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Two new geopolitical factors influencing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland. An essay by a political-science volunteer

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    MMMDCVI. Two new geopolitical factors influencing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland. An essay by a political-science volunteer. - January 22, 2025.

  Two new geopolitical factors influencing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland. An essay by a political-science volunteer.
  Three years ago, few people could have imagined that there would be a question about the new status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland.
  But the year 2022 has arrived. New territories (new subjects of federation) were upconnected.
  Various factors affect the stability of state borders and of the status of territories (on a global scale).
  Let's consider two factors (and identify two groups of states).
  The first factor is the (common) approval (acceptance) of the principle of variability of the status of territories and of state borders (on a global scale).
  The first group of countries is countries that approve or favorably allow the possibility of changing state borders and the status of territories.
  Such countries are potential supporters (or benevolent observers) of considering changing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland.
  So, the (first) significant factor to the consideration of changing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland, - is the factor of the "parallel political vector" of a number of states.
  The second factor is a change in the geopolitical balance. Many countries used the "balance of power (balance of forces)" directly or indirectly. The balance of power (balance of forces) that developed after the Second World War ensured more or less stable state borders (on a global scale).
  After 2022-2025 the balance of power (balance of forces) began to change markedly.
  The second group of countries is countries that do not approve or are neutrally-negative about the possibility of changing state borders and the status of territories.
  Such countries are forced to take into account the changing "balance of power (balance of forces)."
  A (second) significant factor that contributes to the consideration of changing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland, - is a factor in changing the "balance of power (balance of forces)". Such factor influences those countries that do not approve or treat neutrally-negatively the possibility of changing state borders and the status of territories.
  (The change in the "balance of power (balance of forces)" simultaneously affects the "first group" of countries - supporters (or benevolent observers) of changes in state borders and the status of territories).
  Therefore, it can be stated that in the period 2022-2025, two factors appeared that made it possible to raise questions about changing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland.
  January 22, 2025 11:50
  Translation from Russian into English: January 22, 2025 12:36
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Два новых геополитических фактора для статуса Панамского канала и Гренландии. Очерк политологического волонтёра. '.
  { 3635. Два новых геополитических фактора для статуса Панамского канала и Гренландии. Очерк политологического волонтёра. - 22 января 2025 г.
  MMMDCVI. Two new geopolitical factors influencing the status of the Panama Canal and of the Greenland. An essay by a political-science volunteer. - January 22, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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