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Тяжелые испытания и новая историческая версия Олега Соколова. Моральный очерк по материалам судебного рассмотрения

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    Тяжелые испытания и новая историческая версия Олега Соколова. Моральный очерк по материалам судебного рассмотрения.

  Heavy trials and a new historical version by Oleg Sokolov. A moral essay based on the materials of the judicial consideration.
  Some trends can be guessed at by secondary signs.
  For example, there have been changes in the organization of the judicial defense of the historian Sokolov. A new figure appeared among the representatives of the historian.
  And this figure seems to have been associated with the main place of work [employment] of Oleg Sokolov.
  As for St. Petersburg State University, we reflected both about its rector and about Sokolov's immediate "boss" at the Institute of History. The corresponding miniatures are posted on the Internet.
  Moreover, after reading some of the materials of the "Leningrad case" (1949-1950), we found some references to personnel processes and personnel problems of the then Leningrad State University. Of course, we see no reason to write the history of Leningrad State University, focusing on, putting into the center of events, the figure of Oleg Sokolov.
  In general, like any person who received a respectable European upbringing, the assumption arose that former colleagues are trying to help the historian.
  But there is also an experience of life in the Russial criminal sub-culture. And this experience gives rise not only to caution, but also a quality of suspicion.
  And from somewhere of the depths of consciousness, this suspicion signaled, although not very strongly ...
  Yesterday there was information about the situation with the historian Sokolov, about the situation that slightly resembles the circumstances of a recent trial involving a famous artiste.
  The trial of the murder charge against Sokolov appeared to be on its way to completion. It seems that a version was indicated in the information space that skillful hunters for people (and for their property) had driven Sokolov into a social and psychological trap - which was the cause of his personal catastrophic action.
  Sokolov came up to the next day of judicial consideration on October 12, 2020 been as if a controversial tragic figure - a man with great abilities and achievements, whose psyche and worldview were influenced by the post-Soviet environment and criminal sub-culture. In relation to him, in addition to indignation at his terrible act, there was also a certain sympathy (for him) as an object of the hunt, who was skillfully driven into a trap.
  The media even reported on Sokolov's intention (after the arrest) to write a book about great love, a story, based on his relationship with a former studentess ...
  A new version appeared on October 12, 2020. It turns out that Sokolov's beloved woman, his studentess, according to his new version, adultered with some criminal person and wanted to take away Sokolov's apartment in favour (and according instructions) of Sokolov's enemies.
  Confusion, non understanding is expressed in the media. This version is not confirmed by any previous materials of the case and by previous statements of Oleg Sokolov. Even computers and correspondence were analyzed during the judicial consideration ...
  If you look at the situation objectively, the focus of public attention (under the new version of Sokolov) shifts from the process of hunting for Sokolov, from the version (from the assumption) of the raider seizure of the Sokolov's historical reconstruction project and the squeezing out of Sokolov - towards the alleged criminal plot of some low-level figures, operating in sphere of property takeover.
  Sokolov himself from a tragic hero passes into the category of a person who changes his testimony for not very clear purposes and with unconvincing (for the public) grounds. With new version, he puts his beloved woman in a negative false light.
  Sokolov's image is complemented with new traits, qualities, and properties that may not be particularly beneficial to him.
  The new version of Sokolov may seem strange to somebody. And if you look deeper, then this version is not at all strange. The new version can get an explanation.
  It turns out that in modern conditions you should not trust in your thoughts, based on a decent European upbringing. Signals from suspicion turn out to be much more effective - from that very suspicion that has been brought up by modern Russial reality and by the modern Russial criminal sub-culture ...
  [MDCCXVII. Key elements of the biography of Oleg Sokolov, the leader of the Russial Napoleonic studies. Experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction. - September 16, 2020.]
  October 14, 2020 08:04
  Translation from Russian into English: October 14, 2020 10:26.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Тяжелые испытания и новая историческая версия Олега Соколова. Моральный очерк по материалам судебного рассмотрения'.
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