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A statement to the electronic library. A diary note

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    MMMCDLXVI. A statement to the electronic library. A diary note. - March 19, 2024.

  A statement to the electronic library. A diary note.
  (To) Administration of the ElLib Electronic Library
  from Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalessky
  Dear Administration of the ElLib electronic library [the actual name of the library has been replaced with a fictitious, conditional one]!
  1. I ask you to remove three of my books from the number of books placed in your ElLib library:
  1.1. A tutorial of a writer's success. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons,
  1.2. A tutorial of a writer's success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons,
  1.3. Three Textbooks of Success (SI).
  2. As follows from the information on the website, the book Three Textbooks of Success (SI) is posted in the ElLib library by the very administrator.
  No one has asked my consent for this placement. I don't understand, are any copyright laws exist?
  3. As follows from the information on the website, the book Three Textbooks of Success (SI) is for sale.
  No one asked my consent for the sale of my book! No one asked for my bank details to pay out to me my fee! I have not received a single kopeck from the sale of this my book.
  If this book is not in demand, then what is the point of putting it up for sale (without getting my consent)?
  If it makes sense to put it up for sale (without getting my consent), then where is my money (my fee)?!
  I feel surprised again: are any copyright laws exist??
  On the issue of my consent. I have indeed placed my works in your library.
  But how should I tell without impoliteness?... Knowing in advance that the current practice does not (always) provide the payment of royalties to the author of the literary work (for copies sold), I placed my works exclusively for a free access - to provide a free access to my books from side of readers (visitors to your library).
  4. I would also like to draw your attention to the following circumstances:
  4.1. Previously, there was an option in your library to access statistical data: what is the number of readings (or of downloadings introductory excerpts of the book - when putting the work up for sale). There is no such option now. (Previously, my books were in second place in your library in popularity after the books of K.A. Zalessky, and there was a tendency for them to come out in your library in popularity in the first place among authors with the surname Zalessky). Of course, I do not associate my difficulties concerning finding this option (access to statistics) with the author's possible pointing to the popularity of the author's books and with the author's possible demands for payment of a fee.
  4.2. Access to books is arranged in such a way that when searching for surname Zalessky V.V., not only my books appear, but also some books by other authors with the surname Zalessky, but with other initials.
  I understand that our world is not a something perfect, but, however, this again causes me surprise. Readers can spread their interest in my books to books by other authors. Maybe other authors are more popular than me? I will not deny this possibility. But I don't pretend to "follow them on a tow rope". If it's really necessary, then I'm ready to read these books, write something like short written reviews. But such a question did not arise. But somehow there is a mixture of books by different authors.
  5. I am considering deleting my account with all my works from your library (your library I sincerely consider a useful organization). But so far I have not made such a decision. I ask you to remove the three works mentioned above from your library. I also ask you not to violate my author's rights.
  6. My letter does not mean that I have a negative attitude towards electronic libraries (including yours). I wish you success and prosperity.
  Sincerely, Vladimir Zalessky
  March 19, 2024 02:59
  Translation from Russian into English: March 19, 2024 04:14
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Заявление в электронную библиотеку. Дневниковая заметка '.
  {3495. Заявление в электронную библиотеку. Дневниковая заметка. - 19 марта 2024 г.
  MMMCDLXVI. A statement to the electronic library. A diary note. - March 19, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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