Аннотация: MMMDLXXII. Ivan Ivanovich asks the Effective Internet Foundation to help. A sketch. - November 21, 2024.
Ivan Ivanovich asks the Effective Internet Foundation to help. A sketch.
Ivan Ivanovich could not sleep peacefully for several evenings. He was being chased by voices from "Vorobyov-Life". These voices spoke of the urgent need to buy a lot of useful items.
Our guys told, had explained (to) "Vorobyov-Life" about these subjects. Without these items, our guys are in great danger! And now "Vorobyov-Life" collects 50 million rubles within two weeks to buy the necessary items.
"Transfer any amount!!! Even one ruble makes a difference!!!"
Ivan Ivanovich scratched in his pocket: "Here are some bills!" "I'm going to the bank to transfer money to "Vorobyov-Life"."
But at that moment Ivan Ivanovich's leg hurt, and he fell on the sofa. His anxiety did not leave him.
"It is impossible, it is impossible to show weakness!" Ivan Ivanovich persuaded himself. - "Every minute, every ruble makes difference!!!" "And what should I do?"
Ivan Ivanovich remembered how the "natural dam" was blown up in Siberia. There was organized an excellent supplying. Ivan Ivanovich saw the general on TV. In severe Siberian frosts (with a strong icy wind), this general visited the scene of action, inspected, and ensured the effective work of the military contingent.
"It's necessary to take information (a list of items needed by our guys) out of "Vorobyov-Life", to transfer this information to an energetic general, and he will quickly - through the right structures - ensure the delivery of these items to our guys!"
But how to pick up this information in "Vorobyov-Life"? How these data could be transferred to an effective general?
Ivan Ivanovich remembered a pretty girl, the head of the Effective Internet Foundation. Everyone turns to her for different problems! She has connections in High Circles! It's necessary to contact her. She will help to get a list of necessary items in "Vorobyov-Life" and to transfer this data to the effective general. And then it will not matter whether Ivan Ivanovich would able to walk to the bank in (during) two weeks and to transfer "his ruble" to "Vorobyov-Life". And our guys will get help in the most urgent situation!
Overcoming the pain in his leg, Ivan Ivanovich hobbled (made a steps) to the computer to write an appeal to the Effective Internet Foundation, addressed to that most extraordinary and beautiful girl.
November 21, 2024, 19:53
Translation from Russian into English: November 21, 2024 20:50
Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Иван Иванович просит помочь Фонд Эффективного Интернета. Скетч ".
{ 3601. Иван Иванович просит помочь Фонд Эффективного Интернета. Скетч. - 21 ноября 2024 г.
MMMDLXXII. Ivan Ivanovich asks the Effective Internet Foundation to help. A sketch. - November 21, 2024.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }