в интернете как и в жизни хватает психически ненормальных людей... на мою беду, меня постоянно достает одна такая нездоровая особа, заваливает письмами ... ни по хорошему ни по плохому она видимо не понимает...чтож, остается бороться с ней ее ассиметричными методами, впредь ее бред ...
O mein Herz, - не перетягивай струну, - Ведь может статься, что она порвётся: Гитарный вздох в душе опять взовьётся - На ноте "ля", достигшей дно колодца - и нот иных расшевелит волну... O mein Herz, - не перетягивай струну!
"Ты здесь для того, чтобы идти своим путём. И я настолько сильно люблю тебя, что готова доставить весьма чудесные неприятности, лишь бы разбудить Тебя...! (Ваша Вселенная)
Несправедливо, неразумно, неумело, корыстно. Отвратительно. Было бы смешно, если бы не было стыдно. Чудовищная несправедливость в распределении материальных благ. Приводятся вопиющие факты абсурда, иллюстрирующие корысть и немощь власти.
زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood (Il était une fois sous le dôme bleu) https://youtu.be/nqm44ucKXp4 Musique par Bahram Dehghanyar (بهرام دهقانیار,). ...
زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood (Once upon a time under the blue dome) https://youtu.be/nqm44ucKXp4 Music by Bahram Dehghanyar (بهرام دهقانیار,). ...
A great Russian actor Spartak Mishulin (1926 - 2005) in the classical staging of the Small comedies of the big house by Andrei Mironov, Arkadiy Arkanov & Georgiy Gorin, Theatre of Satire (1974). This number staged by a groovy choreographer Vladimir Manokhin was so popular that sometimes ...
For the first time `A glass of vodka on my table` was performed by the `Major Sergeyev` group led by Evgeniy `Zheka` Grigoriyev. The the song was sold to Grigoriy Leps, another singer, Zheka`s crony, just for $300. In the 90s both musicians were not the pop stars, they were the ...
Russian Gipsy Song `Ah, you years` ("Ох, вы годы .."). Sung by Alexandre Borisov. Accompanist Sergei Sorokin. From the Russian TV Show The theatrical gatherings. Artistes of St. Petersburg in Moscow (1966) https://youtu.be/vwxscMN5pl0
FALLEN IN LOVE WITH A GOOD GIRL AISHANG NI, HAO GUNIANG A sexy beauty is arguing with her Lamborghini boyfriend, a rich businessman. We see him saying `Well!` (Hao ba!) and ordering her to return to his car (`Do take your seat!` Zuo!). Her response is, `Weishenme ne? Why then? Again?` ...
Bashana Haba-a (БАШАНА ХАБА-А) ("В следующем году"/In the year to com (Next year)). Вечнозелёная песня израильских авторов Нурит Хирш (это оказывается женщина) и Эхуда Манора (это оказывается мужчина) (не путать с Урфином Джюсом и Ланом Пиротом из сказок Frank Baum`а (по-английски, ...
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE is a golden oldie. The catchy melody, sentimental lyrics. And, of course, that song is not only about flowers. Listen to the Polish cover of the evergreen Russian song https://youtu.be/QJtMF0mG9oI
BY THE SEA, BY THE BLUE SEA У МОРЯ, У СИНЕГО МОРЯ (AFTER THE JAPANESE GREATEST HIT `KOI-NO BAKANSU `恋のバカンス) The J-pop song KOI-NO BAKANSU performed by the Peanuts duet (Sisters Itō Amy and Itō Yumi https://youtu.be/rqCAd6AZYCo) ...
NAKED AIN`T ALWAYS SEXY, SEXY AIN`T ALWAYS NAKED. Chałupy welcome to sung by Zbigniew Wodecki, Poland https://youtu.be/wqXWVPP0Pmc Chałupy (Khaloop-ee) is a popular Polish sea side resort located between Władysławowo and Kuźnica on the Hel Peninsula on ...
Charlie`s ditties in the Russian folklore (based on the tune of the Titina). A music school pupil is playing a melody from a Charlie Chaplin`s film that became a part of the Russian folklore, and his respectable teacher Anatoliy Sudarev from the 29th art school and October Revolution ...
