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Nurnberg Trial N1

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    Еще один мини-сценарий написанный ко Дню Победы для англ. кафедры. Опять же, как дань воспоминанию...

Nuremberg Trials

Trials of the Major War Criminals




Active members

   War Criminals
Hermann Goering - Second-in-Command in Reich, Commander of Luftwaffe (penalty: death; committed suicide the night before the execution)
Alfred Rosenberg - racial theory ideologist (penalty: death)
Ernst Kaltenbrunner - Chief of RSHA, highest surviving SS-leader (penalty: death)
Joachim von Ribbentrop - Ambassador-Plenipotentiary
   (penalty: death)
   And many others...
   USSR - Major General Iona Nikitchenko
   USA - Francis Biddle
   UK - Colonel Sir Geoffrey Lawrence
   France - Professor Henri Donnedieu de Vabres
   Additional members
   Security - 2
  -- Table microphones - 4x
  -- Handle microphones - 3x (1 is for interpreters)
  -- Tables/chairs - 4/10 (2 chairs for interpreters)
  -- Table flags (USSR, USA, UK, France) - 4x
  -- Slides (pictures of terrors of the SWW)
  -- Music (piano + recording(s))
   Episode 1
   Narrator(s) announces what is coming next.
   Before a start somebody plays a piano.
   Suggested play: Bach's `Requiem'
   During the play, slides on big TVs slowly show the Nazi parades, celebrations and salutes mixing them with pictures of terror, death and destruction. (in total 5 min)
   Music ends. Slides end. The Trial starts.
   Each Judge gives introduction (in total approx. 10 min)
   First is British, then French, then Russian, and finishing with an American.
   Episode 2
   Russian Judge Major General Iona Nikitchenko, announcing joint decision, reads verdicts for:
   1 - A.Hitler (suicide), H.Hobbels (suicide), H.Himmler (suicide), M.Bormann (in absentia) and others from Suddeutsche Zeitung (attached)
   2 - H.Goering, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Kaltenbrunner and J. von Ribbentrop
   During the reading of verdicts slides show pictures of SWW. After reading each verdict for each criminal, Nikitchenko asks whether anybody has a reply.
   Only Alfred Rosenberg refuses to reply.
   In total approx. 3 min.
   Episode 3
   The Tribunal is dismissed. The last slide reads: `History Must Never Repeat Itself'

