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Senya and Sociology. A story

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    Senya and Sociology. A story.

  Senya and Sociology. A story.
  Friends came to Senya with unpleasant information.
  Neighbors are whispering among themselves. They are discussing an unpleasant topic. Every year, after Senya's return from vacation, the kids get sick - or a cold, or the stomach is not in order, or another infection.
  Senya was upset. It's unpleasant conversations. Even more unpleasant are regular unpleasant events with kids.
  Senya immediately gave the task to the main sociological dude to conduct research and report the results - not to hide anything.
  A huge screen, a microphone, amplifiers were organized to broadcast the speech of the main sociological dude in order to informing the whole yard.
  This dude, as it turned out, already had, by the time of receiving the assignment from Senya, a huge amount of sociological results. He performed with the use of technical devices and made his report public. Previously, children were less interested in reading and learning. And now indicators of interest in reading and learning have reached a maximum. Indicator - 95 percent. The main question is: "What is the first letter of the alphabet?" Almost everyone answers: "A". During the survey, children with a slow speech reaction were. Because of this, the indicators fell slightly short of one hundred percent. Also, indirect questions were asked to kids. In the photographs it was necessary to read the names of the cafe-confectionery and children's clothing store. Kids can (are able) to read!
  The report made a tremendous impression on all the inhabitants of the yard! It's a level! (of kids!) These are the results of education!
  Senya cheered up.
  He was walking around the yard and confidently looked around. Senya respects sociology!
  Senya knows where there are problems and where there are no problems! And friends are keeping all topics under control! Senya has a scientific approach to any problem!
  October 13, 2020 17:18
  Translation from Russian into English: October 13, 2020 21:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и социология. Рассказ'.
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