Журнал "Самиздат": Миниатюра

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Мерзкий старикашка
Как все начиналось
Даниэль Дефо. История
Рекомендует Родионов М.В.

 Авторов: 108607
 Произведений: 1673298

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Рождественский детектив-24

 Адодин С.С.
 Александрова А.Д.
 Анишкин В.Г.
 Астириан И.
 Бездарный Н.
 Безмежная А.
 Боброва В.
 Богомаз А.В.
 Варлей В.
 Василишин А.В.
 Волкова О.Д.
 Волкомич М.И.
 Гаврилов Д.А.
 Гофер В.А.
 Граф О.М.
 Демон С.В.
 Дэрри М.
 Еленец К.
 Железняков Ю.Ю.
 Жураховский Е.Г.
 Ивашкова Ю.
 Козлова Т.В.
 Кононов В.А.
 Консилиариус М.
 Корнилова Н.
 Косицын В.
 Кошкина А.А.
 Крайний М.В.
 Кривушин Е.А.
 Криин Ф.Д.
 Курбаши Б.
 Литвиненко Е.
 Максимов С.А.
 Мамаева Н.
 Манучарян А.С.
 Мишина А.В.
 Наследник Г.
 Николаев Е.А.
 Обрезкова А.А.
 Овчинникова С.
 Ознобкина М.В.
 Орлов Д.В.
 Пахомов И.А.
 Передерий С.Н.
 Петренко В.В.
 Плеснецов С.Ю.
 Поворов А.С.
 Поляков А.В.
 Поэт Х.
 Пресняк М.А.
 Проценко А.А.
 Савостин С.В.
 Сакураи Г.
 Скорняков В.В.
 Сыров С.В.
 Тернская О.
 Филаретов Д.Н.
 Ханов А.В.
 Чуйкина Н.Ю.
 Шульга В.
 Black M.
 Your D.
Страниц (687): 1 ... 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The Tale about the Pink Riding Hood 6k   Переводы
    The Tale about the Pink Riding Hood
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The Tale of new adventures of the Gogol"s Nose (Series 5) 2k   Переводы
    The Tale of new adventures of the Gogol"s Nose (Series 5)
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The Tale-"comment" upon "comment" of the educated donkey 3k   Переводы
    The Tale-"comment" upon "comment" of the educated donkey
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The terms "Litvin", "Great-Lithuanian", "East-Republican" in modern historical and political science. ... 12k   Переводы
    The terms "Litvin", "Great-Lithuanian", "East-Republican" in modern historical and political science. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The theme of the Athens-Vilnius flight on Kosti-Nf. The story 4k   Переводы
    The theme of the Athens-Vilnius flight on Kosti-NF. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The traditions of Charles de Gaulle and Woodrow Wilson. An essay 2k   Переводы
    The traditions of Charles de Gaulle and Woodrow Wilson. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The Un Security Council Resolution on Afghanistan and the Russial Diplomacy. An essay 4k   Переводы
    The UN Security Council Resolution on Afghanistan and the Russial Diplomacy. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: The wooden soldier of Oorfene Deuce's army has returned from service. A monologue 2k   Переводы
    The wooden soldier of Oorfene Deuce's army has returned from service. A monologue.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: They organized the marriage of me without my participation. Financial problems of the "Nauka" module ... 7k   Переводы
    They organized the marriage of me without my participation. Financial problems of the "Nauka" module and of Russial cosmic sector. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: They should to come off [to leave] with what they came with. A nostalgic essay 7k   Переводы
    They should to come off [to leave] with what they came with. A nostalgic essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: To squeeze out the sounds "Mo". A note on a contemporary Russial culture 1k   Переводы
    To squeeze out the sounds "Mo". A note on a contemporary Russial culture.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Toulon, Berezina and the magic of the old French medallion. A confession of a teacher of a capital University ... 20k   Переводы
    Toulon, Berezina and the magic of the old French medallion. A confession of a teacher of a capital University (Russia, the 21st century).
