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A walk (by foot) along the bike path on the 31st of July. A drawing

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    MMMDXXVII. A walk (by foot) along the bike path on the 31st of July. A drawing. - July 31, 2024.

  A walk (by foot) along the bike path on the 31st of July. A drawing.
  The early morning. The first and main feeling: freshness, coolness.
  A darkish blue Sky, with a light pinkish stripe along the edges.
  A New Moon is visible in the Sky.
  It's time to feel the sence of freshness.
  Two hours later: the Sky is light blue. There is a light peach stripe along the edges of the Sky. The morning Sun is shining brightly. It's time for a morning tan.
  Maybe a bike ride? I will try.
  It's still early enough. There is no way to hire a bike yet.
  I don't want to wait. I decide to walk near this bike path - along the bike path.
  The morning time. A chilly air. It's nice to walk.
  I look at my watch and at the markings on the asphalt. The speed of my walking is 4 kilometers per hour. Therefore, I will walk the distance of 6 kilometers in an hour and a half.
  I was covering, by foot, (earlier, on other days) a more long distance in the city. But there the eye stops at various kinds of objects. Here you can immediately see almost the entire trajectory of the future movement, and it seems that there is a very long distance to go.
  I meet walkers, runners, and several people on bicycles (apparently, these are their own bicycles).
  It's nice to walk: with the chilly air. The Sun directs at me several powerful flows: streams of energy, of light, of heat.
  Both the sunny path as well as the "second" Sun (located on the water surface) are visible.
  Kayaks and canoes are gradually appearing. It's nice to look at these energetic people. Maybe both sports judges and judges from beauty contests should be invited to sports competitions? Some girls-canoeists could claim, if not prizes at the Olympic Games, then the title of "Miss Attractiveness".
  After 45 minutes of walking, there is a feeling that the air is overheating.
  I feel annoyed: I see it's more fun to ride a bike. When cycling, an oncoming air flow (headwind) is guaranteed.
  But the Nature itself comes to the rescue. I feel an increasingly strong fresh breeze, making the walk comfortable. Great! I breathe in the fresh, cool air with pleasure.
  There are more and more cyclists.
  Walkers, runners and cyclists are joined by a slender woman on roller skates. She has a mysterious smile on her face.
  With my unhurried movement at a speed of 4 km per hour, everyone who moves in the same direction overtakes me.
  Now there is no ("associated" with me) a four-person kayak that would "accompany" me - as last time - when I was riding a bike. Last time we moved at about the almost equal speed.
  Three tall guys are running towards me (apparently they are competing with each other for speed) and behind them is a microscopic girl.
  Maybe it's some kind of team? Some kind of sports boat crew? And the girl is the helmsman? (The weight of the helmsman - helmswoman - should be minimal).
  I am overtaken by a running girl dressed in a red tracksuit.
  I look at the electronic scoreboard: plus 30 degrees Celsius.
  My walk is nearing completion. Four kilometers (not six) is probably quite enough for a comfortable walking trip, especially if you start walking in the early morning, at a relatively low air temperature.
  I look at the electronic scoreboard again. It's already showing 31 degrees.
  My walk is almost complete.
  I look at my pedometer. The distance that I was covering by bike during the previous (cycling) walks, I overcame today in 1 hour and 30 minutes. The pedometer shows 8500 steps. In fact, not so much. But the Sun and the rising air temperature create a load. Thanks to the saving fresh invigorating breeze.
  Now I'm going to drink pomegranate juice.
  A girl in a red tracksuit (a lover of running), who recently overtook me, chooses a bike at the rental point.
  It was interesting to walk on foot the entire cycling route.
  July 31, 2024 11:32
  Translation from Russian into English: July 31, 2024 18:36
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Пешеходная прогулка (вдоль велосипедной дорожки) 31-го июля. Зарисовка ".
  { 3556. Пешеходная прогулка (вдоль велосипедной дорожки) 31-го июля. Зарисовка. - 31 июля 2024 г.
  MMMDXXVII. A walk (by foot) along the bike path on the 31st of July. A drawing. - July 31, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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