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Morning wellness walk: smoking, alcoholism, deformed sociability. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXXVI. Morning wellness walk: smoking, alcoholism, deformed sociability. A story. - July 29, 2024.

  Morning wellness walk: smoking, alcoholism, deformed sociability. A story.
  During a wellness walk (early in the morning) I notice the back of a woman walking ahead of me in the distance. She is clearly not of the most young age, but there is something interesting about her.
  The woman disappears to somewhere.
  After admiring the sceneries, I chose a convenient place, and began to pack in my bag accessories related to the implementation of a healthy lifestyle.
  Suddenly, the same woman I saw earlier appears next to me. She has a pack of cigarettes in her hands. She looks contradictory: there are a number of signs of female attractiveness, but there are details that speak about her plight.
  She asks me for matches.
  I don't need matches, I don't have them with me, but out of politeness I try to find matches or a lighter in my bag (I once bought a lighter for some occasion, but almost certainly I put it out of the bag a long time ago).
  I don't have any matches or lighters in my bag. But I hand the woman the fifty rubles: maybe such amount will make her situation some easier?
  The woman takes 50 rubles with the words: "To buy a lighter? But where can I buy it now?"
  "Maybe something more substantial?" I suggest.
  The woman pretends to be an offended innocence and disappears.
  But something tells me that she will meet me again in a few minutes.
  I cross a small bridge and turn (around) the corner.
  A strange picture: a girl and a guy are standing silently. Both are in super-modern sports attire (as if they had just teleported from some super-expensive Swiss resort). They both have some gadgets in their hands. They stare at their gadgets in silence.
  What do they want to see there?
  If they are athletes, then they are supposed to walk, run, ride a bike, etc. (especially in such ultra-modern sports attire). The street is empty. I'm interested.
  I stand there for a few seconds, waiting for the plot to develop. Soon they will see what they are interested in in their gadgets and they will start doing something. But what? The guy and the girl stand silently and look at their gadgets. Not far from them is the woman who asked me for matches.
  Without seeing any new actions from the guy and the girl, I continue my morning walk.
  The woman joins me.
  It has its own pleasantness, to take a morning walk in the company.
  The woman starts talking. 50 percent of her conversation consists of complaints about the lack of matches (or a lighter), 50 percent of information - about her past and present.
  She first tells explicit fables about her past, trying to give the impression of an important person who happened to be in distress. Indeed, she makes an impression on me with these fairy tales, but it is - unpleasant emotions. She sees such the result and moves on to more realistic stories.
  It's still very early. The street is completely empty, all the shops are closed. There is nowhere to buy matches.
  I have to listen to endless complaints about the inability to light a cigarette.
  Suddenly a lone car appears. The driver's side window is down.
  The woman rushes to the moving car.
  The driver looks at her with interest. She is not alone. If she had been alone, the driver might have felt some kind of wariness. But - she is not alone, she is walking with a man, such situation is a some guarantee that she deserves some kind of a male interest.
  A woman moves away from the car with a lit cigarette.
  There is a huge relief on her face. She looks for the nearest high curb separating the roadway from the sidewalk, and simply sits on this curb. She inhales cigarette smoke with pleasure.
  I'm standing next to her.
  After she inhales cigarette smoke, her mood and self-esteem change.
  At last, I get a verbal shot (gunshot) at my persona.
  Without further ado, I turn around and walk independently, without her.
  The words are heard from behind: "I'm not going (not planning) to catch up with you, am I?!"
  I keep walking. About five minutes later, the same woman who sat down on the curb with a cigarette appears next to me.
  Since she has moved from fables and fairy tales to realistic stories, it becomes more interesting to listen to her.
  Some of her stories evoke sympathy in me. I'm giving her a little financial help.
  However, the result of this assistance is ambiguous. Maybe she said "thank you" (I don't remember), but twenty-five times after that I heard an offer to return or the money or the change (after partial expenses).
  Her feminine intuition told her that I would not take the money back, so these endless suggestions were perceived by me as something unpleasant, regularly repeated.
