Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The intellectual media loans. The express sketch

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    The intellectual media loans. The express sketch.

  The intellectual media loans. The express sketch.
  Sergey Sergeevich drew attention to a sequence of thematic 'coincidences'.
  There was a publication on the Internet, the center of which was the citation of the Bible. - On the known radio station in broadcasts began the citation of the Bible.
  There was a publication that said that the participants of the events of 1917 in Russia became not rebels, but winners. But, if the monarchy saved a power in 1917, they would have been punished, and no one was surprised. But when unpleasant events reached them in 1937, they were amazed - "after all, we were among the winners".
  Just the next day, one of the honest commentators ('This is my country! I'm a patriot! Don't pay attention to a summer cottage in Italy!') issued the all these logical chain on the air - on a paid basis ("The Italian cottage should be kept!". "A taxes and utility payments must be paid!") and without mentioning the original source.
  Sergey Sergeevich was sighing, with understanding. No one, after all, has a monopoly on a quoting and on a mentioning the Bible, and on a reasoning about the events of 1917 and 1937.
  Although, somehow all it coincides in time. The thematic the following (of) (after) the original source...
  And here on February 27, 2020 Sergey Sergeevich reads on the Internet two absolutely fresh works on the topic of projects of the future ("People without a projects of a future. A historical treatise", "The Restoration of the East-Republican State. The historical treatise").
  And what-? He starts listening to the news on February 28, 2020 - at 08-30 Moscow time.
  He does not have time to turn off the radio, when the participants in the broadcast, which continued after the release of news, begin to talk about projects of the future.
  It's a quite obvious situation!
  Guys! Is it a time not only to make, to take the intellectual media loans, but also to repay the debts?!
  February 28, 2020 09:07 (Moscow time).
  Translation from Russian into English: February 28, 2020 09:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Интеллектуальные медиа-займы. Экспресс-скетч'.
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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