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The "Fantomases" and the historian

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    The "Fantomases" and the historian

  The "Fantomases" and the historian
  In the years 1968-1973 in the city of Rostov-on-Don, a gang of 'Fantomases' functioned (and, this gang was caught).
  What was the peculiarity of the 'Fantomases'? They showed an unusual intellectual level!
  They were involved in a crime planning and a timekeeping. One of the gang members had extraordinary inventive abilities - he designed and manufactured at one of the Rostov factories original automatic weapons. There was a legend about the gang's intention to make a helicopter for an air raids.
  It would seem - why the people with such abilities to engage in robberies?
  Can't they use their abilities for the good of society and make money legally - with their intelligence?
  In the mid-60s of the 20th century, something changed, subtly, in the Soviet society...
  Since then, there has been a constant downward trend.
  You begin to think about unusual abilities and their effective use after reading an interview with one of the mistresses of the historian-reconstructor (reenactor). The interview was posted recently on one of the St. Petersburg media sites.
  Participant interview "glorified" herself by a fact that she sent an official statement about the criminal case on the fact of her torture. So she became known.
  The interview itself is interesting because it opens the veil over the relationship between the historian and his mistresses, over some characteristics of the personality of the "hero".
  She grew up in a traditional family with traditional values. Disorder of personal (family) relations of the historian directed her to completion of the relations.
  The girl does not deny the abilities of the historian. She admits that communication with him developed her.
  He seems to be a man of knowledge. He seems to have a lot of connections. There were frequent trips to France.... In France they even offered her a job...
  But interestingly her remark - and who from number of "his women" defended a thesis (a dissertation)?
  At this logical point, we digress from the interview and we are remembering up. The historian - only a candidate of Sciences, an associate Professor.
  How could he help someone to defend a thesis (a dissertation)?
  That is, there are rare exceptions - candidates of science contribute to a defense of a dissertation in some forms. But a general practice is that a doctor of sciences patronizes a defense of a thesis.
  The famous historian, the author of many scientific works, a specialist recognized abroad, did not have a real opportunity to get a doctor of science degree!
  "Yes!",- any layman will tell. - "But a doctorate, a degree of a doctor of science it's - it's - Oh! Oh!'
  It remains only to recall about the reports of "Dissernet" and about those people who received the degrees of doctor of science, just rewriting someone else's works.
  It turns out that a deal is not in the mysterious "height" of the degree of doctor of sciences, but in a mechanisms, in a algorithms, in a "secrets'...
  So, we see an energetic and capable person, a historian, the author of many published works, who does not have the opportunity to increase his scientific status.
  And this situation is paradoxical - since other human representatives, not having any scientific knowledge, become holders of various scientific degrees. What are they good at? In a matter of "sycophancy", "adulation"?, in a tribute? In what?
  The historian was not opposed to flatter - if you believe the situation with a phone prankster. Certainly he was ready on reasonable monetary costs...
  So, for a number of reasons, the movement up the "scientific line" for the historian is blocked.
  What are the efforts of the historian aimed at?
  First, he is, judging by the reviews, an excellent lecturer. This creates for him popularity in a student circles, in General, and in a student-girl circles, in particular.
  Secondly, he participates in historical reconstructions. Here, in this sphere, apparently some money are spinning. Here you can drink champagne, dance and spend time with a girl in a relatively cultural society.
  Third, he directs his footsteps to France. He knows French well. In France, he receives a recognition in scientific circles, a temporary work. In addition, he is awarded the order of Legion of Honor.
  Perfectly! But why does recognition come to him in other country? - Not in Russia?
  Our ears were buzzed around and through, by a speeches about a love to a talents and about social elevators.
  A man over sixty. His knowledge and merits are undeniable (there is a list of publications). His lectures are popular ...
  Already evening is approaching, but there's still no elevator ...
  There is only a continuous buzz about a love to a talents and about a beautiful social elevators.
  There is a separate topic - and how does the fact that he does not receive recognition, promotion in the scientific hierarchy affect the personality, the mental state of a person?
  To this promotion he is entitled according a law of justice formed by a European civilization!
  Wouldn't he feel the discomfort of negative emotions? Would the "unfair" situation affects his relationship with a ladies? Onto a (new) family relations? Onto an attitude to life? Onto an emotional balance?
  This is a difficult topic... and difficult questions...
  As follows from the mentioned interview, the mistress, the survivor, was not very demonstrated by the historian to an indefinite circle of persons.
  This survivor girl was deeply concerned for the destiny of the historian's now-murdered mistress.
  What caused concern?
  Namely, the fact that the new lover became a public known figure, that of her to everyone was shown. She became known to everyone - as a "girlfriend" of the historian. Even to those who did not want to know about all this!
  The surviving mistress concluded that this new relationship would not end with a "simple" finish...
  However, if a peculiar personal relationship has become the subject of public attention, the public hopes to find signs of concern towards a low-security girls.... They are dependent, whatever you say...
  Who can demonstrate this care, this protection? (Let would it, this protection, proved ineffective, but although would were any activity, any signs of. And if the concern, attention were effective, then all events would go by a different trajectory.)
  There were leaders in that University. One of the leaders received an award (a premium). They even visited her at home to congratulate her on the prize. Then she was conducted, solemnly, to a last journey.
  Other joined the ranks of the Academy, and then received the order.
  Everything is good in a science and in an education.
  The buzz is continuing about a love to a talents and about a social lifts.
  But the historian never became a doctor of science. But he's going to write a new book...
  We have become observers of an interesting fragment of modern history.
  December 5, 2019 21: 06
  Translation from Russian into English: December 6, 2019 11:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ''Фантомасы' и историк. Очерк современной истории.'.
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