An iconic Russian children`s song from a no less iconic cartoon https://youtu.be/7EVHdRk9e4g. By this very reason it is a frequent object for the various parodies and even new interpretations https://youtu.be/t7FtxBQapn4
Alexandre Nikolayevich Lobanovsky, one of the St. Petersburg bards composed music, having slightly changed the first line (`charmed` instead of `kissed`). (In my translation I kept Zabolotsky`s text intact. In any case it"s singable! - AAO) Declaration of Love. Music by Alexandre ...
An old Russian love song `Do not call up shades of the past days` by an unknown author (N.N.) was set to music by a remarkable Russian composer of the 19 c. Piotr Petrovich Bulakhov (1822-1885). Nina Isakova (1928-1981) (mezzo soprano) Piotr Bulakhov `Do not call up shades of the ...
The DOLCE GABBANA composed, written & sung by Andrei Danilko https://youtu.be/YUBxGI1986Q The `Reading the songs`series. The Dolce GABBANA is recited (played) by Viktoria Savina https://youtu.be/49-ChYi3baU The actress changed not a word of the original lyrics! (Except for an ...
The Russian love song `Don`t go away, do stay with me` was composed, written and dedicated to Anastassiya Vyaltzeva by Nikolai Vladimirovich Zubov (1867- after 1906) in 1899. IMHO, the best performers of the romance song were Varya Panina before the Revolution https://youtu.be/4fsp71A9Y5U ...
The Na-Na group`s humorous song `Eskimo and Papuan` (1990) where `Eskimo` implies winter frost and `Papuan` implies summer heat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wM-YUWmb_I Unlike in the West the word of `eskimo` hasn`t got a negative meaning in Russian.
`Faraway from home` ("Давно мы дома не были"), a Russian song created on the 8th May of 1945 in Koenigsberg. Lyrics by a Russian poet Alexei Fatyanov (1919-1959), Music by Vasiliy Soloviev-Sedoy, that very gentleman who composed music for the `Moscow Nights`. https://youtu.be/HdZS_ ...
Fortuna(Vabank) A song from the same name Polsh motion picture`s soundtrack. Sung by Jacek Chmelnik (1953-2007) https://youtu.be/CdB2WmL25dQ (Before and in the midst of the song he addresses his audience: `Uwaga! Państwo Uwaga! Teraz! Teraz! Znów!`(`Attention, Messieurs ...
F&F E&E You can see a mysterious abbreviation of the E&E on the T-shirts of the Pled members. It`s but a title of their song below. Well, the Pled`s lyrics are sometimes cocky and shocking but true-to-life and highly artistic. Pled - E&E (F&F) (Red Curtains Session) https://youtu.be/FQc2zG6- ...
The cruel love song `Go away, do not look!` set to music by Sasha Davydov, a Russian star of the Armenian origin is sung by Alexandre Mikhailovich Davydov (Isroel Moiseyevich Levenson (1872-1944), a Russian operatic singer of the Jewish descent and a soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre ...
Gypsy love song `Two guitars` from `An unusual concert`. The Puppet Show (1972) of Sergei Obraztsov https://youtu.be/gf9_v-c1Bd4 (from 34:35) The refrain sung by the Gypsy choir is as in the below song https://youtu.be/uvkg7RGliFo. It`s a classical and surrealistic Gypsy refrain full ...
Песня ХУА К`АЙ ХУА ЛО 花开花落 В исполнении бесконечно талантливой поп-певицы из Китая Ли Ихуй. У неё есть поклонники во всём мире. Тема её песен: "Жизнь и любовь" женщины" https://youtu.be/wv3efFgBqtU
`I`m heart and soul to you` follows the style of the Russian traditional songs, and is usually sung with stressed pronouncing "o" as "o", rather than as "a" which is a distinctive feature of some Russian dialects of the Volga region. https://youtu.be/taaZn_I0ZBs Maxim Gorky spoke ...
