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Intelligence, long legs, talent. A fairy tale of an unequal marriage

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    MMMDX. Intelligence, long legs, talent. A fairy tale of an unequal marriage. - June 21, 2024.

  Intelligence, long legs, talent. A fairy tale of an unequal marriage.
  The editor-in-chief of the online magazine "StarsLove" read the report of the head of the "FameLove" direction.
  Documents from the efficiency department and the finance department were attached to the report.
  In three months, the popularity of the online magazine doubled, and advertising revenue quadrupled.
  But this is not the main thing. The main thing is the mission of the magazine: the magazine brings love to people.
  The editor-in-chief recalled how three months ago he opened the e-mail of the head of the "FameLove" direction. Attached to the email was a selection of materials about the famous (former) 55-year-old basketball player.
  This (former) basketball player is the same age as the editor-in-chief. After finishing his sports career, the (former) basketball player became a TV presenter - he hosts the TV show "Healthy Life".
  For the each issue of the TV show, the (former) basketball player receives two million rubles. And he spends four million rubles a month.
  He cooks well and visits the nearest grocery stores himself.
  But not everything in his life is rosy. His wife and his four adult children live abroad. They are well arranged. But the emotional connection with them has been lost. The (former) basketball player is in a state of divorce from his wife. He suggested his (ex-) wife to divide the property 50/50 - without formal procedures. But it didn't work out.
  Now the (former) basketball player would like to live in a loving family, with a loving wife, to be respected, loved, expected and cared for.
  The head of the "FameLove" direction reported that a girl-graduate of the capital's University of Powerfull Media Communications, who had studied at three faculties of this University, approached him with a request for a job.
  The editor-in-chief read the profiles and looked at the photographs of the 22-year-old media university graduate.
  Green eyes, long legs.
  In a response email, the editor-in-chief offered to accept the girl-applicant for the position of freelance correspondent, to issue her a ID card, and to entrust coverage of the situation in which the (former) basketball player is.
  And now three months have passed. The popularity of the online magazine grew, and advertising revenues quadrupled.
  The joint photographs show the faces of a (former) basketball player and girl-employee of an online magazine: they are happy.
  The income of the TV presenter of the TV show "Healthy Life" has tripled: the audience is delighted when the green-eyed beauty appears in the hall and exchanges gentle smiles with the TV presenter.
  The former girl-applicant has become a generally recognized expert among journalists covering social life. She is nominated for a prestigious journalistic award.
  Her stylish clothes highlight her youth. By all appearances, positive changes are imminent in the personal lives of her and of the (former) basketball player.
  The editor-in-chief looked carefully at the face and figure of the (former) basketball player. A thought arose: how many times will he marry: three or four times?
  But the editor-in-chief drove away this thought: if the (former) basketball player was respected, loved, expected and cared for in his first family, then he would not be dealing with divorce problems now.
  The editor-in-chief read a fresh letter of inquiry from the head of the "FameLove" direction: The (former) famous 65-year-old hockey player, now a music producer, arranged own family abroad well, but has lost emotional ties with his wife and six children. He is now in a procedure of divorce.
  The (former) 65-year-old hockey player would like to live in a loving family, with a loving wife, to be respected, loved, expected and cared for.
  The (former) hockey player is involved in healthy sports. He has a hobby - to bring himself into a calm state, he regularly irons his clothes.
  A 17-year-old girl approached the head of the "FameLove" direction (after completing her studies at the School of Young Correspondents) with a request to accept her for an internship.
  The editor-in-chief read the profiles and looked at the photographs of the 17-year-old girl-graduate of the School of Young Correspondents.
  Blue eyes, long legs.
  She plans to study at three universities, at six faculties. So, she has a talent and a determination.
  In a response email, the editor-in-chief offered to accept the girl-applicant for the position of freelance correspondent, to issue ID card, and to entrust coverage of the situation in which the (former) hockey player is.
  If the trends of growing popularity of the magazine and increasing its income continue, the magazine will come out on top in world rankings. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is the mission of the online magazine: to bring love to people.
  June 21, 2024 07:05
  Translation from Russian into English: June 21, 2024 08:10
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Интеллект, длинные ноги, талант. Сказка о неравном браке ".
  { 3539. Интеллект, длинные ноги, талант. Сказка о неравном браке. - 21 июня 2024 г.
  MMMDX. Intelligence, long legs, talent. A fairy tale of an unequal marriage. - June 21, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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