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The salesman-hero. From the diary by Lena Likeeva

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    XXI. The salesman-hero. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - May 2, 2024.

  The salesman-hero. From the diary by Lena Likeeva.
  October 20, 2024, 17:15
  The sale of valerian tablets in my pharmacy has increased several times. My superiors praise me and they are interested in how this happens.
  I'll tell here about today's case.
  A young girl came to my pharmacy and asked for a sedative. She didn't look very good, although she was neatly dressed and had pleasant manners.
  She found information on the Internet (it is most likely someone's fiction), about pills with bamboo extract. Bamboo is a flexible plant. Bamboo bends, but does not break. And that's why bamboo pills are a good remedy for fatigue, and they are good for calming and for restoring strength.
  I think that bamboo pills is a fiction - like oak pills. Oak is also a strong tree (plant), but oak pills are not yet being produced, as far as I know.
  I offered her the remedies that are available in my pharmacy, and I asked her why she needed bamboo pills.
  She explained that she works in the Vorobey [Sparrow] chain of stores (prices are light as feathers). A customer comes into their store. He comes in quite rarely. And his age is very significant.
  One day he looked at her carefully and offered to treat her to sweets. She refused. This saved him time, as he did not have to go back for sweets.
  Many visitors cannot find enough money (in their pockets) to pay for the selected goods, so she drew attention to this visitor.
  The next time he went into their store, he asked "How is she feeling?".
  It seems to her that her life rhythms are gradually unbalancing, and she replied that she was very tired.
  He said that she need to do fitness. He tries to walk and to breathe fresh air regularly.
  She explained that she was studying to be an accountant. (It is clear to everyone that if a person is studying, then he needs means for life).
  "And what are the average salaries?" he asked.
  She replied that different people earn differently, but on average - several tens of thousands of rubles.
  The next time he came was today, - the day she visited my pharmacy.
  He said she looked tired. Would she like to keep him company during his walks? When you take care of your health together, you feel much better. And financial problems (if she walks in the fresh air, then she is not at the workplace - and the salary?) - they can be solved.
  She said that taking care of own health is a useful thing, especially when a financial situation allows to take care of own health.
  He asked when her work day was ending. She replied that in an hour. He clarified: when exactly? She replied.
  "Maybe I'll change my plans and come to the entrance of the store at this time?" - He suggested. "I'm finishing work in an hour," - she gave the answer.
  He paid for his purchases and left the store.
  An employee (salesman) works in their store - about the same age as her. He usually puts the goods on the shelves. The work is necessary, but not very heroic.
  During her conversation with the man who offered to take care of health, this salesman came closer, and he could listen to the conversation.
  Some time passed, the man apparently took a little walk, and he returned closer to the store, and stood in the shade of the trees opposite the entrance to the store.
  He stood looking at the passers-by and at the store. He was visible through the store window.
  At this time, the salesman, - who is busy arranging the goods on the shelves, - began to call somewhere. It turned out that he was calling the Central Office of the Vorobey [Sparrow] chain of stores.
  The salesman reported through the phone that a suspicious customer had been noticed, he was having some conversations with a girl-seller, and now he is located in front of the store and is trying to look inside the store through the window.
  This anxiety added both a vigilance and a heroism to the everyday work of the salesman.
  The Manager on Duty from the Central Office immediately arrived at the store by car.
  The girl-seller was a little scared, because the Manager on Duty from the Central Office is a big boss. Such people do not often come to their store. The Manager on Duty and the salesman looked through the store window at the male customer, said all sorts of words and called this man differently.
  The girl-seller was even more scared. If she look at it from their point of view, she was having conversations with a suspicious person, created a problem for the store.
  Other store employees began to join the vigilant salesman and the Manager on Duty. They also expressed their opinions.
  The girl-seller was even more scared.
  It seems that they wanted to let the girl-seller out of the store through an emergency exit (so that the man would not see her). They were making some other plans, too.
  At that moment, this man entered the store and approached the girl. He said that since her working day was ending, he wanted to find out what she liked to eat, he wanted to walk along the shelves and to select and purchase the appropriate food.
  The girl was very scared and began to refuse. Half a minute later, the Manager on Duty, the vigilant salesman and other male employees of the store approached the man from behind.
  The Manager on Duty said that he holds the appropriate position and he is ready to help.
  The man was surprised: "Do anybody really need help?"
  The girl said that she does not need any help at the moment.
  The man looked in surprise at the male team that came up from behind and said that he would like to buy the food that the girl likes. Whether the people (who came up to him from behind) want to buy such food for her? So, what kind of help can there be (on their part)?
  The Manager on Duty said in disappointment: "The buyer wants to give the girl a gift ..." and indifferently stepped aside.
  The girl was very scared. It is unknown how the meeting with the man would have ended after the end of her working day at the entrance to the store. And the working staff of the store (already) has a tense mood. And she is the reason for this. They even wanted to let her out through the emergency exit.
  She began to refuse both the purchase (by a man) of food that she likes, and the meeting (after the end of her working day at the entrance to the store).
  The man looked at the people who came up from behind and commented on the situation: "A complete changing of the environment!"
  The girl apologized to him several times.
  The man left the store and went on, according to his plans.
  It turned out awkwardly: he changed his plans, waited thirty or forty minutes. But if he hadn't gone into the store to buy food that the girl likes, and if she had been released through the emergency exit, then he would have waited even longer.
  All this situation scared the girl, the feeling of fatigue increased, she remembered about the bamboo pills she had read about on the Internet (an obvious fiction, in my opinion; why not the oak pills?), and she came to my pharmacy.
  As a result, I sold her several packs of valerian pills.
  The authorities of the pharmacy chain invited me to Central Office, I told them about my success in selling valerian pills. I didn't expect sales to go so well.
  { 21. Продавец-герой. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 2 мая 2024 г.
  XXI. The salesman-hero. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - May 2, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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