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How Manya and Shura argued. A local political story

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    MMMDXIII. How Manya and Shura argued. A local political story. - June 28, 2024.

  How Manya and Shura argued. A local political story.
  There were some trees next to a multi-storey apartment building.
  The place was comfortable. Residents can to stretch a rope to dry their washed clothes. Or they can take a walk with a dog.
  Manya pulled the clothesline higher and placed underpants, towels and sheets on it.
  And Shura walked in this place with her dog.
  One day, a dog touched a washed sheet (placed on a rope) with its tail. Manya was unhappy.
  It was not convenient to walk with the dog because of the long towels and even longer sheets. This annoyed Shura.
  Manya was preparing to explain to Shura that walking with a dog is possible only if the dog is digitalized and there is a scoop and a bag for dog waste.
  Shura composed a speech that combined legal aspects (the inadmissibility of hanging washed clothes without proper legal grounds) and moral aspects (it is ugly, impolite to hang your underwear on public display).
  The neighbors were waiting to hear a public discussion between Manya and Shura on economic, legal and moral issues.
  But Manya, unexpectedly for everyone, began to praise Shura in conversations with neighbors (Shura loves animals, regularly walks her dog, Shura sweeps in front of the door of her apartment on the fourth floor).
  Manya improved the moment and, in the presence of numerous neighbors, presented Shura with a bag of dog food. Shura initially refused, but Manya said that this is a very useful dog food, and all the residents of an apartment building wish the Shura's dog a good health.
  Shura accepted the gift, as she liked the health wishes expressed to her dog.
  Now, Shura, when she was walking the dog, was looking at where the underpants were hanging on the rope. In this place, she can freely walk (during a walk), bending her head so as not to touch Manya's underpants.
  Manya (in her turn) did not pay attention to the waste products of birds and other animals.
  The discussion (expected by the neighbors) was replaced by a donation of the dog food and by Manya's periodic praise of (to) Shura. The neighbors even liked this turn of events.
  June 28, 2024, 19:06
  Translation from Russian into English: June 28, 2024 20:28
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Как Маня с Шурой спорили. Местный политический рассказ '.
  { 3542. Как Маня с Шурой спорили. Местный политический рассказ. - 28 июня 2024 г.
  MMMDXIII. How Manya and Shura argued. A local political story. - June 28, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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