  Another unpleasant result of financial assistance was the idea about the urgent need to purchase a bottle of beer (gradually I caught the smell of wine coming from her, apparently it was time to add a beer, additionally).
  In parallel, there was information about her current life. She works for hire and does the usual women's duties (housework), but in large volumes.
  To some extent, this interested me (let's add here some signs of female attractiveness), and I began to find out the details.
  Her relationship with both her husband (it was unclear if she was divorced or she was married woman) and her child were destroyed. She seems to be about forty.
  She came from a remote provincial town.
  In the beginning, she portrayed the case in such a way that now she leads a chaste life, but it looked unrealistic. It turned out that she lived and slept with one of the men, but he disappeared somewhere not so long ago.
  She is interested in some of my ideas, but the conversation is going through difficulties. She gives out, non-stop, in a stream: objections, attempts of arguing, lamentations, unnecessary initiatives.
  On the one hand, she was afraid to go to my home, on the other hand, she didn't mind coming to my home to have a cup of coffee, to put herself in order and to get a new T-shirt as (my) gift.
  At the same time, she was constantly complaining about the closed shops and the inability to buy beer.
  During the next batch of lamentations (about beer) we turned towards a functioning store. (One hundred thousand questions and lamentations: how much further to go? how long have we been walking! etc., in the same manner).
  We came to the store. She could buy matches and cigarettes in it. But it was too early to buy beer.
  The circling around the store began. The woman offered to sit on a bench in the most ambiguous places. Apparently, the habit of being the center of male attention affected.
  We entered the yard of a multi-storey building. She sat down on the low fence (around one of the flower beds).
  Another cigarette was smoked and the butt was thrown on the asphalt. I take out a napkin.
  At my request, the woman picks up the abandoned cigarette butt, wraps it in a napkin. She puts it next to her on the low fence (in the end, I threw off this cigarette butt into the trash can).
  At the same time, foul language (obscenities) is increasingly heard in her speech.
  When she begins to use phrases like 'tuck i tuck tebya,' I reprimand her (I make a remark to her). She apologizes in a vague form.
  In her conversations, interesting information appears about those events that are now of interest to almost all of humanity.
  Among her many acquaintances were those who took part in these events.
  Some of the details were very interesting - in any case, it was more interesting to listen to her (in this part) than the war correspondents and military experts who periodically speak on the radio.
  I started to say something: "When these events will end...", and suddenly I heard the opinion of political philosopher: "They will never end."
  I did not continue this topic ("Do not wake up unpleasantness while they are quiet," says the proverb ("Не буди лихо, пока оно тихо" - гласит пословица)).
  Finally, a bottle of beer was bought. The woman opens the cork, and an expression of great pleasure appears on her face. She takes a sip from the neck of the bottle.
  But we need to find a place where we can make ourselves comfortable.
  We go through the yards.
  Some guy is squatting, next to him there is a bottle and a plastic cup with some liquid.
  Somewhere a place could be found to sit on a bench to comfortably deal with beer.
  There is a concrete block nearby, which I approach to shake a pebble out of my sneaker and tie an untied shoelace.
  The shoelace is tied, I turn around, go back.
  The woman did not wait for me to finish my worries with a shoelace.
  She has already approached the guy squatting (next to whom there is a bottle and a plastic cup).
  I find myself in the honorable position of a cavalier, ready to enter into a kind of competition (with a rival) for a Beautiful Lady.
  I walk silently in the direction I need.
  She didn't catch up with me the second time. Apparently, this was not necessary.
  I'm shopping, I'm going home. This morning's wellness walk is over.
  It's time to do the housework.
  July 29, 2024, 14:07
  Translation from Russian into English: July 29, 2024 22:19
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Утренняя оздоровительная прогулка: курение, алкоголизм, деформированная общительность. Рассказ '.
  { 3555. Утренняя оздоровительная прогулка: курение, алкоголизм, деформированная общительность. Рассказ. - 29 июля 2024 года.
  MMMDXXVI. Morning wellness walk: smoking, alcoholism, deformed sociability. A story. - July 29, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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