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Several emails have been received. A diary note

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    MMMDXXXV. Several emails have been received. A diary note. - September 1, 2024.

  Several emails have been received. A diary note.
  On August 24, 2024, I sent an e-mail application to the Government of the Russian Federation (MMMDXXXIII. A new application has been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation by e-mail. A diary note. - On August 24, 2024).
  As of the evening of September 1, 2024, I have received several emails:
  @398 КБ30 авг
  Обращение граждан23042-ОГ/00 Залесский В.В.! Минстрой России направляет Вам информацию. Данная почта не предназначена для направления обращений, жалоб и предложений, обращения, направленные на нее не регистрируются в системе
  30 авг
  a15@r61.rosreestr.ruВаше обращение зарегистрировано в 61 Управление Росреестра по Ростовской области за ? ОГ-5592/24. Ваше обращение будет рассмотрено в срок, установленный Федеральным законом от 02.05.2006 ? 59 - ФЗ 'О порядке рассмотрения обращений граждан Российской Федерации. ВНИМАНИЕ! Это письмо отправлено автоматически,
  *30 авг
  ФНС РоссииИнформация о ходе исполнения Ваше обращение, поступившее в ФНС России (056422/ЗГ от 29.08.2024), направлено для рассмотрения и подготовки ответа в УФНС России по Ростовской области Внимание. Не направляйте сообщений на адрес отправки данного
  *29 авг
  sed-dontreply@rosreestr.ruВаше обращение зарегистрировано в ЦА Росреестра за ? ОГ-16887/24. Ваше обращение будет рассмотрено в срок, установленный Федеральным законом от 02.05.2006 ? 59 - ФЗ 'О порядке рассмотрения обращений граждан Российской Федерации. ВНИМАНИЕ! Это письмо отправлено автоматически,
  *@1,4 МБ29 авг
  NoReplyОтвет на обращение гражданина П23-20603-ОГ от 28.08.2024 Данное письмо было сформировано автоматически службой уведомлений электронного документооборота. Пожалуйста, не отвечайте на него. Электронный адрес sed@digital.gov.ru не является адресом для переписки.
  [ @398 KB30 Aug
  Appeal of citizens23042-OG/00 Zalessky V.V.! The Ministry of Construction of Russia sends you information. This mail is not intended for sending appeals, complaints and suggestions, appeals sent to it are not registered in the system
  30 Aug
  a15@r61.rosreestr.ruYour appeal was registered with the 61 Department of the Federal Register of the Rostov Region for No. OG-5592/24. Your appeal will be considered within the time limit established by Federal Law No. 59 - FZ dated 05/02/2006 "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation. Attention! This email was sent automatically,
  *Aug 30
  Federal Tax Service of Russia Information on the progress of execution Your appeal received by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (056422/ZG dated 08/29/2024) has been sent for consideration and preparation of a response to the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov oblast Attention. Do not send messages to the sending address of this
  *29 Aug
  sed-dontreply@rosreestr.ruYour appeal was registered in the Central Office of the Federal Register for No. OG-16887/24. Your appeal will be considered within the time limit established by Federal Law No. 59 - FZ dated 05/02/2006 "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation. Attention! This email was sent automatically,
  *@1.4 MB29 Aug
  NoReplyResponse to the appeal of citizen P23-20603-OG dated 08/28/2024, This letter was generated automatically by the electronic document management notification service. Please don't answer it. Email address sed@digital.gov.ru it is not an address for correspondence.]
  What can I say in this regard?
  Firstly, the letters dated August 29, 2024 inform that my e-mail application has been received. But August 30, 2024 comes, and a new emphasis appears: "This mail is not intended for sending appeals, complaints and suggestions, appeals sent to it are not registered in the system"
  Does the Constitution of the Russian Federation impose specific requirements on the form of citizens' appeals or on the addresses (including e-mail addresses) to which appeals can be sent?
  Is it forbidden to express citizens' appeals orally or in writing?
  In general, it follows from the meaning of the totality of constitutional provisions that it is important for the state to receive information about the concerns (worrings, alarms) of a citizen.
