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A beauty contest. From the diary by Lena Likeeva

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    XVIII. A beauty contest. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 2, 2024.

  A beauty contest. From the diary by Lena Likeeva.
  October 6, 2024, 21:13
  I have a notebook for courses and a ballpoint pen.
  My mother warned me that I would be given a document confirming my successful studies at the courses. She did the necessary conversations regarding the future good finish of my study at the courses. But I have to fulfill two conditions: go to all classes without skipping, to look at the lecturer and make notes in a notebook. If these two conditions are met, I am guaranteed to receive a document confirming the successful completion of the courses.
  Our courses' facilities are located in a large modern building. There are shops, business offices and something else here.
  Two days ago, when I was leaving the building after the lecture, a man walking next to me asked me: Are you probably the Miss Rostov?
  Although I smiled, I didn't turn my head towards him.
  I stopped at the exit and looked at what he would do. He went somewhere on foot.
  Today I heard his voice again: "At the beauty contest you were more attractive than all the other girls-participants!".
  It was nice to hear that. It is clear that I have not participated in any beauty contests, although I have good height, beautiful hair and figure. I turned my face to him and smiled. As if accidentally. But I didn't say anything.
  I paused at the exit again and watched what he would do. He went somewhere on foot again.
  I told my mom about these events tonight.
  She questioned me in detail about everything.
  "Serious people," she said, "don't walk (on foot), but they drive in modern, beautiful foreign cars. How can he help you to get a good job at a pharmacy? How can he support you such a way, - that you be able to receive a high salary and large regular bonuses? Will he be able to help you get an interest-free mortgage loan? But this is so important nowadays!"
  She remembered something, and her face became sad. She said:
  "When I married your father, he was constantly away from home. I worked as a cleaner, mopping floors in schools and kindergartens. What was I doing at home? I cooked food, did laundry, cleaned our home. After I divorced with your father, and after I got a job at a pharmacy, my life became easier and more pleasant. You will start working after the courses, and we will can think about getting an interest-free mortgage loan!"
  Indeed, even if this man - who was talking me about beauty contests - has serious intentions, it is better to work in a pharmacy than to go to a pharmacy with somebody.
  My mom has a lot of life experience, but in some matters she can't to look a few steps ahead.
  Why did she divorce my dad? He seems to be thoroughly insured. If anything happens to him, his official wife is entitled to a large payout. It"s possible to buy an apartment with that kind of money.
  I have good height, beautiful hair and a figure. I am not satisfied with the prospect of cooking, doing laundry, cleaning the home.
  If the man who talked about the beauty contest will say something once more, I'll pretend I don't hear him. And I won't look at him. Rather than visiting to the pharmacy with someone, it's better to be employed in a pharmacy.
  We need to look at things in a real manner. A lot of new phenomena now. It is important not to waste time. I need to act in several directions at once: to think about getting an interest-free mortgage loan (this is very important theme today) and about official relations with a serious well-insured person, so that in the event of his passing away, I could receive funds sufficient to purchase an apartment.
  I will regularly attend courses, I will hear the lecturer carefully and will make notes in a notebook.
  { 18. Конкурс красоты. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 2 апреля 2024 г.
  XVIII. A beauty contest. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 2, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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