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Out of Podbelsk to Nagasaki, from New York to Mars. A story about a sudden journey

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    MMMDXXX. Out of Podbelsk to Nagasaki, from New York to Mars. A story about a sudden journey. - August 13, 2024.

  Out of Podbelsk to Nagasaki, from New York to Mars. A story about a sudden journey.
  Masha worked as a salesgirl in a jewelry store. The salary is small, but the work is clean, there are friends (young girls) around, there are a lot of interesting things on the shelves.
  Masha was a graduate of the Podbelsk (local) branch of the Moscow Institute of Diplomatic Wisdom. She showed (to) dad, mom, uncle and aunt, friends, her diploma with honors and put it on a shelf in the wardrobe. The hope was for a relative - a local influential person, who knows the rules of life and modern trends well (Masha liked how this relative talked with inspiration about the importance of properly spending the Year of Family). This influential relative, Masha hoped, would help her get a good diplomatic position at the United Nations Organization, in New York. (Although there are unreasonable problems with visas and with the number of employees).
  Masha's dad and mom stopped (for a moment) growing rabbits and cucumbers, looked with respect at the new red diploma, congratulated Masha, and looked at Masha with some hope, with some special expectation. Dad once again remembered how during the battles with the Austrians (it was before 1917), his great-uncle received an award for bravery. The award was presented by Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich himself (as his great-uncle said).
  August was gradually coming to an end, and autumn was getting closer and closer.
  One day the clouds gathered, it began to rain heavily, followed by large hail that broke the windows of cars. The thunderclaps followed one after another.
  A strong wind tore the leaves from the trees and threw them on the wet ground.
  Suddenly, a local influential relative came running. Everyone fussed and went to the train station. Masha didn't understand what was going on. And the rabbits, and the vegetable garden with cucumbers, and the dog Tuzik?
  The adults explained to Masha that they would all be back soon. (The dog Tuzik was locked in the house).
  At the station, they had to wait a little for the train to depart (the train was delayed somewhere), and Masha went to buy ice cream and boiled corn (several tables with huge pots containing cobs of boiled corn appeared next to the station).
  Suddenly Masha heard a man's voice: "This is the one - the girl of amazing beauty - from the jewelry store!".
  Masha saw an adult man standing next to a huge black car. This man bought a thick gold chain in the local Podbelsk jewelry store a few days ago for one million rubles (he had to invite (to call for) the driver of a company car to make the purchase).
  Masha modestly lowered her gaze.
  "We are seeing Hamlet Ivanovich off...", an adult man explained the situation (the girls from the store, after the purchase of a thick gold chain by the adult man, mockingly called him "a rich old man", but Masha ignored these words).
  "Now I will fly to the capital, then to New York, to the session of the General Assembly...", the adult man continued explaining, "You, the beauty, is expected in New York!".
  Masha couldn't to keep (to save) a position of resistance. This was her dream. In addition, she recalled the expressive looks of her parents (after showing them the diploma with honors) and her doubts that a local influential relative would be able to help her with employment in New York.
  A flight in a comfortable personal plane (of foreign manufacture) to the capital, a day in some kind of penthouse: it needed some time to process (to orginize the receiving of) some documents. Masha managed to make a phone call to one of her relatives so that they would not worry about her (she is getting a job in the diplomatic service). Then, the another flight, now from the capital to Hong Kong.
  Masha liked the hotel in Hong Kong. An adult man went away for a while (it seems he visited a local bank). He returned to the hotel room with a large bag and in a good mood ("You bring me a luck!" the man said to Masha with a satisfied face and patted several times (by his palm) the bag affectionately).
  Masha made an attempt to clean the hotel room. As a former student of the Podbelsk branch of the Moscow Institute of Diplomatic Wisdom, she managed to compose two notes (one was written in Latin letters, the other in hieroglyphs) asking where the nearest shopping center was, bought some groceries and prepared some food for her companion's return. The man liked it very much. He gazed at Masha with a satisfied look.
  From Hong Kong, they headed to Paris for visiting the Olympics. The man was looking at first at the domestic and foreign (female) athletes, then he was looking at Masha. A satisfied expression was on his face.
  Masha was waiting for them to arrive in New York. But the man (along with Masha) went to Monaco.
  It was very interesting in Monaco. A visit to a local jewelry store was especially interesting. Apparently, this man had such a habit: a buying something for either a million rubles, or a million dollars (or euros).
  Masha was surprised to see Natasha in the store. Natasha was one of Masha's friends (young girls) - employees of the local Podbelsk jewelry store - with whom Masha communicated before the sudden airflight to the capital. Natasha was one of those who, after the buying a thick gold chain (by the adult man), was making a mocking remarks to adress af the reputable buyer.
  Now Masha and Natasha were standing on opposite (different) sides of the counter. As an almost married woman (Masha intuitively felt the approaching event), Masha pretended that she did not recognize Natasha. Masha modestly looked at the showcases with branded products, while her companion (an adult man) was shopping.
  The visit to Monaco was nearing completion.
  Masha was waiting: when will they arrive in New York? Teachers at the Podbelsk branch of the Moscow Institute of Diplomatic Wisdom proudly told about one of the girls - graduates of the Branch, who, after changing her family status, settled on the Islands of the Blue Lagoon and was organizing friendship evenings with the participation of local senior officials. The photo of this girl - graduate hung in a place of honor in the Branch, and everyone was proud to be involved in (to be in some connection with) this outstanding girl.
  And what will they say after Masha's speech in New York, at the General Assembly session?
  However, for some reason, the adult man began to talk about the need to visit California and Texas, about projects for cosmic flights to Mars.
  Masha became alert (became to worry). There are no rabbits, cucumbers, or dogs on Mars that look like the Tuzik. None of the space exploration figures studied at the Podbelsk branch; there were no photographs (of those who visited the Moon) in places of honor at the Branch.
  Masha started to worry, a little: was she moving in the right direction?
  But she remembered her companion's habits and calmed down. There are no shops on Mars yet, he will not fly to Mars.
  She must let events take their course. Masha gradually gained life experience: she caught a favorable moment and told her companion about the famous girl - graduate of the Podbelsk branch, whose photo now hangs in a place of honor in the Branch building. (Is this photo hanging now? Most likely, it is hanging).
  Masha's companion did not pay any attention to her story about the famous girl - graduate. He dozed off a little, and when he woke up, he gave Masha a ring he had bought in Monaco.
  August 13, 2024, 20:32
  Translation from Russian into English: August 13, 2024 23:07
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Из Подбельска в Нагасаки, из Нью-Йорка на Марс. Рассказ о внезапном путешествии '.
  { 3559. Из Подбельска в Нагасаки, из Нью-Йорка на Марс. Рассказ о внезапном путешествии. - 13 августа 2024 г.
  MMMDXXX. Out of Podbelsk to Nagasaki, from New York to Mars. A story about a sudden journey. - August 13, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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