Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Night, street, lantern, "One day of the physics teacher Solzhenitsky." A story

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    Night, street, lantern, "One day of the physics teacher Solzhenitsky." A story.

  Night, street, lantern, "One day of the physics teacher Solzhenitsky." A story.
  Alexander Isaich approached the school building.
  'Physics teacher of the 2nd secondary school comrade Solzhenitsky "! Local newspaper...
  Alexander Isaich conducts physics and astronomy. He refused mathematics - checking notebooks takes a lot of time.
  Short greetings.
  - Answer, Nazarov!
  Mars, Venus! How good it was to watch them at night, on the banks of the Kazakh river Chu!
  - Not bad, Nazarov! Four!
  Physics lesson.
  -What is the difference between the Celsius, Reaumur and Fahrenheit scales?
  It was hard in Ekibastuz in the first winter! Minus forty Celsius. If not for the help of Natalia and aunt Nina, then maybe he would not have survived ...
  - Excellent, Kirpichnikov!
  Most of these children would not have survived there ...
  "Night, street, lantern, pharmacy ...". It's no a good option!
  After the lessons - the development (processing) of films in the darkroom. The director of the school is quite friendly minded - a kind of front-line community, front-line friendship works.
  Well, at last, he is at home!
  Loving Natalya, delicious dinner, devoted eyes.
  Write "One day of the teacher Solzhenitsky"?
  Where do we start?
  This day at school ended with the development of photographic films - films after cycling with Natasha to Solotcha. A photo lab at school is a handy thing. Thanks to the headmaster. There was a case - they fought during the war not far from each other. Yes, artillery battery ... The elderly cook Ivan Shukhov ...
  Here is and Tvardovsky. He listens to the music - there is a piano playing, and wonders: "Why did Alexander Isaevich run away somewhere?"
  A successful day of the Ryazan teacher ...
  Explanation: 'Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека...' (1912) - стихи Александра Блока ("Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ..." (1912) - verses by Alexander Blok).
  December 11, 2020 22:53
  Translation from Russian into English: December 12, 2020 07:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Ночь, улица, фонарь, 'Один день учителя физики Солженицкого'. Рассказ'.
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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