Kai Metov refused to remain only a part of the past, he still exists and acts as a succesful pop singer, a living icon still able to gather the full house http://metov.ru/ He`s a symbol of the 90s, and you can`t kill the symbol. Was he a first post-Soviet sex idol? Abso-bloody-lutely! ...
Viktor Balthasar Emil Hoffmann (Виктор Викторович Гофман) (1884-1911) was born in a family of the Austrian German citizen who owned the furniture factory in Russia. He went to the Russian classical school and finished it with honours. One of his classmates was Russian poet Vladimir ...
The picture of the music video I LIKE TO STROLL ALONG THE MOSCOW STREETS https://youtu.be/SuWLPI9C0kc shows knowledge of its authors with the Japanese lyrics of the song sung by the Dark Ducks (ダークダックス) under a title of the Kaze kaoru ...
The song 好想好想 (`I miss you`) was for the 1st time featured by a duet of Ms. Vicky Zhao (Zhao Wei 赵薇) and Mr. Leo Koo (Leo Ku Kui Kei 古巨基) https://youtu.be/9F3R3PrJycw It became a title number of the OST of TV series called ...
Initially the song `It`s snowing, it`s snowing` ("А снег идет, а снег идет") was a number of the score of the feature film `The Career of Dima Gorin` ("Карьера Димы Горина") (1961), but then the film was forgotten unlike the very song. An unforgettable song was written within three ...
The title of this song https://youtu.be/m6tyesDCEgk is the Yiddish Tango, or in original `Jüdischer Tango`. This the title it was given by its songwriter Friedrich Swartz, a Jewish German composer, himself in his last letter sent to Germany from Paris to where he`d escaped ...
A Song of Crocodile Ghena (`Jumping clumsily over...`) from a Russian animation film `Cheburashka`(Lyrics by Alexandre Timofeyevsky, Music by Vladimir Shaïnsky, Sung by Vladimir Ferapontov) https://youtu.be/EbAPd1491X8 Also Song of Gena (ゲーナの歌) ...
Now the Koi-no Bakansu (Love Vacation, VACANCES DE L'AMOUR) composed by Miyagawa Hiroshi (宮川泰) and written by Iwatani Tokiko (岩谷時子) in 1963 is but an evergreen oldie of the J-Pop first sung by The Peanuts (ザ・ピーナッツ) ...
In 1969 Serge Gainsbourg composed and wrote the song the Helicopter for Mireille Darc. En 1969 Serge Gainsbourg compose et ecrit la chanson L'Helicoptere pour Mireille Darc https://youtu.be/WowRnp6pTVc
September 28 is Brigitte Bardot`s birthday! She`s my idol!https://youtu.be/Bbkwrf5lMqc https://youtu.be/h0xUjsxwrkE (Sorry for my complicated relationship with time, I thought it was October, so I`d written Oct. 28 before). A propos, слово la madrague означает "сеть для ловли тунца", ...
La Valse des Officiers russes, le 31 juillet 1974 chante en Russe par Serge Gainsbourg https://youtu.be/n0Gwch5FgYI IN A FRONT-LINE AREA`S FOREST https://youtu.be/D4ic7KEKG8Y
Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China - Sung by Magda Fronczewska https://youtu.be/S8cgNhzeFtI Laleczka z saskiej porcelany - Majka Jeżowska https://youtu.be/LjCdM2TJbSM Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China - Sung by Majka ...
Lilies. Sung by Alexandre Aivazov. Lyrics by a poetess Larissa Rubalsky. Music by Alexandre Klevitsky, Chief Conductor of the Yu. V. Silantyev Academical Large Concert Orchestra, Moscow First love and ... first disappontment! So many firsts! And damn importance of motor transport ...
These lines were discovered after Tchaikovsky`s death in his personal papers and published in the literary journal Русский вестник (Russkiy Vestnik - Russian Herald) in 1894. The poem was written in Italy. In the letter to brother Modest the great composer confessed: `For the first ...
CONFESSIONE DI UN COMMISSARIO DI POLIZIA A MONA LISA 一个警察局长对蒙娜•丽莎的自白: Lisa composed, written and sung by Andrei Gubin, a Russian pop music composer, iconic pop idol and most famous ...
