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The Fairy Tale about the Chess in a Park

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    The Fairy Tale about the Chess in a Park

  The Fairy Tale about the Chess in a Park
  Gleb Krzhizhanovsky was playing chess in a park with some partner.
  Somewhere, not far away, a radio receiver functioned.
  "Electroenergy switched off! The Metro stopped out!!! The second incident? The passengers are evacuating!"
  Krzhizhanovsky focused his attention at the news.
  At this moment sir Marc Isambard Brunel, Charles Pearson, sir John Fowler along a park alley were passing by.
  Gleb Krzhizhanovsky slightly bowed to them. They slightly bowed, answering.
  "Not here these events!" - Krzhizhanovsky thought, - "Of course, the news is not good ...".
  He sighed, returned his attention to the game and continued playing chess.
  July 3, 2018 22:48
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