Аннотация: MMMDCXXIII. The Writers' Union announces new elections of own leadership. A story. - February 28, 2025.
The Writers' Union announces new elections of own leadership. A story.
Lev Nikolaevich was recently awarded. There was - always - a reward on his jacket now.
Today will be the elections of the Writers' Union leadership. Election of new Board members and election of Chairman of the Union. (The Chairman will be chosen by the new Board).
He didn't sleep well at night. Lev Nikolaevich took a book with works by Alexander Fadeyev from the bookshelf. In addition to the 'Molodaya Gvardiya' ('The Young Guard'), the book contains a biography of Fadeyev.
Lev Nikolaevich was reading about the heroism of the youth - members of "The Young Guard" - after the discovery of the underground organization by the Nazis. Then he leafed through the biography of Fadeyev.
The morning has come. Elections.
Lev Nikolaevich put himself in order and went outdoors for a morning walk. Alexander Sergeyevich (a comrade and friend on daring expeditions and literary projects) lives in the neighboring block.
Alexander Sergeyevich was known for his freedom-loving spirit. He even prepared a freedom-loving diaries (after his long expeditions in Southern Russia) for publishing. With the help of a general he knew, he visited Novorossiya and the famous Fortensia during the most intense days.
These diaries caused considerable excitement in the literary world, and it is very likely that Alexander Sergeyevich will join the Board of the Writers' Union.
Dangerous expeditions developed Alexander Sergeyevich's powers of observation. For a week now, a black super-modern car had been parked in front of the neighboring entrance of a multi-storey building, next to which two giants of a specific kind (look) were talking.
Yesterday, one of the giants, carried away by a conversation on his cell phone, had crossed a road right in front of Alexander Sergeyevich -when Alexander Sergeyevich, returning his home, came up the entrance.
Early this morning, Alexander Sergeyevich went to the store (working around the clock) to buy milk for his little daughter. A black super-modern car and two giants were in their original location.
And a fortune teller, during Alexander Sergeyevich's trip to St. Petersburg, advised him to be wary of a large black bird.
Alexander Sergeyevich returned to his apartment. He looked at his young wife and at his little daughter. "How will they be... if something will happen?"
- 'Natasha, don't go outdoors today. You will go for a walk with Lena tomorrow,' Alexander Sergeyevich told his young wife. - 'I will go now on a trip - over (across) a line, the guys from the 'Gyrfalcon' phoned me. It's an urgent matter.'
- 'And the today's elections?'
- 'What 'elections'? They will choose... They have a possibility to elect...'.
Alexander Sergeyevich picked up a hiking bag (backpack), always ready for dangerous expeditions, and left the apartment. "Don't forget, Natasha,: you'll go for a walk with Lenochka only tomorrow! Stay at home today!"
Lev Nikolaevich, during his morning walk, decided to visit his comrade and friend Alexander Sergeyevich. "With a Kodak and with a Macintosh, and sometimes with a Makarov...", the legendary journalistic song came to his mind.
Natalya Nikolaevna (the wife of Alexander Sergeyevich) opened the door:
- " Sasha left to the guys ... the guys from the 'Gyrfalcon' phoned him. An urgent matter ...".
- 'And the elections? Of the board? Of the Chairman?'
- 'He said: "They will choose..." "They have a possibility to elect..."'.
Lev Nikolaevich took out his phone and dialed Alexander Sergeyevich's number. No connection.
- "He probably forgot to recharge the battery," Natalia Nikolaevna suggested.
Lev Nikolaevich returned to his home.
The doorbell rings.
Fyodor Mikhailovich came in, a house neighbor, who specializes in literary criticism and in moral essays.
Lev Nikolaevich invited Fyodor Mikhailovich to his office - to the writer's room:
- 'Well, Fyodor Mikhailovich, what are your plans?'
- 'I was accepted as an applicant for the (Faculty's) Department of Literary Criticism at the Writers' Institute. In six months, I will "pass" the Department, then the Council, the voting, the awarding me the academic degree of candidate of literary studies, little later - the Higher Attestation Commission will be, and - the position of head of the literary criticism section. At last, our Writers' Union is reaching a new level! ... - Fyodor Mikhailovich reported cheerfully.'
Lev Nikolaevich looked at Fyodor Mikhailovich with interest.
Lev Nikolaevich's wife's voice came from behind the office door: "Lyova, I'm sorry! Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Lev Nikolaevich left his office, leaving Fyodor Mikhailovich in it.
- 'Lyova! The car dealer called: Are we buying a new car or not? The director of the construction company reminded us on the phone: we have to make the next payment under the contract - for the renovation of our country house! Money are needed, Lyova!'
- "All will be right, Sonya... don't worry...'.
Lev Nikolaevich returned to his office. Fyodor Mikhailovich was in front of the stand with Lev Nikolaevich's awards.
A short glance at the stand. Everything is in place.
- 'Fyodor! I don't feel myself very well, I have either a cold or the flu. Who needs it - the infecting from me of our engineers of human souls? Why don't I write a statement delegating my vote to you - in the elections of the Board and of the Chairman? You don't mind?'
- 'I don't mind. But does it comply with the Writers Union's Charter?'
- "Who will express objections?"
- "Nobody."
Lev Nikolaevich sat down at the writing desk and quickly wrote a statement.
He took a beautiful folder from the closet, put his statement in a folder and handed the folder to Fyodor Mikhailovich.
- 'Wait, I'll make a call to Nikolai Vasilyevich now. He will be the chairman of the accounting commission. I'll warn him that I delegated my vote to you.'
A phone call to Nikolai Vasilyevich.
Handshake. Fyodor Mikhailovich left the apartment.
Lev Nikolaevich lay down on the writer's sofa. After a second he got up, put the book by Alexander Fadeyev and about Alexander Fadeyev back on the bookshelf, and took down Mikhail Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" from the shelf.
Lev Nikolaevich again lay down on the sofa and began slowly turning over the pages.
February 28, 2025 08:10
Translation from Russian into English: February 28, 2025 23:56
Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Выборы в Союзе писателей. Рассказ. '.
{ 3652. Выборы в Союзе писателей. Рассказ. - 28 февраля 2025 г.
MMMDCXXIII. The Writers' Union announces new elections of own leadership. A story. - February 28, 2025.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}