Тимофеев Вячеслав Владимирович : другие произведения.

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  House of stone and fog
  After eating a hard boiled egg for breakfast, I went on reading the fresh London newspaper. A letter
  was brought to me. I opened the letter and started to read it, "We regret to tell you that your uncle
  Mr. Blackmoore passed away, we kindly ask you to come to settle some things". I started
  recollecting that uncle, he was from my mother"s side, I had only seen him three times. I put on an
  old three-piece suit, got a cab and went on.
  It was getting dark, the weather was gloomy, there was no sight of dawn. I got to the place and saw
  a windswept house there. The walls were made of stone, the windows barely let in the desired light.
  Out came a butler carrying a yellow lantern.
  "Please, sir", he said to me and we entered the house. "Old Mr. Blackmoore let every Tom, Dick and
  Harry into the house", he added.
  I looked around to see three street boys settled in a large room. One of them told that the Master
  used to pay them two pence a day. They were doing some housework: chopped wood, brought
  water and the like. Another dweller was an old flea dog, the late Mr. Blackmoore"s favourite pet.
  The butler and his wife, who was also a housekeeper, lived on the ground floor, Mr. Blackmore
  lived on the first.
  I left some money to the housekeeper and hurriedly went to London and then home.
  Juice and soft drinks
  When the country was living under the gold seal, the earth had rest from sowing every seven years.
  We were eating apples and honey from honeycombs.
  Me and an American were standing at an open space, the wind was blowing my hair and spreading
  the seeds of evil. I was wearing a cape and the American was dressed in a draped coat. We were
  I went too far and started looking for rat droppings in restaurants.
  Sugar chart
  Bachelors, impotents, monks - no more games.
  Passenger My face was like the sun. Radiating warmth. I was wearing a badge next to the solar plexus.
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