Episode 1

   Colonel Sir Geoffrey Lawrence:
   Today we gathered here to investigate the case of an unprecedented inhumanity, brutality and immorality ever conducted in the history of mankind. Today as the fog of war cleared away, gunfire ceased and enemy troops no more marching on the lands of Europe, Africa and the USSR, we still hear how mothers cry over their sons and daughters, wives cry over their beloved ones, and children, among the ruins, cry over dead parents and long-gone unconcerned childhood. Today we are going to witness facts how one nation in its blind fanaticism and lack of common sense dared to encroach upon states' sovereignty and free lives of other nations. The United Kingdom suffered hard from the perfidy of enemy Luftwaffe attacks on civil homes and monuments of our people. These coward attempts to break our will only multiplied tenfold our pursuit of revenge and ultimate justice. Sights of ruins and dead neighbors only strengthened and united our people. The consequences of criminal acts of the Nazis became echoes of pain and desertion that will remain loud and clear for a very long time into the future...
   There was a very old tradition practiced by our ancestors - to reward somebody according to his deeds - the talion law. It is time to remember our ancient legacy.
   Respected colleagues, allies, brethren-in-arms, let this Trial help us deliver justice and equal punishment for what was done. Thank you!
   Professor Henri Donnedieu de Vabres:
   Thank you, Sir Lawrence!
   France was one of the first victims of the Nazis' soulless destruction machine. It is sad to realize that the whole nation, government, army, almost everybody was corrupted by one controlled trance full of disrespect to sacred human lives and disregard of customs of law. Speaking of the latter, I would like to register how low the Nazi armed troops sank by violating the borders of my country without any official declaration of war. This is an obvious act of aggression and total ignorance of all principles of International Law, International Humanitarian Law, customs of law, honor and dignity. It was an unprecedented act in its nature. The Nazis burnt down entire cities, organized bloodthirsty massacres and pogroms, and showed no mercy to children, adolescents or elderly people. The range of Nazi's misdeeds is staggering. They could never stop on one thing. They built Jewish ghettos and concentration camps all around Europe and Soviet territories where the cruelest and lowest misdeeds took place. It is just approximately calculated numbers that 20 million POWs died there.
   The French nation was shattered and divided, but never driven off hope and determination. Though civilians became prisoners in their own homes and even were used as moving targets for immoral Nazi occupants, we survived. We fought back and today we demand justice and we will have it for the sake of France and whole mankind.
   A tout prix! (Любой ценой!)
   Major General Iona Nikitchenko:
   Thank you, Prof. Donnedieu!
   The Soviet people share the pain and concerns of all nations who suffered from Nazi's expansion and their inhumane methods. The USSR is also a victim of unprovoked aggression and violation of the International Law by the Nazi regime. On the night of August 31 to September 1, 1939, the Nazi Army assaulted the borders of my country without declaring war. They were driven by only one evil notion - to extinguish whole Slavonic nation from the face of the world and to make the rest of survived - the slaves of German landlords. Their racial ideology of division of people into two categories: lords and subhumans or slaves, is disgusting and degenerative in its origin. It can only lead to collapse and self-destruction. But this blind faith in righteousness of their doings gave the Nazis wrong idea of having carte blanche and right to determine our fates. There can be no excuse, no greater good, no redemption from horrors they bred. Under the uniform, under the skin, the Nazis proved to be mere animals and they cannot be trusted. Even today, even here, in the Palace of Justice, I anticipate from criminals only lies and self-justification instead of repentance and responsibility. You should know that approximately 40 million Soviet people were terminated in concentration camps or were killed in cold-blood in common grave. It is the highest number of casualties in the world history. As I speak, cities of my country are still on fire and people of my country still mourn for their sons and daughters. The world has never known such an obvious neglect of everything that civilization stands on. And this shameful fact shall remain an ugly scar on the face of the world history.
   Indelible. Eternal. Unforgivable.
   The USSR suffered the most. We demand the most justice. And we will get it.
   This is my auto de fИ.
   Francis Biddle:
   Thank you, Comrade Nikitchenko!
   The US has always been a neutral country. We always valued the security and prosperity of our people who voted against our intervention into War. And we were loyal to the decision of our people until a treacherous attempt to destabilize and humiliate our country was made. Pearl Harbor became the lowest demonstration of cowardice and adherence to mean methods. Two thousand deaths of our men became the last drop of patience of our people and we joined the noble goal of our allies to cleanse the Nazi infection from the face of the lands of free people.
   The D-Day, when 110 thousand of our men have landed on the beaches of Normandy without fear and doubt, became a turning point in the history of ending of the Nazi Empire. With us involved they had to open the Second Front that ensured their defeat in near future. Approximately one million of US soldiers died in this war. We are going to mourn this loss for a long time.
   Let this Trial become a commemorative booklet, a permanent reminder for the world of the terrors and consequences of the Nazi threat to liberty, self-determination and democracy. The burden of what happened to all people will forever scar the face of modern history as a warning to future generations.
   Future generations must know and remember the destructive potential of humans when united by one evil will. History becomes a silent guardian of values we set before humanity here and shall guide us to the world of better future.
   Let God help us all.
   Thank you!

Episode 2

   Nikitchenko reads the joint verdict:
   The indictments of the Tribunal are as following:
  -- For participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace;
  -- For planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace;
  -- For war crimes;
  -- Crimes against humanity;
   The Tribunal sentences (list of names from Suddeutsche Zeitung) to death by hanging.
   Nikitchenko: Hermann Goering, you have the right of the last word.
   H.Goering: What was done - was done for German nation. People shall remember us and carry our legacy through generations. Remember my words!
   Nikitchenko: Alfred Rosenberg?
   A.Rosenberg: No.
   Nikitchenko: Ernst Kaltenbrunner?
   E.Kaltenbrunner: I have loved my German people and my fatherland with a warm heart. I have done my duty by the laws of my people and I am sorry this time my people were led by men who were not soldiers and that crimes were committed of which I had no knowledge. Germany, good luck.
   Nikitchenko: Joachim von Ribbentrop?
   J. von Ribbentrop: Even with all I know, if in this cell Hitler should come to me and say 'Do this!', I would still do it.

Episode 3


The last slide reads: `History Must Never Repeat Itself'

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