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The colloquium of the former oligarch in the student auditorium of the Faculty of Economics of the Recens University on the topic "Collapse of the exchange rate". An economic story

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    The colloquium of the former oligarch in the student auditorium of the Faculty of Economics of the Recens University on the topic "Collapse of the exchange rate". An economic story.

  The colloquium of the former oligarch in the student auditorium of the Faculty of Economics of the Recens University on the topic "Collapse of the exchange rate". An economic story.
  - Greetings to students, the most active and intellectual part of Recens society! For charitable reasons, I communicate with students of different universities. I was invited to your colloquium on the subject of "Collapse of the exchange rate."
  - We watched with interest your video message to a group of the most influential economic figures. Apparently, you are familiar with the "secrets" of the collapse of the exchange rate. Tell us about these secrets.
  - Before a sharp collapse, some kind of suspicious processes take place. Prices are rising. That is, in fact, the currency is weakening. But the exchange rate of the national currency is forcibly kept at approximately the same level - instead of a gradual weakening.
  - And at what point is the decision to start the collapse?
  - The decision can be made officially - in case of refusal to fulfill previously taken obligations on securities, for example. But you can take advantage of the circumstances and integrate into current events - in this option, you can do without an official decision (on refusal to fulfill obligations). The second option is good because it gives the events the appearance of randomness. Using the second option is not so difficult if the everything is prepared for it.
  - How is the money "up-welded" while the collapse?
  - One part of the population has real access to the currency. Another part of the population practically does not deal with currency. Those who do not deal with the currency, after the collapse, find themselves with depreciated money in their hands and with increased prices on goods. The owners of the currency - they win.
  - And what "secrets" are the most interesting in this algorithm?
  - The central players take - temporarily - huge amounts of national currency from various sources. In the midst of a crash, they throw those amounts into the foreign exchange market-buying up foreign currency. The exchange rate of the national currency is falling. Part of the acquired foreign currency, the central players sell at new high prices - and return the previously received amounts in domestic currency. The remaining part of the acquired foreign currency remains their (the central players) property. So money is made out of air - like in a fairy tale.
  - What, in your opinion, is the point of introducing a new commission for the purchase of foreign currency - under the pretext of stabilizing the foreign exchange market and the exchange rate?
  - Let's take an example to illustrate. In the midst of the collapse, a commission is introduced to buy foreign currency. The commission is 50 percent. What changes for the buyer of foreign currency? The rate was 100, and now it's 150 (100 plus 50 equals 150). If the main factors pushing the exchange rate to fall are not eliminated, then buyers pay 150 ...
  - What is the purpose of this commission?
  - There are central players - privileged owners of foreign currency. And there are others - not privileged - owners of foreign currency. In case of a collapse, the losers (if the commission is not set) are those who did not deal with foreign currency. They are left - with the devalued domestic money and with the rising prices on goods. In the variant of the commission, unprivileged currency holders are added to the number of victims. Course 100. A purchases - at 150 (including commission). Nearby some actors - the recipients of the commission. The losers are those who have not dealt with foreign exchange. Unprivileged currency holders are added to them - they sell at approximately the rate of 100. So they are also added to the losers. Some pay using 150, others receive by 100. Plus, there are commission recipients somewhere nearby. Above situation are the privileged players who make money out of air.
  - Thank you for coming to us and explaining some economic secrets.
  - At first, I planned to agree on payment for my participation in the classes - with the subsequent transfer of the amount of my fee to a charitable foundation. But then I decided to make my visits a purely charitable event - no payments from universities for my intellectual work! Consider that you (students) and your University have received an intellectual mega-grant from me.
  - Thank you very much! Come again!
  - Bye! I wish you success in your studies!
  March 3, 2022 12:22
  Translation from Russian into English: March 3, 2022 13:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Коллоквиум бывшего олигарха в студенческой аудитории экономического факультета Новейшего Университета по теме 'Обвал валютного курса'. Экономический рассказ'.
  {2838. Коллоквиум бывшего олигарха в студенческой аудитории экономического факультета Новейшего Университета по теме 'Обвал валютного курса'. Экономический рассказ.
  MMDCCCVIII. The colloquium of the former oligarch in the student auditorium of the Faculty of Economics of the Recens University on the topic "Collapse of the exchange rate". An economic story. }
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