Furgal and Degtyarev. What did Novak talk with Degtyarev about on the night of July 25, 2020, and what did he not discuss with Furgal? The experimental essay - an attempt of the reconstruction of a historical event.
MMMCDLXXI. Lenin, the peasants, the Prodrazverstka (plus Russian landlords, German Baltic barons and the "rebel" Yemelyan Pugachev). To the understanding of the history of Russia. - March 26, 2024.
Modest Mussorgsky: Where am I!? Between the partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1795) and Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, Sergei Korolev. Reflections after reading half of the book "Mussorgsky" (the author of the book - Sergei Fedyakin).
Person, who drowned in his own myth? Victor Hugo and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A super-short review of the book by Lyudmila Saraskina "Alexander Solzhenitsyn".
Prince Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov, great-grandson of an associate of Peter the Great. The ironic patriotism of the intelligentsia of Petrine epoch origin. A historical and biographical essay.
A scientific and technical civilization team, a feudal scientific and technical community, a scientific and technical prankers. A brief history of the Russial (Soviet) scientific and technical sphere.
The Bureya problem. The mountain of forecasts gave birth to a project worth 31 million rubles. The essay on the modern history of the Russial Far East.
In Russian, In English. Мини-интернет-выставка в честь 28 ноября 1941 года. Культурологический очерк. The Mini-Internet exhibition in honor of November 28, 1941. A culturological essay.
MMMDXL. The transformation of a panic attack into an interpersonal one - in the absence of a quality of resistance (with a mention of the examples of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi). A culturological and psychological essay. - September 15, 2024.
Ошибаются - многие,но ответить за свои ошибки способны не все..Выбирать-сложно,особенно когда требуют сделать это в ближайшее время.Внешность: не всегда соответствует душе...Но что бы понять это,нужно испытать все самому..
Писал давно, под эмоциональным воздействием...естесственно руки не долшли до того чтобы отшлифовать...Писал дважды, написал первую часть для одной знакомой...Затем написал продолжение, потому что не мог оставить как есть...Кто бы знал почему :)