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A. L. Sherstobitov. A criminal history and a literary abilities. A literary note

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    A. L. Sherstobitov. A criminal history and a literary abilities. A literary note.

  A. L. Sherstobitov. A criminal history and a literary abilities. A literary note.
  There was, and probably is, such a person - A. L. Sherstobitov.
  To write about him is not a grateful thing. More bad than good is known about him.
  After completion of his criminal career Alexey Sherstobitov [Алексей Шерстобитов] wrote the two-volume book "A Liquidator" ['Ликвидатор'] with a subtitle "A confession of the legendary killer" ['Исповедь легендарного киллера']. The book published in 2013-2014.
  In the book, he writes that he repented.
  In this book there are detailed descriptions of his criminal activities and a some reflections on legal topics.
  The autobiographical descriptions and pictures of the social situation in the 90s of the 20th century are interesting.
  The book is interesting, but its content makes you think ...
  You is thinking, thinking...
  Time goes by...
  But, suddenly, in December 2019, there is a conversation between two outstanding people. And the words: "... it is necessary to conduct a dialogue. But is it necessary to have a dialogue with those who are sentenced by the courts and who are in a prison? They are also our citizens, and we also need to know their position, we need to communicate with them. I agree here.".
  According to A. L. Sherstobitov, the beginning of his career was not criminal. He, according to him, studied at a military school, received an officer's rank, was awarded the order (or-orders). He had killed more than one man... Yes...
  If to look at A.L. Sherstobitov? A modern "Russial literature" is poor by people with a real abilities ... And not everyone is able to write two volumes (each of 400 pages) with the interesting information. Not the fact that after the time spent in the "places", those abilities remained ... But, perhaps, there was the military service and there were the awards ...
  In general, 'They are also our citizens' ...
  December 16, 2019 10:31
  Translation from Russian into English: December 16, 2019 12:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'А.Л. Шерстобитов. Криминальная история и литературные способности. Литературная заметка'.
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