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As You Sow You Shall Mow

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As You Sow You Shall Mow

   Everything we believe today about our world and our place within it is a pile of challenges. Leaving alone teddy-tender childhood and even some time after it, we must face the truth. And the truth is that we all are living our lives like Charles Darwin predicted we would. The life I am talking about is bleak, random, predatory, purposeless and solitary. And what is more dramatic is that we can barely change a thing. One thought, one destiny, they say. When you ever create a dogma for yourself, you start believing that, in a sense, you are destined for it and you hardly allow other ideas and dogmas to rub off on you. I do not have the right to judge as I am myself such a mixture of doubts and questions, but I know one thing clearly - You Become What You Think You Are. And this, apart from psychological and metaphysical basis in fact, is a new-wave scientific approach in the long quest to find out what we are and why we are here. And it's getting worse with every unknown question rising between us and the truth. The truth can never be united into one big common truth suitable for everybody. There always would be people who deny and people who accept. Even if you consider using the majority method, it is inevitable, and history has facts, that any stable and united fraction is only temporary stable and united. Eventually everything ends in a collapse. Citing the famous motto from The Matrix: Revolutions movie - `Everything that has the beginning, has the end'.
   It is not easy, if not to say hopeless, to attempt to unite thousand years of theological dissensions and philosophical bifurcations. However, I have to try my shot. Leaving alone wise phrases, explanations and uncertain answers on bleak questions, I believe that everything is subjective. This tenet lies in the deepest paradigms of the life. Since every human being is unique, that is to say differs from other people, and nevertheless every human being is interconnected with All and Every, interdependent and mutually destructive. Sometimes I am asking myself, stop, do you really think that all is that bad? There still blooming green pastures and forests, still life-enhancing air after rain, there are good people who help people in need and etc. Life is not a paradise, but these are not Dark or Middle ages either, we have democracy, elections and human rights protection. Of course, I am not naОve enough to consider modern life being hell on Earth. However I do consider the consequences of this terrifying tendency of modern world view of modern humanity that has emancipated from the blind ignorance of religious ecstasy of past years. Today modern human is half-human, half-cybernetic miracle, under the serial number. Cell phones, 3G, wireless equipment and many other gadgets ensured the making of a new step towards anarchy we were reading in sci-fi books of our youth. For instance, such a classy fantast - Herbert Wells in his notorious `War of the Worlds' has long predicted how the humanity would end in the end, but the aliens would simply be the robotized people. You must be laughing now. Well, in 1933 people were laughing too. And history became the tertius laudam (third laughing).
   So, the point is that we do have only 2 directions:
   1 - we continue to walk on the road of inevitable technical progress and in a matter of time we become so torn off from the natural spirit that in the end we end in total war;
   2 - miracle way, we return to our natural heritage and change our passions to preserve the natural order, opening new ways to cope with things we cannot think without today through the Field;
   Hmm, am I the only one here with this naОve faith in human's common sense and consciousness? Billions of people all around the world, these people who cannot think their lives without technological benefits, would certainly vote pro the second, if given them a chance to choose between first and second directions. So, what should we do to convince them? Why not a little disastrous war with billion of casualties and another billion of dead from wounds? Sounds like a plan. Or like a very stupid plan. The thing is - The easiest is not always the genius one.
   There is only one way to find it out. And it rests within what we, people, call `morality'. Have you ever thought of the importance of moral issue? Do we make things, decide or desire with reservation to morality or without one? Does morality endures forever or dies at the moment we betray its ideals?
   Questions. Questions. Questions. Where are you, answers? I know where you are hiding. Every seeking heart should and will find the answer within. This is our nature. This is our initial purpose - to seek anywhere but inside, to decide what life we want to see, what destiny we want to endure. But so unfortunately, we tend to listen to other people's truths and ideals and in our ignorant belief that other people know better and bigger truth - we remain blind and deaf, we remain under control and usurpation of false. We believe in other people because we a priori give ourselves up in our disbelief of our powers. We treat ourselves as weak people, who wear their hearts up on the sleeve and with every failure wallow in self-pity. Pathetic excuse for living the rest of our lives in shadow of other people's wills. I address you, who read me, please, Wake up, people! We have power to live in peace as well as to destroy ourselves. We create and we kill our creations. We are the great vessel of contradictions and wry ideals. We allow ourselves being deluded by regular Meaning-for-Masses. We are not a mass. We are a union of unique and beautiful people. We should stand up and shout out loud - We Are People, We Have Souls and Hearts, You Have No Right to Destroy Our Pursuit of Happiness. Stand up! Be Humans!...
   And on this perilous path you will not be alone. Morality is our compass, our manual that is written by the power of our souls and hearts. Good has many handsome and pretty faces. Every person meets its own standards of good, but there is no denial that Good makes all people, regardless of color, sex and faith, feel Good, while evil is always evil, it always makes us feel bad, feel lonely and painful. Stop! Pursue goodness, deny and defy evil impulses, use your inner compass of morality wise and with reservation to Greater Good for All Mankind.
   Wake up, people!
   We are not alone!
   Wake up...
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