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New Rules for intellectuals. A story for children about Seryozha

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    MMMDXLIV. New Rules for Intellectuals. A story for children about Seryozha. - September 25, 2024.

  New Rules for Intellectuals. A story for children about Seryozha.
  Seryozha went on a business trip to the city of Bublik-on-Horseradish (the sports capital). The purpose of the trip: to participate in a discussion about changing the rules of the game of chess.
  A train on a banquet cushion delivered Seryozha directly into the building of the Sports Palace.
  Seryozha was thinking about which seeds to buy from (out of) which regions so as not to get an excessive dose of heavy metal, and he walked right through the doors, above which hung the slogan "Thank you! Welcome!"
  The hall looked very nice (apparently the fifth renovation was done, Seryozha thought).
  He sat down in an empty chair and put a postage stamp album in front of him.
  A man dressed in a suit, and with tie, came on stage. His head was bandaged and there were bruises on his face. He was leaning on a crutch.
  The man with the crutch began his speech without any preliminaries: "Everything is going great, we beat (hammered) them well, we are beating (are hammering) them well, and we will beat (will hammer) them even better."
  "Who is this person?" Seryozha quietly asked the man sitting in the next chair.
  He replied: "Chairman of the Council for changing the rules of Active Boxing. He sets out the New Rules of this sport."
  Seryozha realized that he had gone through the wrong door, but the man with bruises, a bandaged head and with a crutch interested him. Seryozha decided to stay in this hall for a while.
  From the audience, a man who looked like a professional martial artist asked the man on stage: "Where did you get a new bruise on your face?".
  "We have carefully considered all the circumstances!" replied the man on stage, "And we have changed the rules of The Active Boxing. I used to hammer my opponent only with boxing gloves and a wooden rolling pin, but I have a good iron hatchet!"
  "So your opponent was the one who was knocking (hammering) you with a wooden rolling pin?" the question came from the audience again.
  "At first my opponent didn't have a wooden rolling pin, but the evil dudes from the next yard brought this item to him, now he use this tool," the man on stage replied gloomily. "But I am changing the rules. Evil dudes have the iron hatchet, just like I. So, I believe that I am now fighting not only with my opponent, but with a couple of (out of) my opponent and evil dudes (I put forward the idea that not the one opponent is fighting against me, but several ones). And since evil dudes have the iron hatchet, I reserve the right : if my opponent beat (hammer) me with a wooden rolling pin, then I will beat (will hammer) him with the iron hatchet."
  "I didn't understand something," Seryozha thought, "if according to the new rules it is possible to use the iron hatchet against the wooden rolling pin, then the opponent (with his friends) can hammer this thinker with the iron hatchet? What is the meaning of the new rules?"
  Seryozha began to rub his forehead with his palm, increasing blood circulation in the area of the thinking apparatus.
  A good thought came to him: "The opponent is beating (is hammering) this thinker with the wooden rolling pin, and the evil dudes who have an iron hatchet are standing a little to the side. So this speaker apparently hopes to hit down his opponent with the iron hatchet before they hit him (thinker) in the head with the hatchet. And what? Not a bad idea!..."
  Seryozha took the album with postage stamps and went to look for the hall where the discussion of changes in the rules of the game of chess is scheduled.
  As he quietly left the hall, he looked once more at the speaker on stage and thought: "The devil brought me to this hall - with my interest in chess and with my postage stamps album." "Where are the chess players gathered here?"
  September 25, 2024, 22:46
  Translation from Russian into English: September 27, 2024 06:21
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Новые Правила для интеллектуалов. Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  { 3573. Новые Правила для интеллектуалов. Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 25 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXLIV. New Rules for Intellectuals. A story for children about Seryozha. - September 25, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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