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Vladimir Vysotsky's estate near Moscow. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDCXXII. Vladimir Vysotsky's estate near Moscow. A story. - February 27, 2025.

  Vladimir Vysotsky's estate near Moscow. A story.
  A Friday, afternoon. A meeting of the Politburo.
  The Chairman:
  - The final question of our meeting today is the film about Vysotsky's estate near Moscow, 'Vysotsky. Goodbye, Zamoskvoretskaya bratva.' The floor is given to the Minister of Subculture, Comrade Banichev. ['Vysotsky. Goodbye, brothers out of Zamoskvorechye.' Zamoskvorechye is a part of Moscow adjacent to the Moskva River.]
  Minister of Subculture:
  - Comrades, members of the Politburo, we must review and approve (or reject) the film script about Vysotsky's estate near Moscow, 'Vysotsky. Goodbye, Zamoskvoretskaya bratva.'
  I briefly outline the content of the movie script.
  Vysotsky uses his income from concert activities to purchase a cooperative apartment in Moscow. The view from the window is unsightly. Noise and smells come from the neighboring dormitory.
  He is invited to visit by a well-known internationalist, a great friend of the Soviet Union, Comrade B.
  Comrade B. purchased from the famous woman-singer for 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles a huge plot of land in the Moscow region, on the site there is a huge house-terem in the Old Russian style.
  One of Vysotsky's casual companions asks: "You, Vladimir Semyonovich, seems, have a much more beautiful dacha?"
  Vysotsky and French citizen M. Vlady begin searching for a country house for Vysotsky.
  Vysotsky's wife M. Vlady, as a foreign citizen, is forbidden to travel more than a set number of kilometers from Moscow. In the territory of the Moscow region (allowed to M. Vlady for living in USSR), there are no houses suitable for Vysotsky in terms of price and or of comfort.
  At one of the friendly parties (held at dacha of friend E., near Moscow), this friend of Vysotsky's offers Vysotsky to build a house on a friend's spacious plot of land. It is obvious to anyone that a separate (additional) entrance will be made on that land plot - to Vysotsky's new country house; during the construction of the new house, workers and equipment will enter the site - to the place of construction process - from all possible directions; the place of construction process will be fenced - to not make a harm to the rest part of estate of friend E. (so that the rest estate of friend E. not be harmed).
  Officially (for "cover") it will be a construction of building for the literary archive of this friend E.
  Further, the film material is presented in the style of "accelerated shooting". The foundation of the house - Vysotsky's concerts - walls and interior "stuffing" - Vysotsky's concerts - roof - Vysotsky's concerts...
  French citizen M. Vlady is buying furniture and interior items for a new country house at a Christmas sale in London. Vysotsky's friend, the captain of a cargo ship, delivers the purchased items from London to the USSR.
  The construction of Vysotsky's country house is finishing in the period 1979-1980.
  A movie camera captures the built house from different sides, it shows for spectators the (inner) interior of new house.
  In one of the episodes, Vysotsky's administrator mentions Vysotsky's total cost of building his country house: forty thousand rubles.
  The wife of a friend of E., on whose plot the house is built, offers French citizen M. Vlady: "Marinochka, I ask to warn me every time before each arrival so that I open the gates."
  Vysotsky and his company are going to their country house, he offers M. Vlady to drive with them. She says she's busy with other things.
  Vysotsky drives up to his new house. He stops in front of a closed gate - he needs to ask the wife of his friend E. to open the gate - his face turns black, he tells his company something unpleasant about the built (new) country house.
  The film ends with an epilogue: the deputy editor of the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda sings Vysotsky's songs to the guitar and prepares a journalistic project about the fate of Vysotsky's country house.
  That is the script of the film, comrades. Please approve or reject.
  The Chairman:
  - What are your opinions, comrades?
  - It's possible to take it as a basis.
  - To approve - as a whole.
  - Consider it possible to continue working on the script.
  The Chairman:
  - Taken as a basis. I ask you, comrades, to go to the cinema hall for a watching the movie made according to the presented scenario.
  An hour and a half later, in the Politburo meeting room. (After watching the movie 'Vysotsky. Goodbye, Zamoskvoretskaya bratva" - and after five minutes of a tea with sweet rolls).
  The Chairman:
  - What will be your opinion, comrades?
  - Aren't we going to pour water into Solzhenitsyn's mill? He bought a huge estate in the USA and built a colossal house!
  The Chairman:
  - Our Soviet people are engaged in communist construction, they are not interested in the foreign life of former Soviet citizen Solzhenitsyn, no one compares the country houses of Solzhenitsyn and Vysotsky. We will not attach importance to this aspect, comrades. What other opinions will there be?
  - To show the role of the Communist Party, the Leninist Politburo, and the Soviet Government more prominently!
  - To give, to add, briefly, footage: our Komsomol members are singing to the guitar next the tent on BAM [The Baikal-Amur Mainline]!
  - Our construction workers listen to patriotic music during the construction of a hospital for Dehkans in Afghanistan!
  The Chairman:
  - Correct remarks. These are the correct additions. There are no comments on the script as a whole. So, we approve. We instruct the Committee on State Prizes to award the USSR State Prize in 1988. Do you agree, comrades?
  No one objects.
  The Chairman:
  - All the issues on our agenda have been considered for today. I wish you, comrades, to have a good weekend. I ask all members and candidates of the Politburo to read the dialectical materialist work by Friedrich Engels 'Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy.' I ask the Minister of Subculture to consider the preparation of a film about the work of citizen Tarkovsky. Submit such script to the Politburo for consideration. That's all for today. Thank you for your work, comrades. [Andrei Tarkovsky, a film director and screenwriter]
  The participants of the Politburo meeting head to their personal cars and go to their dachas.
  February 27, 2025 00:21
  Translation from Russian into English: February 27, 2025 09:36
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Подмосковное поместье Владимира Высоцкого. Рассказ. '.
  { 3651. Подмосковное поместье Владимира Высоцкого. Рассказ. - 27 февраля 2025 г.
  MMMDCXXII. Vladimir Vysotsky's estate near Moscow. A story. - February 27, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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