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An unpleasant word. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    VII. An unpleasant word. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova. - March 28, 2024.

  An unpleasant word. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova.
  April 2, 2024 10:25
  Some unpleasant phenomena bother me.
  I consulted with our girls from the college dorm.
  They say, I need to visit a doctor.
  One of our girls recalled some cases. She said an unpleasant word. It was terrible for me to hear that word.
  Another girl saw me recently at youth evening with a group of guys from the Regional Law School. A "honor of the family" may be affected. She advises me to be careful. I could be in trouble.
  What should I do? It seems that I need to go somewhere - for at least six months, and maybe for a longer period of time. I'm going to borrow money and to pack my things. I'll call by phone my parents so they don't worry too much about me.
  {7. Неприятное слово. Из дневника Светы Дергаловой. - 28 марта 2024 г.
  VII. An unpleasant word. From the diary by Sveta Dergalova. - March 28, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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