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Fallen leaves. A humorous weather drawing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXXIX. Fallen leaves. A humorous weather drawing. - August 6, 2024.

  Fallen leaves. A humorous weather drawing.
  In the morning, the sky is overcast. And yesterday the Sun was shining brightly. And it was hot - almost unbearable.
  I come out outdoors. Strong gusts of wind. The hairstyles (hair) and clothing of passers-by are flying (by wind). The sky is covered with black clouds. Some clouds are of different shades of black and dark-dark-gray. I can see how the wind drives these clouds across the sky.
  Small street vendors have opened their bags and are looking inside them.
  I get on the bus and drive.
  A heavy downpour is starting. Streams of water are running through the streets.
  I'm passing a gas station. Out of the corner of my eye I notice some numbers: 49.98. Air temperature?
  But after about a kilometer, the rain becomes quieter.
  I'm admiring the sign: "Farm products". My imagination is working: "Some energetic person has made an extension to his private house, found relatives who are farmers, and now this active person will sell farm products almost at own home. Its convenient!"
  There are old-fashioned shutters (constructed from solid woods) on the windows of the house, which means that a person will sell something old-fashioned, that is, environmentally friendly (food products).
  I need to stop! I drove through the big and convenient store (I needed). In addition to the useful things that are sold there, two friendly saleswomen work there.
  I'm buying the thing I need. I continue to move in the original direction.
  I intend to admire an energetic person who is selling farm products.
  But I'm a little disappointed. The attractive sign is no longer there (gone with the wind?), the shutters are closed - although it's daytime now not nighttime.
  So I'm in the city center. Here I periodically enter a large building where many shops were located on different floors. Now they sell all kinds of clothes here on the second floor. If a visitor enters other floors, he is greeted by stretched ropes, on which sheets of paper with explanations are pasted - where to go (and where not to go).
  Meanwhile, the rain had ended. Rainwater flows down the streets. Everyone feels great: you can walk perfectly through puddles in summer shoes. But one boy (in sports clothes) is holding wet summer shoes and a gym bag in his hand. This boy is wearing relatively dry athletic boots, which he took out of his bag.
  There are no umbrellas in sight.
  It's not raining anymore, and the wind is blowing the clouds away somewhere.
  I'm going back.
  I plan to admire the "Farm products". However, the wooden shutters are closed, and a new sign is hanging instead of the old one: "For sale" (and the phone number).
  By the way! I need to buy something else at a useful store!
  I go to a useful store. Here, in addition to two pretty saleswomen, I find three big guys - aged 18-25 years. They are kind and quickly give me a check and count out the change.
  Now two pretty saleswomen have the right company! In general, it's more fun: not 2, but 5.
  I drive home. The Sun is shining brightly. Minor puddles are visible on the streets. The asphalt is generally dry.
  I drive past a gas station and out of the corner of my eye I notice the number: 63.25. Is it (clearly) not the air temperature?
  Street vendors are trying to sell their goods with dignity. After the rain, the sellers came out of the big shops and they are looking down on everyone: they are working under the roof, but who (what kind of people) are the others?
  It's sunny and warm. I remember how the autumn began, (in) some last year. I was in the bus. The wind tore large raindrops from the sky and threw tree leaves on the asphalt. The entire roadway was littered with leaves and wet drops that had fallen to the ground. There are no leaves now.
  Autumn is a myth. And summer is similar to a kind of an entire life.
  "A nimble stream is running from the mountain,
  There is a bird noise in the forest.
  And the din of the forest and the noise of the mountain,
  Everything echoes the cheerful thunders!" - I recall pleasant words to improve my mood.
  August 06, 2024 16:05
  Translation from Russian into English: August 6, 2024 17:46
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Опавшие листья. Юмористическая погодная зарисовка ".
  { 3558. Опавшие листья. Юмористическая погодная зарисовка. - 6 августа 2024 г.
  MMMDXXIX. Fallen leaves. A humorous weather drawing. - August 6, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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