Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Увольнение из подземного супермаркета. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    14. Увольнение из подземного супермаркета. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 30 марта 2024 г.

  Dismissal from the underground supermarket. From the diary by Lena Likeeva.
  August 27, 2024, 20:55
  This diary still at me. And I will make recordings in it - until this diary returns to Dasha Lapteva.
  I've been going to the sports section since I was a kid - I've been playing badminton.
  My coach told me that a team is being formed for a trip to the sea coast. There will be trainings and competitions. He suggested that I go to the sea coast as part of a sports team.
  I refused at first.
  If one of the employees leaves our supermarket on the 5th underground floor, they are looked at her as at the not right person. The right people don't quit, they don't dismiss, they "create their future." That's what Marya Alekseevna says. After all, the longer you work in our supermarket on the 5th underground floor, the more experience you have, the more money you get every month. And nowadays, a stable, well-paid, reliable job is a very important thing.
  I decided to withstand the negative attitude of our working team towards me. I'm going to quit and to go to the sea coast as part of a sports team.
  If I will become an Olympic badminton champion, I will have a lot of money and I will have great prospects. I will be awarded at the most honorable places, treated with champagne and be applauded. I will be elected a deputy, they will show me on TV, I will driving a beautiful official car, and all my relatives and acquaintances will contact me with various requests. In particular, Marya Alekseevna will contact me with some problems. And then we'll see who and how "chose a reliable path in life."
  { 14. Увольнение из подземного супермаркета. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 30 марта 2024 г.
  XIV. Dismissal from the underground supermarket. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - March 30, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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