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The New Story of the ancient Triumvirate

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    The New Story of the ancient Triumvirate

  The New Story of the ancient Triumvirate
  - Caesar has just returned from Hispania as a Praetor. At the walls of Rome, he had to choose between the triumph he hoped for and the Consulate.
  From the senate sounds were distributed: ""It is the best of all for it to head some settlement now. On the settlement he will learn to operate the territory, and it means - to be engaged in heat supply, gardening, water supply, water disposal, that is those things which are called life support. If at him it turns out, then and to rule an area. And after that population can him lift up on the consul's post. Then it will be very correct. It will turn out - I will be the first who will shake hands with him and will tell the kindest words. It won't turn out - means he have chosen not the right road"".
  The exact date of creation of the Triumvirate is unknown that is a consequence of his secret character.
  During the election period Pompey and Crassus supported Caesar separately, and in General reconciliation of old opponents was a difficult task and ended only by 59 BC.
  - What happened next?
  - In the 53rd year BC the Triumvirate has stopped the existence. Read Wikipedia. The Historical literature is at your disposal. News are interesting too.
  November 3, 2018 09:02
  Translation from Russian into English: November 3, 2018 09:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Новая история античного триумвирата".
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