MERRY GRAVEDIGGERS - HAMLET V. Savinov Drama Theatre, 2011. The song sung by the Clowns https://youtu.be/T_sOEOS_Slk in the scene (starts from 3:47) is a parody of lyrics of the song composed by L. Schwartz from the Golden Key feature film of 1939. The scene starts as it"s supposed ...
MIKHALITCH is a patronimic. The Russian workers of the same age used to address one another with the help of their patronimics in their coloquial pronunciation. The patronimic of Mikhalitch derives from the name of Mikhail (Michael), in the literary speech it sounds as Mikhailovitch. ...
`Napoléon, yes, Napoléon`. Russian folk song of 1812 dedicated to Prince Koutouzoff, Mikhail Illarionovich Koutouzoff, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army and guerillas. The song expresses a view-point of the ordinary Russians, peasants of that epoch. Sung by ...
NICE WALK, NICE SMOKE is an evergreen masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music by The Zilch group. Один из нетленных шедевров русской народной рок-группы "Ноль". https://youtu.be/BEBmPj3Vojw A congenial music video was shot by Alexei Rosenberg as a director and produced by Bakhyt ...
The text of this poem became an absolute champion of the contest `The anthology of the absolutely great poems` of the Russian poetry of the 20 c. initiated by Mikhail Abelsky and held in 1977. There was only one con! I agree with majority voting and consider this poem one of the best ...
EXCESS WEIGHT? BULLSHIT! JUST EXTRA PLACES FOR KISSING! A humorous song by a Russian chansonnier Semyon Slepakov https://youtu.be/08fvOEtMxQk Slepakov`s other songs: Ты -очень красивая http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/beautifullystupid.shtml Red Hot Chili Peppers ...
The Caramel - Poom-pum! (Карамель - Пум пам) The R-pop evergreen oldie related to the 2000s https://youtu.be/YdR1dmv-Gxw A nice, catchy melody and not silly lyrics as it may seem. The song sounds something like J-pop anime songs. The Caramel duo was comprised of Lyusia Kobelko and ...
They are all about men and women, I mean his songs. Kai Metov whose real name is Kairat Erdenovich Metov (born in 1964 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan) was an iconic figure in Russian pop music and Russia on the whole in the 90s of the 20s. He seemed to have appeared from nowhere. But he"d ...
Teodoro`s Song from the Russian version of Lope de Vega`s play `EL PERRO DEL HORTELANO NO COME NI DEJA COMER` sung by Mikhail Boyarsky https://youtu.be/KH2x1lrodHM
RUSSIAN MATCHISH РУССКIЙ МАТЧИШЪ Matchish #1. Performed by the dancers of the Kamenny Most (Stone Bridge) Studio of the Historical and Traditional Dances in Voronezh, Russia (2016) https://youtu.be/x6O26bvIOyY Matchish #2. The same studio https://youtu.be/mzV23FpujLI Russian La ...
Sailor`s cap. Sung by Pavel Chekin. I find the refrain of The Sailor`s Cap especially attractive! https://youtu.be/UiQi64vEqyI Also sung by Chekin http://kkre-4.narod.ru/gak/bes.mp3 The other cover version - by Alexandre Zaitsev http://kkre-4.narod.ru/gak/bs3.mp3
An Old Russian Gypsy love song by Apollon Grigoriyev and Ivan Vasiliyev.`The Seven String Guitar` sung by Strongilla Irtlach http://kkre-28.narod.ru/irtlach/git.mp3
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE was written and composed by Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov from Orenburg, Russia, for the same name first Russian teenager pop band in 1986. The original version of the 80s https://youtu.be/BPsRX7m6CX4, and ...
A poem-song by Vladimir Vysotsky from the `Mr. McKinley`s Escape` feature film`s soundtrack https://youtu.be/tg0tK193pgQ Of course, it`s more my own interpretation of the Vysotsky`s song-poem rather than my translation of it, my variation on the theme offered by the genius of the ...