  In itself, the concern of a citizen is important [of first importance] for the state, and the form of address, the method of presentation, the addresses, etc. are important, but of secondary importance. Even the possibility of identifying the applicant (by a directed appeal) recedes into the background in case of the importance of the information being reported. (Let's assume that an illiterate citizen is unable to formalize the text of the appeal correctly, such a citizen is in a state of haste and excitement, he composes the text of the appeal and shoves it into the closed front door of the official body late in the evening. Formally, this is an "anonymous letter". Should such an appeal (an "anonymous letter") be ignored in the case of information that is essential (important) for the state?).
  Moreover, references, that an Appeal, properly executed, (which contains all the necessary information: about the body to which it was sent, about the applicant, about the essence of the problem) - such references look little consistent with the Constitution - references that, although the Appeal was placed at the disposal of a state body, but it was sent to the wrong address, - such references look doubtfully legitimate.
  With all due respect to people who receive salaries from the state! If, in your opinion, the Appeal is sent to the wrong address, redirect it to the address that is convenient for you! (If there is a real need for such action.)
  If a visitor came to you for a personal appointment, then you will listen to him, and then will offer to come to another office-room on another day (by making an appointment in a new way and getting a pass in a new way, arriving if necessary from the other side of the city or from another settlement)? And when the visitor will come (will arrive) to the governmental body the in a new way, then to offer him to enjoy the same procedure again and again - and so on, without ending? A convenient scheme, milords!
   Secondly. In this regard, let me to remember:
  1. I do not receive a salary from the state; when I trying to remember when I "last time" received funds (financial means) from the state, I only remember 2013 (11 years ago), when my father died, and when I, it seems, received a burial allowance - how much was paid then: one thousand? a few thousand rubles? And before 2013, I do not remember when I received any funds (financial means) from the state... 10 years, - before 2013, - I did not receive a single kopeck from the state?..
  In general, it's hard to remember, when I got money from the state...
  2. According to the certificate (document) ordered and received (by me) in August 2024, my tax overpayment is about 8000 (eight thousand) rubles.
  In general, I am not any "financial burden" for my native state (the Russian Federation).
  But it (the Russian Federation) on June 3, 2019 deprived me of my right of ownership to my real estate object (in the city of Rostov-on-Don) with premises on the first and second floors (with an area of 144.9 sq.m.), as well as with a balcony and part of a terrace (with an area of 32.5 sq.m.)
  The value of this property can be determined according to the current official compensation rates set for 1 square meter.
  If we leave out the idea that there are very "subtle" rules for the direction of appeals
  (even if you know who to contact and the address of the recipient of the request, you still won't send the application so easily, maybe I should get a third diploma of higher education? And to write a dissertation on jurisprudence about the constitutional right of citizens to appeal to the state? - or do you want to open special courses, something similar to courses for migrants from friendly countries?),
  and if I take into account that, judging by several emails I received, several government agencies are involved in the consideration of my application,
  then I have a reasonable hope that someone in charge will have a question: isn't it time to compensate for lost property (real estate) for a citizen of the Russian Federation - at the real value of real estate? Moreover, this citizen of the Russian Federation (who was deprived of ownership on June 3, 2019) is not any "financial burden" for his native state - for the Russian Federation?
  I can only be filled with hope and wait for the restoration and protection of the constitutional order, of the constitutional right of ownership. (As well as to read numerous letters, to engage in correspondence with various authorities - after all, it is better than having money "in my pocket" to go to Italy and to look at St. Peter's Basilica. There are various monuments in Rostov-on-Don that tourists and residents of the city can look at... For example, a monument on Komsomolskaya Square, erected, apparently, in honor of the defense of Rostov on November 20, 1941 ...).
  September 1, 2024, 22:23
  Translation from Russian into English: September 2, 2024 07:30
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Несколько электронных писем получено. Дневниковая заметка '.
  { 3564. Несколько электронных писем получено. Дневниковая заметка. - 1 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXXXV. Several emails have been received. A diary note. - September 1, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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