Стэнфорд Наталья : другие произведения.

Eyes of God

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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A ray of light, 
A single ray of bright light, 
Cut through the darkest sky. 
Highlighting trees and houses, 
It showed me the eyes of God. 

It took me a while to understand what I have seen; 
However, the image had been engraved in my memory, 
And I could never forget those eyes later. 
Kind and wise, they looked at me sympathetically, 
As if understanding my pain and fear; 
The inner strength and knowledge 
That they wanted to share. 
They gave me no tactile help, 
Just glanced at me and disappeared 
But his look stayed in my heart. 

Now I am walking through my life 
With an invisible blessing, 
And I have the power to change my life and cure my soul 
Because I have seen the eyes of God.

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