The Ballad About Stierlitz by Arkady Ukupnik Баллада о Штирлице Аркадия Укупника He sings and plays in this music video https://ok.ru/video/1844839762 Maximillian Otto von Stierlitz is a well-known Russian character of the TV serial `17 Instants of Spring` from the same name novel ...
An iconic Russian drinking song `The Brigantine` (1937) by Russian poet Pavel Kogan put to music by his friend Georgy Lepsky. Though Pavel Kogan called his poem a joke, it relates to the certain poetic tradition, it makes us remember The Corsair by George Gordon Byron (`O'er the ...
RUN, RUDOLF, RUN! Song from a Russian feature film `Ah, that Nastya!` (`Ох, уж эта Настя!`) (1972) This song for a children` motion picture was for the first time peformed by Aïda Vedishcheva https://youtu.be/RqZgNHJgH9o She was born in Irkutsk, in Siberia as Ida Solomonovna ...
`The guy dreams of Tambov` ("Мальчик хочет в Тамбов") sung by Murat Nasyrov https://youtu.be/lX843w3mtIo (watch as well https://youtu.be/yTG4oH5qm4U) is an excellent Russian cover of the Carrapicho Band`s song TIC TIC TAC. However, the original lyrics by Braulino de Lima (1996) ...
The Pled Group (Плед, lit. Plaid) - The hairy buttocks. The group`s frontwoman Dasha Davydova https://youtu.be/kbtfgLNm5Pk I`ve been their fan. O yeah, baby! Live version https://youtu.be/qNiXPWUFF78
`The Leningrad` The Gulf of Finland "Ленинград" Финский залив (Sung by Sergei Shnurov, Yulia Kogan, Alisa Vox (Burmistrova)) https://youtu.be/CR4rkYGtTrQ
Lyrics of the song THE LILAC-COLOURED HAZE (СИРЕНЕВЫЙ ТУМАН) was written by a poet Mikhail Matusovsky as a lyricist in 1936 when he was a student in Moscow. But its music was composed by Jan Sashin (Yakov Levin), his mate, another student of the institute, who also became a poet. ...
МУЖИЧОК С ГАРМОШКОЙ THE LITTLE MAN WITH ACCORDEON - ain`t they dandy, those catchy song, nice performance and excellent choreography? https://youtu.be/_ujUcFz10hk
SONG OF THE MOONSHINERS ПЕСНЯ САМОГОНЩИКОВ https://youtu.be/Ce1MPHBwsmo and potpourris from the Russian feature film `Operation `Y`, or the new adventures of Shurik` (film director Leonid Gaidai). See the full film in here: https://youtu.be/x_-ehagcrBg Vladimir Livshitz wrote ...
The Moscow Windows played by Tigran Osipov and Alexandre Zelenkov in a style of a Gypsy romance and then develop`d in a style of the Russian retro music of the 50s of the 20c. https://youtu.be/CztolA3I1p8 The Moscow Windows played and taught by Vitaliy Budyak From the MoscowGuitar ...
An evergreen Russian song The Puttana (La puta) ("Путана") by Alexandre Kalyanov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2Mt59xdV9A (Alexandre Kalyanov`s Album `The Museum of Love` - Track #7 (22:58 - 27:00) Sung by Alexandre Kalyanov. Alexandre Kalyanov is a remarkable ...
Russian Jews Samuïl Pokrass and Pavel German, authors of the bravura Revolutionary songs and military marches which had been popular in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany for many years created an excellent Gipsy love song in the 20s of the 20 c. You can listen to the romance The ...
THE ROCK CLIMBER by Vladimir Vysotsky https://youtu.be/q1qNnNNpuC4 The poem-song was dedicated to Maria Gotovtseva, a legendary lady rock climber. Maria Gotovtseva: `You can`t conquer a mountain. It was and will be. Mountaineering is not a struggle with a mountain but a struggle ...
THE SONG ABOUT A TRUE INDIAN is a masterpiece of the Russian folk rock music written and composed on par by The Zilch group frontman Feodor Tchistyakov and another rock musician Piotr Strukov (from the third stanza). A music video from it was shot by Maxim Katooshkin in an iconic ...