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Towards the Moon. A non-payment of tax (in full) and a tax secrecy. A diary note 9k   Переводы
    Towards the Moon. A non-payment of tax (in full) and a tax secrecy. A diary note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Track by Your Music 0k   Переводы
    Track by Your Music
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Trans-Siberian Railway and the situation with the cargo transportation (The feat of managers). The note ... 5k   Переводы
    Trans-Siberian Railway and the situation with the cargo transportation (The feat of managers). The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Turkish canal into outer space. The note 2k   Переводы
    Turkish canal into outer space. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Two dialogues about the rest on sea coast, tomatoes, potatoes and energy carriers 2k   Переводы Комментарии
    Two dialogues about the rest on sea coast, tomatoes, potatoes and energy carriers.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Two environmental lawsuits: in Rostov and in Moscow. An addition to the story about the visit to Kamchatka ... 6k   Переводы
    Two environmental lawsuits: in Rostov and in Moscow. An addition to the story about the visit to Kamchatka.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Two throws. Lieutenant-generals Yevkurov and Muradov. The essay 8k   Переводы
    Two throws. Lieutenant-generals Yevkurov and Muradov. The essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Two youth trips: to the Black Sea and around Central Asia. (In university). Autobiographical story 6k   Переводы
    Two youth trips: to the Black Sea and around Central Asia. (In university). Autobiographical story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Unique relationship with India. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Unique relationship with India. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vaccination. Нistory is going forward. A sketch 3k   Переводы
    Vaccination. Нistory is going forward. A sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vaccine awards and some results. An essay on the history of the world's first vaccine 5k   Переводы
    Vaccine awards and some results. An essay on the history of the world's first vaccine.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov defeated catastrophic forest fires. A fantastic sketch 5k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov defeated catastrophic forest fires. A fantastic sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov dreams of 500 million of the population of Russia. A sketch 4k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov dreams of 500 million of the population of Russia. A sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov is going to become a Great Diplomat. A sketch 5k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov is going to become a Great Diplomat. A sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov is learning English to become a diplomat. A story 3k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov is learning English to become a diplomat. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov reflects on the prospects of working in the Far East (not for decades, but for centuries). ... 4k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov reflects on the prospects of working in the Far East (not for decades, but for centuries). A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vanya Zhukov supports Afghanistan by finance. A story (continued) 3k   Переводы
    Vanya Zhukov supports Afghanistan by finance. A story (continued).
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Venezuelan ... with Russial ... 2020 - 2021. A memo 3k   Переводы
    Venezuelan ... with Russial ... 2020 - 2021. A memo.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vitaly Mutko and the July (2021) crisis on the Transsib. The sketch 2k   Переводы
    Vitaly Mutko and the July (2021) crisis on the Transsib. The sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Vladimir Chelomey and Sergei Korolev, participants in the scientific dispute (1933 - 1961). An essay ... 6k   Переводы
    Vladimir Chelomey and Sergei Korolev, participants in the scientific dispute (1933 - 1961). An essay on the history of Soviet cosmos.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: We are together. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Философия
    We are together. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: What exactly seemed interesting to me in the book by Felix Chuev "molotov. A semi-autocratic ruler"? ... 5k   Переводы
    What exactly seemed interesting to me in the book by Felix Chuev "Molotov. A semi-autocratic ruler"? The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Why is the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum needed? Questions 2k   Переводы
    Why is the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum needed? Questions.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: World leadership in space with robot Fedor and artificial intelligence. The memo 4k   Переводы
    World leadership in space with robot Fedor and artificial intelligence. The memo.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Writer. What does this word mean? A linguistic note 6k   Переводы
    Writer. What does this word mean? A linguistic note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Zalessky bibliotheca. Why the new title for web page is more accurate. The note 3k   Переводы
    Zalessky bibliotheca. Why the new title for web page is more accurate. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir: Zaporozhians. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Zaporozhians. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalesskiy Wladimir Wladimirowitsch: Das Märchen über die deutschen archäologischen Projekten des Xix Jahrhunderts [publishing ... 1k   Переводы
    [publishing house] Experimentell beschleunigte Übersetzung von Russisch ins Deutsche Thumbnails Zalesskij, Wladimir Wladimirowitsch "Das Märchen über die deutschen archäologischen Projekten des XIX Jahrhunderts". Владимир Владимирович Залесский."Сказка о немецких ...
  • Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich: Il fiaba su di Umberto Nobile [publishing house] 0k   Проза
    [publishing house] Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalessky (Владимир Владимирович Залесский). Il fiaba su di Umberto Nobile (Сказка об Умберто Нобиле). Sperimentale accelerata la traduzione dal russo all'italiano (Экспериментальный ускоренный перевод с русского на итальянский).
  • Zalessky Vladimir: "djs of Changes", "i'm Coming Out" (Roman Bondarenko), "традыцыi дзеля будучынi" ("traditions of the ... 4k   Переводы
    "DJs of Changes", "I'm Coming Out" (Roman Bondarenko), "Традыцыi дзеля будучынi" ("Traditions of the Future") ... Reflections of the cultural observer Vladimir Zalessky. A culturological note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: "Everything" "applauds", "climbs in", "was (present)". Three literary worlds: by Alexander Pushkin, by ... 8k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXIX. "Everything" "applauds", "climbs in", "was (present)". Three literary worlds: by Alexander Pushkin, by Nikolai Gogol, by Mikhail Lermontov. A literary essay. - January 8, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: "Infernal Sanctions". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    "Infernal Sanctions". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: "Thirst for Today." How to compose a biography of Salvador Dalí? A culturological essay 6k   Переводы
    "Thirst for Today." How to compose a biography of Salvador Dalí? A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: "Znamenka" and "Suvodye". An essay on geographical and historical associations 4k   Переводы
    "Znamenka" and "Suvodye". An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: 105 years of Sonya Golden Hand on the Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    105 years of Sonya Golden Hand on the Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: 15 million rubles for Gombos on Kosti-Nf. A story 14k   Переводы
    15 million rubles for Gombos on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: 1930. Kazimir Malevich is in the Soviet Russia, Ilya Repin is in the Finland. A work of the East-Republican ... 1k   Философия
    1930. Kazimir Malevich is in the Soviet Russia, Ilya Repin is in the Finland. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: 4000 myths. (A dream on a May night from three scenes). A story 8k   Переводы
    4000 myths. (A dream on a May night from three scenes). A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: 5 Reichsmark of General Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist (1935). An antiquarian note 8k   Переводы
    5 Reichsmark of General Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist (1935). An antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Biblical wisdom (about the lentil stew) and a bar of nobody's soap. A psychological story 7k   Переводы
    A Biblical wisdom (about the lentil stew) and a bar of nobody's soap. A psychological story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A bicycle. A story-biography 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCXCVII. A bicycle. A story-biography. - June 14, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A black literary sails on Kosti-Nf. A story 13k   Переводы
    A black literary sails on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A blogger from the Capital Regiment reduces diesel prices in Khabarovsk. A humorous sketch 5k   Переводы
    A blogger from the Capital Regiment reduces diesel prices in Khabarovsk. A humorous sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A bonus (a coin or a rare photo) is added to the Literary Certificate. An essay on a new economic and ... 3k   Переводы
    A bonus (a coin or a rare photo) is added to the Literary Certificate. An essay on a new economic and literary idea.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A book about Dmitriy Nalbandyan. The note 4k   Переводы
    A book about Dmitriy Nalbandyan. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A bottle of champagne. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A bottle of champagne. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A brief memoirs about Rostov legal journalism of the late nineties - the beginning of the two thousandths ... 13k   Переводы
    A brief memoirs about Rostov legal journalism of the late nineties - the beginning of the two thousandths (Bulletins "Tax Expert", "Litigation" ...).
