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The movement before and after 30. A drawing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXVI. The movement before and after 30. A drawing. - July 12, 2024.

  The movement before and after 30. A drawing.
  Early morning. The thermometer outside the window shows plus 25 degrees Celsius.
  Today is Saturday.
  If I combine 25 degrees and the weekend factor, then I can direct efforts to doing a cycling walk.
  Before the cycling walk, to fresh myself.
  Here I am on a bike.
  I meet noticeably more people than in the period when it was plus 40 degrees.
  Two people on bicycles. About six jogging enthusiasts and fifteen supporters of hiking.
  On the reservoir, I can see: a boat on oars with nine passengers of both sexes (it is unclear what they are doing), sometimes I see movement with one oar); one kayak with one athlete, who honestly moving along the water surface.
  Birds are flying.
  Three streams are directed at me. Firstly, there is a good natural wind, secondly, an oncoming air flow (towards a moving bicycle), and thirdly, a thermal energy flow from the morning Sun.
  Gradually, the body gets used to the bike and to the movement.
  The bike is of a fairly simple design. But there is something like excitement, there is a desire to increase and to increase the speed.
  Is this a warning? There is a barely noticeable trace of a bicycle star on the trousers (it's my own fault, I could to tuck the right trouser leg into the sock).
  Great views.
  I am completing the distance of 6 kilometers. It's plus 31 degrees on the electronic scoreboard.
  In the coolness of the store, my movement slows down. I'm standing in front of a shelf with drinks, trying to find the right pomegranate juice. But there is no such juice here.
  I walk slowly along the shelves and find three pomegranates. In a sense, it's better than pomegranate juice.
  I'm looking at the shelves with milk products.
  I go to the cash register. My movement practically stops here. Three actors rush from the rack with hot drinks to the cash register against my direction (to get ahead of me). In the hands of each (males and female) from one to three bottles. All the bottles that I have managed to examine are with white (transparent) content. One bottle, it seems, with something of a brownish hue.
  I'm leaving the store. The Sun gives warmth, even heat. The tempreture at the street is clearly above 30.
  This morning's coolness is over. I remember the coolness of the light wind, blowing from different directions and the tangible heat flow coming from the rising Sun.
  I drove the same distance as last time (6 kilometers) today in 28 minutes - that is, 5 minutes faster than last time.
  July 12, 2024 09:07
  Translation from Russian into English: July 12, 2024 09:59
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Движение до и после 30. Зарисовка ".
  { 3545. Движение до и после 30. Зарисовка. - 12 июля 2024 г.
  MMMDXVI. The movement before and after 30. A drawing. - July 12, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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