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A lecture on a Cosmonautics Day. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha

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    MMMCDLXXIX. A lecture on a Cosmonautics Day. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha. - April 15, 2024.

  A lecture on a Cosmonautics Day. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha.
  Seryozha walked down the street and enjoyed the mild bright Sun, the blooming fruit trees, the warm spring, almost summer, air.
  He was invited to give a lecture on a philately at one of the schools in his hometown.
  It was an area of predominantly private development - filled mainly with private houses (for one family).
  Some gates had the inscription "Beware, the evil dog here!"
  Therefore, Seryozha showed caution when a huge dog appeared twenty meters away from him and calmly looked at Seryozha.
  Seryozha examined the nearest space around himself, bent down and picked up a thick piece of a wooden stick.
  If this huge dog will run up to Seryozha and will show aggressive intentions, Seryozha will have a means to repel the dog attack.
  However, the stick was not needed.
  The huge dog was either peaceful, or found it inappropriate to approach Seryozha armed with a stick. She stayed where she was, and Seryozha walked on.
  On his way, Seryozha met a big grocery store.
  Seryozha stopped for a minute, thought a little, but decided not to buy anything: there was a lecture ahead; maybe on the way back he would buy something useful.
  Seryozha continued on his way towards the school, which invited him to give a lecture.
  Suddenly, he saw the same huge dog again. The dog was sitting quietly. She was already on a leash tied to a fence. Nearby, in front of the gate of the household, there was an expensive black car.
  The tethered dog (on the leash) posed no danger, and Seryozha went on.
  After walking a few steps, he stopped.
  Preoccupied with thoughts about the upcoming lecture, he - at first - did not pay attention to the car.
  But the license plate on the car is familiar to him! And Seryozha saw this car several times near the Main Office of Agriculture and Architecture!
  Yes, he, Seryozha, was inconsiderate!
  Seryozha went back to the big grocery store, bought a stick of delicious sausage, and then approached the dog. The sausage was previously freed from the shell: Seryozha specifically asked the store employee about it, and even paid a small amount of money, separately, - for the corresponding efforts.
  Seryozha cautiously approached the dog, looked at her with respect and carefully threw her the purchased stick of sausage.
  The dog sniffed the sausage and looked at Seryozha with interest.
  - Eat, eat! - Seryozha said kindly. - Good dog!
  There was little time left before the lecture, and Seryozha continued on his way to the school.
  He continued thinking about the upcoming lecture.
  Of course, on a Cosmonautics Day, the main attention should be paid to space-themed postage stamps. The first human flight into space, the other space achievements - all this gives rise to great pride in a Human, in his creative potential!
  April 15, 2024 10:47
  Translation from Russian into English: April 15, 2024 11:46
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Лекция в День Космонавтики. Рассказ для школьников о Серёже '.
  {3508. Лекция в День Космонавтики. Рассказ для школьников о Серёже. - April 15, 2024.
  MMMCDLXXIX. A lecture on a Cosmonautics Day. A story for schoolchildren about Seryozha. - April 15, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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