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A brief review of the book "Mussorgsky" (the author of the book - Sergei Fedyakin) 8k   Переводы
    A brief review of the book "Mussorgsky" (the author of the book - Sergei Fedyakin).
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A bureaucratic wisdom. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Философия
    A bureaucratic wisdom. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A car-airplane, a car-helicopter, an electric vertical take-off and landing (evtol) aircraft , a flying ... 7k   Переводы
    A car-airplane, a car-helicopter, an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft , a flying car AirCar. A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Cartography (krutilovo and raspaltsovka [a spinnery and a gesture with spread fingers]). Картография ... 5k   Философия
    A Cartography (krutilovo and raspaltsovka [a spinnery and a gesture with spread fingers]). Картография (крутилово и распальцовка). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A cashing out of journalism on Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    A cashing out of journalism on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Caspian Seal. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXI. A Caspian Seal. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 29, 2023
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A castling on Kosti-Nf. A story 4k   Переводы
    MMMCDXVII. A castling on Kosti-NF. A story. - December 17, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A catching of a diplomatic butterfly. Ловля дипломатической бабочки. A work of the East-Republican fine ... 5k   Философия
    A catching of a diplomatic butterfly. Ловля дипломатической бабочки. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A cautious postage stamp. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXXVI. A cautious postage stamp. A story for children about Seryozha. - January 25, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Central Asian Myth. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    A Central Asian Myth. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Certificate for the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university. An antiquarian story 5k   Переводы
    A Certificate for the right to wear a badge for graduates of the university. An antiquarian story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A certificate of ownership on the Npp "Pripolie" for Pavel Efimovich out of Kosti-Nf. A story 13k   Переводы
    A certificate of ownership on the NPP "Pripolie" for Pavel Efimovich out of Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A chance meeting with the Count of Monte Cristo. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXIII. A chance meeting with the Count of Monte Cristo. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 20, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Chekhov Week (the radio play "Three Ministers") on Kosti-Nf. A humorous story 4k   Переводы
    A Chekhov Week (the radio play "Three Ministers") on Kosti-NF. A humorous story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A chess tournament. A story for children about Seryozha 7k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXVI. A chess tournament. A story for children about Seryozha. - January 1, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Christmas Mood. A Christmas drawing. (From "stories on the little sheets of paper") 5k   Переводы
    A Christmas Mood. A Christmas drawing. (From "stories on the little sheets of paper").
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Christmas Telescope. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    A Christmas Telescope. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A chronological framework of the mission (the window of opportunities) of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. An ... 5k   Переводы
    A chronological framework of the mission (the window of opportunities) of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. An essay on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A citizen carries minced meat to the city zoo. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Переводы
    A citizen carries minced meat to the city zoo. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Climate Apocalypse on Kosti-Nf. A story 15k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXVII. A Climate Apocalypse on Kosti-NF. A story. - July 10, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A clown on Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    A clown on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A coal dust... A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A coal dust... A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Coin of Wojciech Jaruzelski (5 złoty of 1983). A story 4k   Переводы
    A Coin of Wojciech Jaruzelski (5 złoty of 1983). A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A community of cultural observers on Kosti-Nf. A story 15k   Переводы
    A community of cultural observers on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A completion of negotiation efforts. Medinsky's report on results. A political note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A completion of negotiation efforts. Medinsky's report on results. A political note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Congress of young postage stamps fans. A story for children about Seryozha 4k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXIV. A Congress of young postage stamps fans. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 27, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A construction feeding ["kormlenije"] on Kosti-Nf. A story 16k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXXVII. A construction feeding ["Kormlenije"] on Kosti-NF. A story. - August 8, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Constructive Prosperiton. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A Constructive Prosperiton. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A conversation about the situation in the banking sector on Kosti-Nf. A story 13k   Переводы
    A conversation about the situation in the banking sector on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A corn, a poetry, a dancing, a white ships, a pleasure and Lenya Bobrov. A story 5k   Переводы
    A corn, a poetry, a dancing, a white ships, a pleasure and Lenya Bobrov. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Creative Copy of Elephants, 1948, by Salvador Dali. Творческая копия картины Сальвадорва Дали "слоны" ... 5k   Философия
    A Creative Copy of Elephants, 1948, by Salvador Dali. Творческая копия картины Сальвадорва Дали "Слоны" [1948]. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A creative evening. A story for children about Seryozha 7k   Переводы
    MMMCDV. A creative evening. A story for children about Seryozha. - 1 December 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A creative trillions through a Russian classics; a film about space on Kosti-Nf. A story 10k   Переводы
    A creative trillions through a Russian classics; a film about space on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A cultivating of a patience. A drawing. (From "stories on the little sheets of paper") 5k   Переводы
    A cultivating of a patience. A drawing. (From "stories on the little sheets of paper").
