Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

A scientific and technical civilization team, a feudal scientific and technical community, a scientific and technical prankers. A brief history of the Russial (Soviet) scientific and technical sphere

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    A scientific and technical civilization team, a feudal scientific and technical community, a scientific and technical prankers. A brief history of the Russial (Soviet) scientific and technical sphere.

  A scientific and technical civilization team, a feudal scientific and technical community, a scientific and technical prankers. A brief history of the Russial (Soviet) scientific and technical sphere.
  Whom was Konstantin Tsiolkovsky until 1917? Nobody denied his genius. Some people directly and openly recognized him and supported him.
  However, his figure until 1917 makes an extremely strange impression.
  Strange, not quite healthy, UNHAPPY MAN. It seems that some very sad story happened to his son - perhaps due to a general sense of hopelessness ...
  The Academy of Sciences took a no less surprising step (until 1917) - once it allocated 400 rubles to Tsiolkovsky's works. I don't even know what can be said about this ... To joke? To laugh? To express indignation?
  A sudden transformation in the position of Tsiolkovsky occurs after 1917.
  The activity of Tsiolkovsky received the benevolent attention of the Council of People's Commissars (with Lenin at the head).
  The almost omnipotent Dzerzhinsky allegedly becomes a member of some scientific society interested in space research.
  Stalin comes to power. There are reasons for an open letter of thanks from Tsiolkovsky to Stalin ...
  How to comment all this?
  If before 1917 in Russia there was no scientific and technical intelligentsia (not to be confused with technical intelligentsia; technical intelligentsia existed by necessity; there were more and more technical devices and structures in Russia until 1917), then after 1917 scientific and technical intelligentsia has arisen. And the cultural (eastern republican) traditions of Krzhizhanovsky, Tsiolkovsky, Korolev - of people of wide world outlook, followers of Copernicus, in general - followers of outstanding European figures of the New Time, - other outstanding researchers, gave this intelligentsia the character of a successful civilization team.
  A civilization scientific and technical team existed in the USSR around the period of the 30-40-50s of the 20th century.
  In the 60s, after a general personnel update, the feudal scientific and technical community replaced the civilizational scientific and technical team. Both scientific feudals and scientific (serf) peasants did not complain about life - they lived at the expense of the tsar-father - the state budget.
  The scientific feudals waved the banners left over from the civilization team, demonstrated awards, uttered clever obscure phrases, obtained funding, and the peasants depicted a great activity.
  There was a certain symbiosis in the activities of the feudal lords and peasants. The main thing was to get money and to produce a promises. The rest is, you see, the details ...
  When the scientific and technical sphere was in the field of vision of the criminal sub-culture, the replacement of feudal lords and peasants began.
  Why not to replace them?
  Is it so difficult to sit in the office and make an important appearance (this is about feudals). Or is it so difficult - to draw up a new report on the basis of the previous ones and prepare a draft application for financing (this is about peasants).
  Moreover, the replacement did not take place immediately, the old cadres provided assistance to the newcomers in all these important undertakings.
  The main thing is not this. The main thing is that this business is a honorable employment and a monetary one. And not a dusty one.
  One has to speculate a lot hypothetically - by analogy. For example, in the field of public attention was an amazing figure of the most famous Russial historian. He is a pure 'scientist', not a 'technical scientist'. But he is interesting. His personality combined criminal traits and a high level of professional qualification.
  But you look at his figure, and you understand that he was not successful. His prospect was a replacement. He naturally resisted. He is the author of many scientific works. He knows a foreign language. He teaches at a foreign university (along with Russial). He breaks off applause after lectures - he is popular among students.
  But don't worry. There is a good prospects for him. They set, directed, oriented an Internet duce on him. They put bosses over him .... Who are the (new) bosses? What are their scientific merits? They probably surpass the historian in their level of knowledge, in their ability to lecture, in their ability to write scientific works, in their knowledge of a foreign language, and in their ability to teach in a foreign university ...?
  If he is an assistant professor and a candidate of sciences, then it is logical to assume that his superiors are professors and doctors of sciences ...
  We can only guess about all this ... Very modest bosses at the most famous Russial historian ...
  But they are not evil, these bosses, they are kind ... They are not produce a very much pressure on the historian. No necessity to push him out. He's over 60. So he himself will get off the historical horizon (even without criminal incidents)... Well, the Internet duce will have a little practice on him...
  In the history of the historian's relationship with a young girl, an attempt may be guessed - at the final stage of professional career to create and leave behind some kind of personal scientific school...
  Lets see onto station. Little is known about the scientific station in Antarctica. About who worked and works for her, who sits in Russia in chief chairs.
  It is clear that the station was once built (during the times of the USSR), that there were worked out and there are algorithms for its maintenance, that people were sent there regularly, and these people are likely to receive good money through various channels ...
  Why not pay close attention to all this?
  If there is such a tendency - to replace, - then why should this tendency not manifest itself in the structures associated with the station?
  And then the news comes about the events at the station - frankly, about unpleasant events ...
  'ST. PETERSBURG, June 22 [2020]. / TASS /. The fire occurred at the Mirny Station in Antarctica; as a result, several laboratories burned down. About this writes the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) on its website.
  'At the Mirny Antarctic Station, there was an instant fire. There were no casualties. Among the losses: a meteorological office, an aerology office, a laboratory of the FIAN of the space ray stratospheric sensing program, a server, hydrometeorological laboratory and a radio room,' the report said. [unofficial translation] (https://tass.ru/proisshestviya/8789827?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=desktop&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fyandex.ru%2Fnews)
  But if you look at the trends, then these events are understandable.
  (What remains to be done by this 'new' people? To develop cooperation with China in the Arctic and Antarctic? People want to live well ...)
  Not only the technical sphere, but also the scientific and technical sphere, not only the technical intelligentsia, but also the scientific and technical intelligentsia - in general, all the intellectual (technical, technological) potential is, it seems, in a very peculiar position ...
  [MCCСCLXXXVI. Brigade. From technical culture towards environmental culture. A note.
  MCCСCLXXX. A technical culture. Or - A continuation will be in the near future. A culturological essay.
  MCCСCXCIII. The technical intelligentsia, which is trembling three times stronger. The sketch.]
  June 22, 2020 21:51
  Translation from Russian into English: June 24, 2020 00:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Научно-техническая цивилизационная команда, феодальное научно-техническое сообщество, научно-технические пранкеры. Краткая история российской (советской) научно-технической сферы'.
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