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A departure from the rented apartment. From the diary by Anna Borsch

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    II. A departure from the rented apartment. From the diary by Anna Borsch. - March 27, 2024.

  A departure from the rented apartment. From the diary by Anna Borsch.
  March 27, 2024. 19:49.
  I got up in the morning. I decided to clean up the apartment. I found a plastic bottle, almost empty, with remnants of a transparent yellow liquid, with an unpleasant smell. I put it in a garbage bag and threw it away.
  After a while, the owner of the apartment, I rented, arrived, to know how I was getting settled.
  I told him that I had done a little cleaning, that I had thrown away an empty plastic bottle with liquid residues and with an unpleasant smell.
  The owner of the apartment became worried and he was shouting something loudly.
  He began to inspect the apartment.
  The owner of the apartment said that I had scratched the tiles in the bathroom, that he would have to put in new tiles, and that I had to pay for the damage caused. It turned out that I had to add double the amount to the rent. So I have to pay triple the monthly rent.
  I was afraid to argue. His face was very angry.
  He told me to prepare the money and he left, promising to return in two hours.
  I called Pavlik by phone.
  Dear Pavlik immediately came running.
  A girl, student, recently left their college dorm for family reasons. She left a pass and a student ID.
  I decided to leave this rented apartment immediately and to move into a college dorm.
  Pavlik's neighbor, guy, moved into the place of the girl-student who left. I moved onto the place of the Pavlik's neighbor.
  Now Pavlik and I live in the same room.
  If the evil owner of the rented apartment will try to harass me, to threaten me, I will complain about him and I will leave a review about him on the Internet site.
  The money I paid the owner of the rented apartment was gone. It's unpleasant. But I got into the college dorm for free thanks to the dear Pavlik.
  So it's all good.
  {2. Выезд из съемной квартиры. Из дневника Анны Борщ. - 27 марта 2024 г.
  II. A departure from the rented apartment. From the diary by Anna Borsch. - March 27, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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