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A cultural leadership in post-Soviet states. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A cultural leadership in post-Soviet states. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A culturological and a toponymic journals. A note on modern business morality 8k   Переводы
    A culturological and a toponymic journals. A note on modern business morality.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A currency and a quasi-currency. An economic essay 5k   Проза
    A currency and a quasi-currency. An economic essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A customs threshold. Таможенный порог. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A defeated forest fire. A predictive story 2k   Переводы
    A defeated forest fire. A predictive story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A delicious draniki are baking in Drazdy. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A delicious draniki are baking in Drazdy. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A diamond dust. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A diamond dust. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A different aspects of investment arbitrage. A legal note 5k   Переводы
    A different aspects of investment arbitrage. A legal note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A diligent host does not plan to fold his hands on his chest. A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 1k   Философия
    A diligent host does not plan to fold his hands on his chest. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A diligent host. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A diligent host. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Diplomatic overcoat (in imitation of Gogol). A Little Malorussian story (from folk tradition), told ... 2k   Переводы
    A Diplomatic overcoat (in imitation of Gogol). A Little Malorussian story (from folk tradition), told by the sexton of the Church of the Intercession.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A diplomatic product (Дипломатический продукт). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    A diplomatic product (Дипломатический продукт). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Disappearance into Non-Objectiveness. The illustration (in the style of super-Suprematism) to the responses ... 3k   Философия
    A Disappearance into Non-Objectiveness. The illustration (in the style of super-Suprematism) to the responses of the the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 23 for the Rostov Oblast dated October 15, 2021 number 06-10/034888, and dated October 22, 2021 ...
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A dissolution of truth. Растворение правды. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    A dissolution of truth. Растворение правды. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Don River crucian carp in a sour cream. Донской карась в сметане. A work of the East-Republican fine ... 3k   Философия
    A Don River crucian carp in a sour cream. Донской карась в сметане. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A dump [garbage] of payments and a minor mood. A diary note 6k   Переводы
    A dump [garbage] of payments and a minor mood. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Far Eastern interview at dusk. A mystical story 9k   Переводы
    MMMCCXC. A Far Eastern interview at dusk. A mystical story. - June 9, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A fashion from Ducce. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    A fashion from Ducce. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A federal support for the tourism industry. Федеральная поддержка туристической отрасли. A work of the ... 5k   Философия
    A federal support for the tourism industry. Федеральная поддержка туристической отрасли. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay 9k   Переводы
    A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Financial Challenge. A story about Seryozha for children and adults 3k   Переводы
    A Financial Challenge. A story about Seryozha for children and adults.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A financial paradise for historians. A humorous essay 8k   Переводы
    A financial paradise for historians. A humorous essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Florentine mosaic. Uniqueness, value, eternity. A theme (semantic dominants) as a distinctive feature ... 6k   Переводы
    A Florentine mosaic. Uniqueness, value, eternity. A theme (semantic dominants) as a distinctive feature of a Florentine mosaic. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Flute in a Stone Case. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Переводы
    A Flute in a Stone Case. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A fly in the ointment. Reflections on a compact Internet textbook of a modern history. The note 2k   Переводы
    A fly in the ointment. Reflections on a compact Internet textbook of a modern history. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A fog (December 2022). A pre-New Year's drawing 3k   Переводы
    A fog (December 2022). A pre-New Year's drawing.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Foreign Policy Isolation on Kosti-Nf. A story 15k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLVI. A Foreign Policy Isolation on Kosti-NF. A story. - September 8, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Fresh Cosmic Plans. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    A Fresh Cosmic Plans. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A fresh news from Hyperloop. A note on the history of the development of technique 6k   Переводы
