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A teaching of biology in Latin. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha

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    MMMCDLXXXII. A teaching of biology in Latin. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha. - April 18, 2024.

  A teaching of biology in Latin. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha.
  Having given the order to fill the pool, Seryozha went to the Philatelistic Club.
  At the entrance to the Club, he saw an ad: "Due to the repair work on the water supply, the Club is temporarily closed."
  He had to go back to the Pool.
  The pool began to fill with water.
  Seryozha took a shower, put on swimming trunks, a rubber cap, swimmer's glasses and entered the water, which already partially filled the pool.
  As the Chairman of the Public Pool Council, he must personally supervise the filling of the pool with water.
  He crossed the pool from one side up to the other side.
  At this time, one of the younger schoolboy appeared. This school student handed Seryozha an envelope with a sheet of paper.
  Seryozha took the envelope (the inscription on the envelope is "To the school student Seryozha"), unfolded a piece of paper and read it aloud:
  "Dear Seryozha!
  I would like to inform you that a well-known surgeon from the Central Intersectoral Hospital has been involved in a teaching a school biology course.
  All school students attending the relevant biology classes will receive a scholarship (monthly) in the amount of two minimum wages.
  The lessons will be conducted in Latin.
  In this regard, I would like to inform you, additionally, that from now the school receives the name: "A secondary school with a number of subjects taught in Latin."
  We invite you to a lesson starting today at 11:30 a.m.
  With respect and best wishes for success in school,
  The headmaster of a secondary school with a teaching of a number of subjects in Latin."
  The younger schoolboy who delivered the message informed Seryozha and other present that there were 40 minutes left before the biology lesson.
  Seryozha immediately put himself in order and headed to the school for a biology lesson.
  Firstly, additional financial resources (scholarship) will not hurt him.
  Secondly, all the great scientists of the past knew Latin well. Seryozha, as a candidate for scientific mega-grants, will be in a winning position - as an applicant who graduated from Secondary School with a teaching of a number of subjects in Latin. With such a school certificate, he will fly into the Academy like Baron Munchausen on a cannonball.
  April 18, 2024, 21:45
  Translation from Russian into English: April 18, 2024 22:50
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Преподавание биологии на латинском языке. Рассказ для школьников о Серёже '.
  {3511. Преподавание биологии на латинском языке. Рассказ для школьников о Серёже. - 18 апреля 2024 г.
  MMMCDLXXXII. A teaching of biology in Latin. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha. - April 18, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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