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Urgent financing for the cultural project "Sergei Yesenin". A culturological sketch

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    MMMCDLXXIII. Urgent financing for the cultural project "Sergei Yesenin". A culturological sketch. - March 31, 2024.

  Urgent financing for the cultural project "Sergei Yesenin". A culturological sketch.
  - Gentlemen, next month we will all have no wages. The money ran out. I'm going to visit the Ministry. I ask you to tell me what I should talk about with the Minister.
  - They do not give money, because Yesenin wrote that he "revealed... bravery - he was the first deserter in the country!" And now, for such statements, they can take away a desk, a notebook and a ballpoint pen!
  A general noise.
  - There is no need to talk about it! Why we need mention it?
  - Do you remember what he said about the Overseas Power?
  - "The Country of Scoundrels" ("Land of Scoundrels")!
  - Allow me to speak out, gentlemen! Won't we expose ourselves? If he visited 14 states, whether was he interested in something? If there are only scoundrels there, then why did he travel there? This is a "slippery" question.
  "Oh! These Americans...
  they are indestructible moths.
  He's in rags today,
  And tomorrow is the golden king."
  An incomprehensible silence.
  - The ambiguous thought, a double Idea...
  - And Nicholas Roerich spoke about the Overseas Power: they insist: "there is a lack of spirituality, a lack of spirituality," and as soon as the exhibition opens, a queue immediately lines up. And all the art schools are full. Great interest in culture and art!
  A general noise.
  - Why should we remember Roerich? It is necessary to take the words about the "stock exchange sewer" from "The Country of Scoundrels" ("Land of Scoundrels"), and that's enough!
  - And the victory of the Great Ross? After all, this is our main "plaing card".
  "The question has not yet died out,
  Who exactly will lie down during the fight among us.
  Ambitious Ross
  He won't sell his homeland.
  The spirit of internationalism
  Is rushing into his trouble."
  A general silence.
  - Yes, it can be mentioned, but not to remember how and why Yesenin came to the end of his life.
  - We need a positive program! Indian students really like Yesenin's words about "cow's eyes".
  - That's right! Right! Now we rely on Asia, on the countries of the global majority! It is necessary to remember about the "cow's eyes". "Eyes are sadder than a cow's."
  - It is not necessary to quote. And do not forget that Yesenin visited the city of Ilovaysk! And we've been lecturing there and we'll be lecturing there!
  - We will definitely be there. And we will certainly mention this in the radio program.
  - And when is our performance on the radio?
  - Tomorrow!
  - Before the visiting the Ministry?
  - Yes!
  - That's good!
  - Yesenin has an impact not only on Asian countries, but also on Western countries. One of the researchers of Yesenin's work, a resident of a Western country, transferred us own archive, and we publish his materials in our journal "Yesenin Studies". The magazine has been published for several decades, and the materials are not over.
  - And this despite the fact that Yesenin's life was very short. He lived in this world for only 30 years.
  - Gentlemen, we agreed not to mention the circumstances of Yesenin's sad passing from life, and, in general, the sad details of his life.
  - Let's print a poster with the image of Sergei Yesenin, with his words "...I was the first deserter in the country!" and let's take these posters to our lectures.
  - Stop your vulgar and inappropriate jokes. When we get the money, then maybe we'll joke.
  "...a steel enema
  We will put (into) the country..."
  - All right, gentlemen! Overseas Power ("scoundrels"), India ("cow's eyes"), a researcher from a Western country who gave us his archive materials, which we publish in our journal... And most importantly: Yesenin's visit to Ilovaysk! Our lectures!
  - Yes! A visit to Ilovaysk. It is necessary to mention this now. What do modern cultural figures do? And Yesenin visited Ilovaysk before them!
  - It seems that our position has been determined. I'm going to the radio station tomorrow. The day after tomorrow - to the Minister.
  - Wish you success! We are waiting for the result! I haven't eaten a good sausage for a long time!
  - Thank you, friends, for the points of view expressed, for your help in an important matter, before an important visit to the Ministry. You know, the Russian literature - they aren't able to ban her, they can't cancel her!
  March 31, 2024 07:38
  Translation from Russian into English: March 31, 2024 18:43
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Срочное финансирование для культурного проекта "Сергей Есенин". Культурологический скетч ".
  {3502. Срочное финансирование для культурного проекта "Сергей Есенин". Культурологический скетч. - 31 марта 2024 г.
  MMMCDLXXIII. Urgent financing for the cultural project "Sergei Yesenin". A culturological sketch. - March 31, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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