    A fresh news from Hyperloop. A note on the history of the development of technique.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Fresh Scientific Talents. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    A Fresh Scientific Talents. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Gate of Journalism. Maria Ressa"s speech at Nobel Peace Prize awarding on December 10, 2021. A work ... 5k   Философия
    A Gate of Journalism. Maria Ressa"s speech at Nobel Peace Prize awarding on December 10, 2021. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A girl student looks at a cart with money. Студентка смотрит на тележку с деньгами. A work of the East- ... 3k   Философия
    A girl student looks at a cart with money. Студентка смотрит на тележку с деньгами. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A girl with unique talents. A story for children about Seryozha 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXIX. A girl with unique talents. A story for children about Seryozha. - October 7, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A good mood for the whole day after the morning humorous military radio broadcast. A sketch 3k   Переводы
    A good mood for the whole day after the morning humorous military radio broadcast. A sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A good winter dinner of a titmouse between philosophy studies. A story for children 5k   Переводы
    A good winter dinner of a titmouse between philosophy studies. A story for children.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A government report, a government spending on tourism (and revenues), a real estate compensation. The ... 5k   Переводы
    A government report, a government spending on tourism (and revenues), a real estate compensation. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Great Advisor (filtered, funded, thrice vaccinated). Могучий Советник (отфильтрованный, финансированный, ... 4k   Философия
    A Great Advisor (filtered, funded, thrice vaccinated). Могучий Советник (отфильтрованный, финансированный, трижды провакцинированный). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A great desire to work! (Philately without deception). A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXVIII. A great desire to work! (Philately without deception). A story for children about Seryozha. - January 5, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Great Tragedy. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A Great Tragedy. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A green tea. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXX. A green tea. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 30, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A hands-on person Khusnullin prepares reports 1k   Философия
    A hands-on person Khusnullin prepares reports.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A happiness and a luck of the defender of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941), 56 Army commander Remezov. ... 9k   Переводы
    A happiness and a luck of the defender of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941), 56 Army commander Remezov. A historical essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A heating more and more. The kind heart of Alexander Lukashenko, photographs on the table, a free chair ... 4k   Переводы
    A heating more and more. The kind heart of Alexander Lukashenko, photographs on the table, a free chair in the office of the President of Belarus for a 12-year-old boy. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A high level meeting on the theme of tourism. A prognosis story 4k   Переводы
    A high level meeting on the theme of tourism. A prognosis story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A High Voltage Electric Power Transmission Line (Высоковольтная линия электропередачи). A work of the ... 4k   Философия
    A High Voltage Electric Power Transmission Line (Высоковольтная линия электропередачи). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A historical insignificance of the monument to the "end of the Civil War" erected in the Crimea. A conceptual ... 7k   Переводы
    A historical insignificance of the monument to the "end of the Civil War" erected in the Crimea. A conceptual and historical essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A hunting for a large beast. A hunting buckshot with satellite tags (St), electronic chips (Ic), Qr codes ... 3k   Переводы
    A hunting for a large beast. A hunting buckshot with satellite tags (ST), electronic chips (IC), QR codes and navigators-transmitters in the night forest. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A joining to Rumyantsev on Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    A joining to Rumyantsev on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Journey along Google services. A note 4k   Переводы
    A Journey along Google services. A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Juchcycle. A politological essay 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A Juchcycle. A politological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A jumper, a ring, a travel guide to Istanbul. A New Year's story 9k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXV. A jumper, a ring, a travel guide to Istanbul. A New Year's story. - December 30, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Kherson-Rostov saldo. A budget note 14k   Переводы
    A Kherson-Rostov saldo. A budget note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A kind heart. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A kind heart. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Kino(Pipe)Line. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    A Kino(Pipe)Line. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A large piece of household waste and an engineer in a boat. A sketch 4k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXIV. A large piece of household waste and an engineer in a boat. A sketch. - September 14, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A lattice square. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Переводы
