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Barvenkovo (Barvinkove). An essay on geographical and historical associations

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    Barvenkovo (Barvinkove). An essay on geographical and historical associations.

  Barvenkovo (Barvinkove). An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  The radio repeats the name "Barvenkovo".
  At first, it doesn't interest me. Most likely, it seems to me, this settlement got its name from the surname of the founder - Barvenkov.
  However, even if this is a correct assumption, what is the origin of the surname? (On the map "Barvenkovo" is found without difficulty).
  At some point, I heard this name again and decided to open the Explanatory Dictionary of Vladimir Dal.
  Here are the words that caught my attention:
  "БАРБЕТ, Barbette, French. military earth embankment under the gun, at the inner side of the parapet." ["type of gun emplacement in terrestrial fortifications"] ["a barbette is a protective circular armour support for a heavy gun turret"] [unofficial translation]
  БАРВЕНА, BARVENA, ... beautiful red-bearded fish, Mullus barbatus, in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Falling asleep, she plays with rainbow colors.
  БАРВИНОК, barvinok, Periwinkle m. plant grave, coffin-grass, Vinca minor ...
  БОРОВ, BOROV, ... boar...Borovchak ... one year old calf; ... goby ... Borovchanikha ... Cow ... Borovyatina ... pork.
  БОРОВЕЦ, БУРОВЕЦ, BOROVETS, BUROVETS ... plant Rhinanthus Crista Galli, ... wild hop, ... mouse grass ..." [unofficial translation]
  The ancient Turkic dictionary contains the word BOR - wine ... If to follow this path, then you need to start from "бор", that is, from a pine forest?
  Dictionaries do not offer us an unambiguous choice.
  Personally, I like the origin of "Barvenkovo" from "БАРБЕТ, Barbette, French. military earth embankment under the gun, at the inner side of the parapet.
  Perhaps, under some circumstances, a foreign engineer created an earthen embankment and pronounced its name in French. This name sounded very unusual for the locals. (Perhaps even from the nearest settlements, local residents came to look at the unusual work).
  The word stuck in the name of the settlement.
  This one looks romantic.
  But with a more realistic look at the circumstances, "Barvenkovo" can be seen as a place known for breeding hogs. Perhaps the hogs were huge, they were amazing...
  The variant of origin from the name of the founder of the settlement we put aside.
  ["The Sloboda Barvinkov Stenka is named after the nickname of the ataman Ivan Barvinka (Barvenka) and by the Slobozhan name of the "wall", that is, the high bank of the river with a fast current." "In essence, the personality of the ataman is shrouded in a large number of legends and it is still unknown whether the Cossack actually existed, whether he is a fictional character in the oral folk art of the Kharkov region or a prototype of several real historical figures."] [unofficial translation]
  (If we return to the version of the origin of the village from the surname of the founder, then we can assume that Ataman Barvenok defended the fortification "БАРБЕТ, Barbette", which is why he received the surname. But ataman Bervenok - as another option - could receive a surname at the place of residence - from the village "Barvenkovo" ).
  An attempt to connect Barvenkovo with the ataman Barvink increases the likelihood of the origin of the name of the village from the word "БАРБЕТ, Barbette".
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  May 16, 2022 16:45
  Translation from Russian into English: May 16, 2022 17:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Барвенково. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций".
  { 2993. Барвенково. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций.
  MMCMLXIII. Barvenkovo (Barvinkove). An essay on geographical and historical associations. }
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