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Rickshaw Vanya Winklov is mastering Oriental languages. A story

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    MMMDXXXVII. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov is mastering Oriental languages. A story. - September 6, 2024.

  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov is mastering Oriental languages. A story.
  Once, early morning, Rickshaw Vanya Winklov got up, thought for a while, wrote a note to his daughters ("Don't worry, daughters. I head to traveling."), took a cart with necessary things and set off.
  A car overtook him on the unfinished Center-Far East highway. Due to the ongoing works, the car slowed down, the side window rolled down, and the passenger spat at Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. The spit got into the cart. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov shouted a something loudly.
  The car backed up. The passenger asked through the open window: "Do you have a transponder?" "No." "We'll organize a fine for you." "Why you want - me to pay?" "What? Should we to pay?"
  The car sped off.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov continued his journey. There were several people standing next the kiosk (with the sign "Hungry Dragon"). Rickshaw Vanya Winklov looked thoughtfully at the list of fast food items on sale.
  An intercity bus stopped nearby. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov came closer to the kiosk. Now passengers will leave the intercity bus, and a queue of about thirty people will be created.
  However, only one cheerful person came up and cheerfully said: "Hello, rich Uncle Vanya!"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov looked at the bus in surprise. In fact, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be not a intercity bus, but the latest model of an SUV from an eastern automobile company.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov turned his gaze to the cheerful man.
  "I remember you, rich Uncle Vanya! You had a three-storey brick house, a huge vegetable garden and a large garden. Rabbits. Geese. At the food market (bazaar), my relatives were buying tomatoes, cucumbers, quail eggs from you..."
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov sighed heavily. "And who are you?"
  "I lived on the same street with you. I was sitting at the computer. When the events began, I made an announcement. I started to raise money to buy high-tech devices."
  "What are you doing here?"
  "I'm preparing projects. A lot of things are not here. But we love the places here. It's not very bad that there's not of a much here (of necessary things). We will take the money out of our pockets and will make everything quickly."
  "You're a good man!"
  "Yes, but the expertise of the projects is needed. I'm going to receive the expertise. Will you come with me?"
  "And my cart?"
  "We'll put it in the trunk."
  "Okay, I'll go."
  The cheerful man bought a couple of pies, two bags of tomato juice, treated Rickshaw Vanya Winklov, and they set off.
  After a while, they arrived at a beautiful skyscraper surrounded by several security lines.
  On the first and second lines, the cheerful man informed briefly (about Rickshaw Vanya Winklov): "It's he is with me."
  But on the third line of security, he had to introduce his companion: "This is the great-grandson of Witte, that is, of Sipyagin, that is, of Plehve, that is, of Stolypin. The head of the Foundation named after... He has been invited to participate in the symposium. He lives in the remote taiga here as a hermit...".
  The guards looked respectfully at Rickshaw Vanya Winklov and let him into the guarded facility without any questions.
  Companions quietly went into the hall and sat down on the empty chairs.
  On stage, a man in white dresses resembling a bathrobe was doing smooth, beautiful movements (by hands and legs).
  There was applause.
  The man in white dresses bowed.
  Then he began to read some beautiful words in an incomprehensible language.
  "Who is this?"
  "This is an expert on Eastern projects! But he can also make an expertise of other projects, not only eastern ones. He knows a big man!"
  The man in white dresses stopped reading beautiful words in an unfamiliar language and bowed.
  Everyone rushed to him, including a cheerful man (companion of Rickshaw Vanya Winklov).
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov stood up and looked around in confusion.
  A beautiful girl in a dress from Paris came up to him.
  "I saw you when I was driving along the highway! Are you from the Control Department? Are you traveling with a cart to study the activities of the Head of the District Administration and his family members?"
  "I came from the "White Birch Trees""
  "There are many from that territory here. Come on, I'll escort you."
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov and a beautiful girl went to the exit of the skyscraper.
  The girl was blowing, periodically, on her finger. She told: "It is not profitable for me to work here. It was more interesting for me to work abroad. I bought a ring there for several million euros."
  "Did you hit your finger?"
  "I was escorting a senior employee from the Central Office here. He stopped right in the very center of the banquet hall. I stopped too. He says, "It's a beautiful ring. Show me, I want to take a closer look."
  I raised my hand.
  He grabbed the ring and pulled it off my finger.
  He raised my ring to his eyes and looked at it carefully. And then he put my ring in his pocket.
  I'm asking him: "What is it?!!!"
  He was saying: "This is an open (public) theft of a citizen's property. That is, it's a robbery.". Then he asks me, "I hope, there are no problems at you with our citizenship?"
  I say, "There are no problems."
  He says, "Okay! Don't apply to anywhere, to anybody. Otherwise, it will be worse for you.". And left.
  Not only did he not pay me, but he also took my ring away from me.
  Help me!!!"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov vaguely raised his eyes upwards and said: "Everything is seeing, from there!".
  He turned the conversation to another topic.
  They were already standing outdoors, on the observation deck. A wide river was visible in front of them. A huge beautiful bridge was thrown across the river.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov asked: "People here, in these edges, are learning Oriental languages. It's probably not difficult task?"
  The girl pointed to a large windowless building located on the opposite shore: "They teach Oriental languages there!"
  "Is it expensive study, probably?" Rickshaw Vanya Winklov asked.
  "For free - without any payment."
  "Have you ever had a desire to be trained?"
  "I'm used to a carefree life."
  "Well, I wish you success! Let difficulties and failures pass you by!"
  The girl nodded her head.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov headed towards a bridge spanning a wide river.
  A picture appeared in his mind: polite people joyfully greeting him, bending in bows. They accompany Rickshaw Vanya Vinklov to the premises where he will be taught Oriental languages.
  06 September 2024 09:18
  Translation from Russian into English: September 7, 2024 00:12
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Рикша Ваня Винклов овладевает восточными языками. Рассказ '.
  { 3566. Рикша Ваня Винклов овладевает восточными языками. Рассказ. - 6 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXXXVII. Rickshaw Vanya Winklov is mastering Oriental languages. A story. - September 6, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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