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A memo on the investigation into the circumstances of the interview with Princess Diana

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    A memo on the investigation into the circumstances of the interview with Princess Diana.

  A memo on the investigation into the circumstances of the interview with Princess Diana.
  A few days ago, materials of next, new investigation appeared about the circumstances of the interview that Martin Bashir took with Princess Diana in 1995. The BBC1 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales aired on Monday 20 November 1995. In the UK, it was watched by 23 million viewers. The interview led to Diana's divorce from Prince Charles just a month later, as well as to a family conflict. (How to mention the source? With "agents" or without "undesirables"? In general, we refrain from mentioning the source, for which we apologize).
  Why does this topic continue to excite audiences in the UK and worldwide?
  Take Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina", for example. Let's say a journalist comes to the main character of Tolstoy's novel, shows her a fake financial documents, and convinces the main character that a conspiracy was organized against her by the imperial court and the secret service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  The main character is under stress for many reasons. She does not have the ability to calmly analize the submitted documents. She believes in conspiracy theories against her by the imperial court and the secret service. She gives an interview to a skilled journalist and sharply criticizes the central figures of the political system of the Russian Empire in this interview. A major scandal begins. The main character is getting divorced from her husband. She turns into a powerful opposition figure. The finale of Leo Tolstoy's novel is well known.
  Until our time, Leo Tolstoy's novel is of interest. The relevance of the moral issues depicted in this novel does not disappear.
  The story of the interview given by Lady Diana in 1995 is all the more relevant.
  At the same time, almost nothing is said about one of the main details in this whole story.
  Suppose there is a journalist who executed the formation (or the directing) some beliefs before the interview. And then he would interview asking about these beliefs in detail. It is difficult to blame the journalist for such actions. In this world, everyone somehow influences everyone ...
  Suppose that a journalist at the stage of forming (before the interview) beliefs used false financial documents. The journalist did not have another method to influence the future object of the interview and to obtain consent from the object to participate in the interview. Under (with) this nuance, everything is more complicated, is more difficult.
  Even the fact that an honest person, a professional who performed the technical work on the production of false financial documents was not awarded, but removed from a prestigious workplace, is, nevertheless, understandable (albeit with a disappointment).
  But the most interesting detail is the targeted (dotted) theft from a professional who made copies of (fake) financial documents, the theft of the computer disks with fake files.
  A person can be talented in different areas. But there is also such a thing as experience. Successful pinpoint thefts require experience, planning and preparation, and organizational work.
  Consequently, the likelihood of a journalist, of a person professionally engaged in journalism, executing a targeted, pinpoint theft of fake discs is extremely small. Without experience - how to do such a thing?
  Is it moral or not moral to use fake documents? How did the use of fake papers affect the interviews, the public situation in the country? This worries the authors of the investigation.
  As for the pinpoint theft of a disc with fake files - the theft which turns a story regarding the journalistic ethics into a script of James Bond adventure - there is very, very little data about this theft in the investigation.
  May 26, 2021 08:17
  Translation from Russian into English: May 26, 2021 09:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Заметка о расследовании обстоятельств интервью с принцессой Дианой'.
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