    A lattice square. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A leg with precious stones. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXLIX. A leg with precious stones. A story for children about Seryozha. - August 25, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A lesson in diplomacy. In the native school, in the native language. A story 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXVII. A lesson in diplomacy. In the native school, in the native language. A story. - September 18, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A letter from the Rosreestr system. A diary note 8k   Переводы
    A letter from the Rosreestr system. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Literary Certificate - for the text of the work (with an autograph of an author). An essay 4k   Переводы
    A Literary Certificate - for the text of the work (with an autograph of an author). An essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Literary Certificate for the Ruble of Prince Menshikov. An app-antiquarian note 5k   Переводы
    A Literary Certificate for the Ruble of Prince Menshikov. An app-antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Literary Certificate on Kosti-Nf. A story 14k   Переводы
    A Literary Certificate on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A literary research of the Literary Institute. A literary note by the cultural observer Vladimir Zalessky ... 3k   Переводы
    A literary research of the Literary Institute. A literary note by the cultural observer Vladimir Zalessky.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A little bag of sugar. A story for children about Seryozha 4k   Переводы
    MMMCDI. A little bag of sugar. A story for children about Seryozha. - November 27, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A long weekend and the clauweniers (arquebusiers) of the city of Amsterdam. A story 6k   Переводы
    A long weekend and the clauweniers (arquebusiers) of the city of Amsterdam. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A medal. A story about the popular rapper Andryusha 8k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXIV. A medal. A story about the popular rapper Andryusha. - September 30, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A media fall down. A detective short story 3k   Проза
    [This short story is written by author in English.] [Этот рассказ написан автором на английском языке.] 3328. A media fall down. A detective short story. - 16 июня 2023 г. MMMCCXCIX. A media fall down. A detective short story. - June 16, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A medical mask for the tourist trips while period of the "long weekend". A work of the East-Republican ... 1k   Переводы
    A medical mask for the tourist trips while period of the "long weekend". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A meeting of gardeners. The one-act-play 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCXCII. A meeting of gardeners. The one-act-play. - June 10, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A memorial plaque is erected in the city of Gomel in honor of Prince Paskevich. В Гомеле устанавливается ... 3k   Философия
    A memorial plaque is erected in the city of Gomel in honor of Prince Paskevich. В Гомеле устанавливается мемориальная доска в честь князя Паскевича. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A military service trip order dated February 24, 1942. A semi-antiquarian note 4k   Переводы
    A military service trip order dated February 24, 1942. A semi-antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Milk. Молоко. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    A Milk. Молоко. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A million of different postage stamps. A story for children about Seryozha 1k   Переводы
    A million of different postage stamps. A story for children about Seryozha
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A miracle bridge. A fairy tale 4k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLII. A miracle bridge. A fairy tale. - September 1, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A miraculous recovery on the free radio station Kosti-Nf. A sketch 3k   Переводы
    A miraculous recovery on the free radio station Kosti-NF. A sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A mug with the names of journalists on Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    A mug with the names of journalists on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A multivariateness of platforms for space launches. A note about the history of space exploration 6k   Переводы
    A multivariateness of platforms for space launches. A note about the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A mysterious Kanatnoye settlement. A geographical essay 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A mysterious Kanatnoye settlement. A geographical essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A nano-like scientific Prosperiton. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    A nano-like scientific Prosperiton. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Nanodiscovery and a Cosmic Jarlig. An essay on the modern Russial history 7k   Переводы
    A NanoDiscovery and a Cosmic Jarlig. An essay on the modern Russial history.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A New Astronomy. Новая астрономия. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    A New Astronomy. Новая астрономия. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A new intellectual mega-grant. A diary note 4k   Переводы
