They must be taking bloody dogs for someone else.
   Then Korzun watches the angel stretch his blessing hand.
   - Oh nope! Please don"t you bless it for these born bloody fascists! Better let the swamps dissolve their curved bones! Let the forest fauna end up their corpse. No blessing for insane!
   The angel seems to not hear. Blindfold sergeant calls out in vain. Gradually, inch by inch the eyesight recovers. Now he can see his gun and the enemy squad far away. The fascist leader seems to finish up with his speech. Sunk in bestial pride he stretches out his arm in fascist greeting. What if the angels bless it? No way ever!
   - Don"t you ever do it you hear me? That"s gonna be the biggest mistake in your life! Stop this damn vanity firing!
   No one hears. Now that the sergeant can see, he climbs up the birch to cry out louder. Thus he becomes the live message. The message is of truth from here to upper creatures. The birch smells like the motherland.
   -The bastards are gonna kill me for it. My corpse gonna smell birch. They go to hell, fascists.
   Ivan keeps on climbing. He"s almost at top. The Nazi officer greets the roaring cattle. And angels, what do they do? One of them gets closer to the officer. Korzun sees the angel take out the big pliers.
   - What"s that for? Is it a magic instrument? Does it take doing it this damn strange way?
   The pliers click in the air. The angel casts the glance. The stretched arm looking vulgar.
   Khrum! The angel puts one on it, drags out the greeting claw. The Nazi officer disappointed, has no means to greet on. His peak cap falls down to ashes. His claw cut out screaming. Let his blood be warms" daily food. The cattle agitated, puzzled, messed up. Korzun feels relaxed, says to himself:
   - A miracle was done before my eyes. Despite I was blind now it"s all gone. Bows to You, Mighty Power for You"ve taken the misused thing out of the insane. Forgive my thinking You haven"t known things. Now I"m off for my bothers in arms.
   And Korzun gets off the birch.
   It"s been a long since all this happened to Ivan. Yet for now no one knows what response he"s received from upper beings. When he was back to squads he brought the officer"s claw and the birch leaf with him. The smell of birch juice kept spreading over the trench for three days. After the war finished he became a seeker for the deep knowledge and his traces disappeared in the Eternity.

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