Тимофеев Вячеслав Владимирович : другие произведения.

Aron Stepanyan 312

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Shelter for a night
  I was in Moscow, it was already late and I had to stay somewhere for a night. A night in a police cell
  didn"t suit me. I went to the Red Square and approached the Lenin"s Mausoleum. I entered it,
  carefully took him out, put close by and got into the coffin, then I put on blackout glasses and soon
  fell asleep. Morning came, it was raining outside. I came out into the square, raised the collar and
  went down into the subway.
  Solar wind
  This idea was suggested to me by Andrey: to construct a solar-powered train. We were to catch solar
  prominence from mica with a sail to make the train move. I was sitting in a train carriage, opposite
  me were sitting an elderly lady with her granddaughter, next to me was a young woman with
  headphones. We stopped at the platform and I left the train. I had so much working power and
  strength in me, that I understood that it was me who was that prominence.
  In the years of the Soviet Union my friend became a weirdo. He adjusted a number plate from an
  old Zaporozhets to his washing machine. I witnessed how he got interested in anatomy and climbed
  trees to check crow nests for jewelry and other things. A tall blond man dressed in all black.
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