Зеличенко Александр Леонидович : другие произведения.

Village detective

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  The news that one of the milk farms had loss of 67 cows reached Samson - local police"s Chief of Criminal Department when he was far away at the training session in Police Academy. He could barely catch the words "... they"ve been poisoned..., big scandal... " over the phone.
  It took three days to finish the study and get back. The area, mostly populated by ethnic Germans , was flooded by detectives from central headquarters and Frunze , shortly after even "sleuthhounds" from Moscow arrived - they were suspecting some kind of terrorism...
  Because of their metropolitan snobbery they did not mix with local cops, and right away started to examine the overseas leads which farm workers might have.
  "They are digging the wrong place", - briefed his subordinates Samson. "International saboteurs!? There is something different here. And obviously the poison used is not from CIA, it is a common rat poison sold in any veterinary drugstore".
  There was a rumor amongst local folk that the married farm boss had an affair with children"s day care nurse. They followed the lead and discovered that about two weeks ago the "lovers" being fed up with their uncertain relationship had split up after a wild brawl. So they decided to have a talk with the ex-mistress and went to children"s day care. Passing the changing room they noticed an open locker with the last name of the nurse. That was the locker of her daughter who forgot to close it before she went to sleep. Unintentionally they had a look inside, and amongst the other things there was a paper packet with the rat poison.
  All weeping, the rival confessed and told every details of "the terrorist attack"...
  Moscow guys even refused to have triumphal shots of vodka and promtly retreated back to Moscow.
  Alexander Zelichenko,
  Bishkek, January 2007
   1. During the WW II Stalin, suspecting that ethnic Germans lived in central parts of Russia could betray and defect to the enemy, had deported them to Central Asia.
   2. The capital city of Kyrgyzstan
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