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Lenya Bobrov. A throw to the north and the birth of a sea of creative ideas. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov. A throw to the north and the birth of a sea of creative ideas. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov. A throw to the north and the birth of a sea of creative ideas. A story.
  Lenya slept well in a comfortable hotel. Thanks to the state for caring!
  In the morning he flew from Ceylon to Russia.
  A short stop in Turkiye.
  Near the local ATM, Lenya saw two men in baseball caps. It seems Lenya saw them on TV. One of them held a radio receiver in his hands. The third person - not yet in a baseball cap and not in Turkiye - was lecturing.
  Lenya hurried to the plane flying to Russia.
  Here is Moscow.
  Lenya took the metro to the center of the capital.
  He could not miss the parade of retro cars and the capital's exhibition of archaeological finds from the Don kurgans [burial mounds].
  Retro cars drove past Lenya. For some reason he felt sad.
  He went to the archaeological exhibition. The name of the exhibition mentioned "Scythian gold". Apparently, therefore, there were many visitors at the exhibition who spoke foreign languages.
  It seemed to Lena that people who spoke French often said the word "reform" and people who spoke German often mentioned "active politics." And one even said something about the representative of the Bundestag for culture. Lenya decided to look into this later.
  After the exhibition, he headed up to the building of the Literary Institute.
  On the way, he saw how several jeeps speedly arrived up to the modern building. Several people quickly jumped out of them, surrounded a man and entered the building. Something familiar - so it seemed to Lena. In any case, the man, who was carefully surrounded by other passengers of the jeeps, was in Italian shoes. Maybe he bought these shoes when he visited a palace on a mountainous Italian lake?
  The building of the Literary Institute, named after Maxim Gorky. Here students are told about how, with the consent of the family, outstanding writers write books about brilliant writers.
  The name of Gorky led Lenya to a useful idea.
  Under the portrait of Gorky, after a dangerous repair of equipment (a small feat), his legendary uncle slept - his uncle was also called Lenya Bobrov.
  Lenya immediately took out his smartphone and ordered tickets for a river cruise from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don. Platov Airport does not yet accept "regular" flights. It makes no sense to fly to Volgograd, and then from Volgograd to get to Rostov.
  Lenya will sail on a ship and will write up-to-date material in support of the development of river tourism (on the Volga). A lot of money is going to be allocated for this project.
  And when following through the Volga-Don Canal, Lenya will be filled with inspiration and write relevant material about his uncle, who became a world celebrity thanks to Konstantin Paustovsky.
  It's time for Lenya to break through into a literary persons.
  Moreover, he will interconnect his thoughts about his uncle Lenya Bobrov and positive comments about plans to finance all sorts of hydraulic fantasies regarding the Don River.
  Lenya will try to convert his laudatory materials about the development of river tourism (on the Volga) and about the financing of hydrotechnical fantasies concerning the Don River into trips at the expense of the Cultural Initiatives Support Fund - trips to Belarus and Hungary.
  Here is the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A good car with the flag of Ceylon drove off from him.
  Lenya politely bowed to the car and its passengers.
  Thanks to Ceylon for the unexpected turn of events and for the birth of a sea of creative ideas!
  June 4, 2022 20:39
  Translation from Russian into English: June 4, 2022 21:29.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров. Бросок на север и рождение моря творческих замыслов. Рассказ".
  { 3036. Лёня Бобров. Бросок на север и рождение моря творческих замыслов. Рассказ.
  MMMVII. Lenya Bobrov. A throw to the north and the birth of a sea of creative ideas. A story. }
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