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A Touchy (Huffy) Specialist in Law. A story from legal practice

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    MMMDXXXII. A Touchy (Huffy) Specialist in Law. A story from legal practice. - August 23, 2024.

  A Touchy (Huffy) Specialist in Law. A story from legal practice.
  An economic dispute between two organizations was in considering.
  During this period, I not only represented the interests of several organizations, but also participated in the publication of a unique periodical (devoted to the formation of the rule of law and the problems of the functioning of arbitration courts).
  Several cases in which I was a representative of one of the parties of the disputes were considered in a small office-room, the owner of which was a relatively young, mobile man who was actively interested in legal (law) journalism.
  During my visits to his office-room, he looked at me attentively, examined me, - as if from all directions, - right as if under a magnifying glass.
  Apparently, the period of examining my person came to some logical point, and during another (next) visit to his office-room, I found this young, mobile man in the company of a young attractive lady (about the same age as him, or slightly younger than him). The owner of the office-room was exchanging glances with this attractive young woman. In this glances I felt elements of a special trust, tenderness and intimacy.
  The case was conducting according to the rules that allowed the presence of "outsiders" (those who wanted to watch and listen to how "the case is going.")
  The considering of the economic dispute started. The periodic, almost languid glances exchanged between the young man and the beautiful young lady did not interfere with the implementation of all the necessary procedures.
  If I hadn't been immersed in the interests of the party (side) (I represented) and in the essence of the economic dispute, I would have enjoyed watching this nonverbal communication - almost like of two lovebirds.
  The course of the dispute alerted me. It became clear to me that the case (in this office-room, this time) would not end in my favor. By all indications, I ought to find myself in a losing situation (for my business reputation), and my reaction would be observed not only by the owner of the office-room, but also by an attractive young woman invited by him.
  Everything was heading towards some kind of unpleasant for me (and funny for someone) final scene.
  Having understood the main trend of the events taking place, I seized on some detail and declared my distrust of the owner of the office-room. My statement (about the distrust) was motivated.
  The owner of the office-room had to consider this statement independently, without the presence of any persons.
  The planned scenario was disrupted.
  A young attractive woman and I left the office-room. On the owner of the office-room, who was forced to part with a beautiful young woman, and who stopped exchanging (languid-?) with looks, there was no face.
  The idyllic atmosphere was destroyed.
  After a while, we were invited back to the office-room.
  The owner of the office-room looked agitated and he was immersed in negative emotions.
  He has not changed his plans.
  However, the planned final scene (in the presence of a beautiful young woman) did not work out.
  At the fastest possible pace, in violation of some legal or logical stages, the case has come to an end. As I expected, the outcome was not favorable for me.
  The owner of the office-room looked clearly displeased.
  I left the office-room, composing in my mind the text of the appeal to a higher (level of) authority.
  In my appeal, I referred to those violations that were the result of the forced (fastest) completion of the case in the aforementioned office-room - in an atmosphere of negative emotions.
  My arguments were taken into account. As a (common, final) result, the dispute ended in favor of the party I represented.
  The young woman remained with her tenderness and attractiveness, but without seeing the final scene, unpleasant for me (and funny for someone).
  August 23, 2024 08:42
  Translation from Russian into English: August 23, 2024 10:04
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Обидчивый юрист. Рассказ из юридической практики '.
  { 3561. Обидчивый юрист. Рассказ из юридической практики. - 23 августа 2024 г.
  MMMDXXXII. A Touchy (Huffy) Specialist in Law. A story from legal practice. - August 23, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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