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A pharmacy on the border of the city. From the diary by Lena Likeeva

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    XVI. A pharmacy on the border of the city. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 1, 2024.

  A pharmacy on the border of the city. From the diary by Lena Likeeva.
  September 19, 2024, 12:15
  I've been at home for a few days now.
  I told almost everything to my mom. When she heard my story about the incident at sea coast, she became worried and she ran to the pharmacy where she works, she bought pills and brought them to me.
  I took a few pills to save my health.
  I can stay at home for a few days and I can not rush to go to work, since my mother receives both a large salary (every month) and a regular bonuses (an extra wages). We thought: in total, it turns out that she gets the most among everyone at the pharmacy.
  And I (her daughter) don't look like her, but rather, she (my mother) looks like me.
  At some point, she seemed to "stop." As a child and in her youth, she also, like me now, practiced badminton.
  She has a perfect physique. And she has the face of a girl, or a woman, between the ages of 20 and 30.
  Time passes, but her appearance does not change. She seemed "stopped" at the mark: "a young attractive woman."
  It's funny to me: What if I will be mistaken for a mother, and she will be mistaken for a daughter?
  Even before I left for the sea coast, a man came into the pharmacy, did some shopping, and said that she was probably doing yoga or jogging.
  And during my trip to the sea with the sports team, this man came in again, bought something, and he said that a turnstile and a paid entrance should be installed in their pharmacy, because the very sight of my mother heals visitors - without any medicines.
  My mother told all details about these cases, about these words, to the employees of the pharmacy. But no one said anything specific in response, probably, either they did not attach importance to these words, or they waited for the continuation, the developing of situation.
  My dad divorced my mom a long time ago, and he rarely comes to us. He says he has to see me (periodically).
  After his the arrival and departure, mom usually says that she has a very reliable job and a secure position at the pharmacy, that she is very appreciated.
  Sometimes it seems to me that I would like to work in such a job, although I don't know for sure.
  It is convenient that the pharmacy where she works is located next to our home.
  Time and money for trips across the city are saved. Taking public transport to the working place in the morning - it is a great exclusive pleasure.
  Sometimes, not very often, mom stays late at work. She comes after midnight. At the warehouse, which is located in another area of the city, they need her help during receiving the goods. She is being asked to help in this case. But every time, after midnight, she is transported by car right to our entrance and she receives an additional day off.
  The work in the warehouse is not particularly difficult. Mom doesn't look tired, she comes either in a cheerful or in a thoughtful mood.
  Somehow our troubles have appeared together: my troubles at the sea coast, and besides, my mother was transferred to a pharmacy on the border (on the edge) of our city.
  Now she needs to get up in two hours earlier so that she can to reach on time, by public transport, this distant pharmacy by the beginning of the working day.
  Whether the buyer (who offered to install a turnstile and a paid entrance) visited the pharmacy once more, and whether he said something else, mom does not know. The employees don't say anything about it, and it's inconvenient for mom to ask them about it. She jokes that only fugitives from Siberia enter the pharmacy on the edge of the city where she now works.
  We remembered that once, a long time ago, she had already been transferred to a pharmacy on the edge of the city, but then she was returned here, to the one which is next to our home. So we hope that in a month or two she will be working at the pharmacy next to our home again.
  I will have a rest for a few more days, after my trip to the sea coast. Thanks to my mother's salary, I can sit at home for a few days and think about what to do next.
  { 16. Аптека на краю города. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 1 апреля 2024 г.
  XVI. A pharmacy on the border of the city. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 1, 2024.
   Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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