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Senya, the kids' herbarium and an exhibition of abstract art. The story

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    Senya, the kids' herbarium and an exhibition of abstract art. The story.

  Senya, the kids' herbarium and an exhibition of abstract art. The story.
  Friends told Senya that the kids had collected a herbarium.
  Once Senya expressed the idea that it is necessary to protect nature and to learn as much as possible about nature and its inhabitants. This statement was made quite a long time ago.
  But just recently, the kids walked in the yard, caught a few butterflies and bugs and placed them in the herbarium.
  Everyone expected that Senya would look at the herbarium and say a few words of encouragement to the kids - the kids' herbarium did not require any financial costs, but it is an attempt at children's creativity, an attempt to master knowledge about nature and its inhabitants.
  However, Senya was in no hurry to inspect the kids' herbarium.
  He walked around the yard for a while, and then asked his friends if there really was organized an exhibition of abstract art a few blocks from the yard?
  After that, Senya, surrounded by friends, visited an exhibition of abstract art.
  Although Senya did not inspect at the kids' herbarium, the kids looked happy. They learned that Senya visited the exhibition.
  The friends were confused.
  It seems that this educational action is built on a paradox: there was no inspection of the herbarium, there were no encouraging words for the kids, but there was a visit to an exhibition of abstract art, and Senya made approving remarks near the each of the paintings, and after the completion of this excursion he instructed his friends to make several commendable entries in the visitors' book.
  After collective reflection, one of the friends came up with a guess.
  If Senya looked at the herbarium and spoke encouraging words to the kids, then there would be awkwardness: whether the kids are really an insect specialists? and what insects could they to catch up?
  Having visited the exhibition of abstract art, Senya showed that all kinds of creativity are valuable to him. He put on the same level both abstract paintings and the results of the work of kids (kids' herbarium).
  Everyone agreed that this was the most likely explanation. Moreover, the kids looked cheerful, cheerful and contented.
  Senya knows how to develop pedagogical techniques right in the process of the emergence of pedagogical tasks, in the course of the very process of education!
  May 27, 2022 09:18
  Translation from Russian into English: May 27, 2022 09:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня, детский гербарий и выставка абстрактного искусства. Рассказ".
  { 3019. Сеня, детский гербарий и выставка абстрактного искусства. Рассказ.
  MMCMXC. Senya, the kids' herbarium and an exhibition of abstract art. The story. }
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