    A new intellectual mega-grant. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A new man in a significant chair. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    A new man in a significant chair. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A new media material by Historical Society about the politics of pre-war Poland. A work of the East-Republican ... 1k   Философия
    A new media material by Historical Society about the politics of pre-war Poland. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A new Russial literary works. A culturological essay 5k   Переводы
    A new Russial literary works. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A new scheme for the protection of constitutional property rights. A diary note 12k   Переводы
    A new scheme for the protection of constitutional property rights. A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A New Space Skill. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    A New Space Skill. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A New Year in October and A Night in October. A literary note 6k   Переводы
    A New Year in October and A Night in October. A literary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A news agency operates in Siberia. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    A news agency operates in Siberia. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A noisy woman and a good upbringing. A humorous story for children about Seryozha 4k   Переводы
    MMMCDIV. A noisy woman and a good upbringing. A humorous story for children about Seryozha. - November 30, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A northern volunteer. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXСI. A northern volunteer. A story for children about Seryozha. - November 3, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A note about Andrey Rudomakha (a participant in the protection of forests) on Kosti-Nf. A story 4k   Переводы
    A note about Andrey Rudomakha (a participant in the protection of forests) on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A Note on John Norwich's History of the Venetian Republic 7k   Переводы
    A Note on John Norwich's History of the Venetian Republic.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A package with oranges. An anti-corruption story 4k   Переводы
    A package with oranges. An anti-corruption story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A packet of apple juice. A story for children about Seryozha 4k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXVIII. A packet of apple juice. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 28, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A painting by Caravaggio "The Cardsharps" (1596) on Kosti-Nf. A story 4k   Переводы
    A painting by Caravaggio "The Cardsharps" (1596) on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). A diary note 3k   Переводы
    A painting by Caravaggio "Vocazione di san Matteo" (1599). A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A parade of social projects. Spcycle and Ringocycle. Economic (and social) essay 6k   Переводы
    A parade of social projects. SPcycle and Ringocycle. Economic (and social) essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A paradise of the distant past, a pleasant myths, a vanity of the present and a projects of the future. ... 8k   Переводы
    A paradise of the distant past, a pleasant myths, a vanity of the present and a projects of the future. A culturological essay about the story by Konstantin Paustovsky "Telegram".
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A parting word to the crew. The note 3k   Переводы
    A parting word to the crew. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A pipeline with methanol. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Проза
    A pipeline with methanol. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A pitchforks (hayfork) of 1812 on Kosti-Nf. A story 13k   Пародии
    A pitchforks (hayfork) of 1812 on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A plane flying away waving its wings. Улетающий вдаль самолёт махает крыльями. A work of the East-Republican ... 4k   Философия
    A plane flying away waving its wings. Улетающий вдаль самолёт махает крыльями. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A pleasant hint (About the opportunity to buy the book "Textbook of Writer's Success. Part Ii. Heinrich ... 4k   Переводы
    A pleasant hint (About the opportunity to buy the book "Textbook of Writer's Success. Part II. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol ..." Author: Vladimir Zalessky). A note on the rights of an author in modern Russia.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A politeness in a traffic jam. A story for children about Seryozha 6k   Переводы
    MMMCDVII. A politeness in a traffic jam. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 4, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A political manipulator. A story about Seryozha for children and adults 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLVIII. A political manipulator. A story about Seryozha for children and adults. - September 9, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: A possible default of the Russian Federation and my fourth application to the Rf Ministry of Finance. ... 11k   Переводы
    A possible default of the Russian Federation and my fourth application to the RF Ministry of Finance. A diary note.
  • Страниц (687): 1 ... 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687

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